Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 193: I don't know the sinister heart

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Tan Mo's face turned white in shock: "Ah? Did they do it on purpose?"

Zhong Liusi's heart softened: "You are young, you don't know that people's hearts are sinister."

Facing Tan Mo, Zhong Liusi's mother's upper body was covered, and she lovingly touched Tan Mo's hair: "It's okay, we are here, and we won't let anyone bully you."

"Senior Sister Zhong, you are so kind." Tan Mo moved Zhong Liusi's arm.

Yu Jianan was on the other side of Tan Mo, her envious eyes were red: "And me, I'll protect you too!"

"Senior Sister Yu, you are so kind." Tan Mo immediately took the water.

The two introduced Tan Mo about their work here.

Yu Jianan said: "When you officially start, if there is anything you don't understand, feel free to ask us."

"The final exam is coming soon, and everyone doesn't have much time here recently." Zhong Liusi explained, "So you don't have to rush to start, just wait for the next semester to officially start."

"Understood." Tan Mo nodded.

"Yes, you are on Professor Gu's team, and you should be in a similar state recently." Yu Jianan remembered and said with a smile.

"Tan Mo, how are you familiar with?" Shen Jingyi came over and asked gently.

Just now Zhong Liusi talked about his attitude towards the game, and her voice was so loud that she could hear it clearly.

Zhong Liusi probably didn't tell her that on purpose.

"Very good, Senior Sister Zhong and Senior Sister Yu have explained it to me in great detail." Tan Mo was not on guard at all, and seemed to trust Shen Jingyi very much.

As if what Shen Jingyi said before, Tan Mo really didn't catch the implied meaning.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I know that Senior Sister Zhong and Senior Sister Yu are still here. But if they are not here, feel free to come to me." Shen Jingyi is like a gentle and intimate elder sister.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Shen." Tan Mo looked at Shen Jingyi with complete confidence and smiled innocently.

Yu Jianan: "..."

She has begun to wonder,

How to remind Tan Mo to be careful about Shen Jingyi in private, without making Tan Mo feel that she is trying to sow discord.

This is a little tricky.

She had already seen what kind of person Shen Jingyi was.

Zhong Liusi was still stupid and only felt that Shen Jingyi's words were uncomfortable.

But Zhong Liusi was also wrong.

She didn't like listening to Shen Jingyi talking, so she simply didn't talk to Shen Jingyi.

Ignore her and try to avoid interacting with her. Even if Shen Jingyi wants to deal with her, she has no chance.

Zhong Liusi only does things by intuition, and if you ask her why, she really can't tell.

But it happened to be the right way.

But to remind Tan Mo to stay away from Shen Jingyi, Zhong Liusi really couldn't think of it, so he could only rely on Yu Jianan.

Yu Jianan sighed silently, a little tired.


Wu Xiaoye came to the door of Professor Tang's office and knocked on the door.

I heard Professor Tang's voice inside: "Come in."

Wu Xiaoye then opened the door and entered.

Professor Tang still had a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and he was looking down and didn't know what he was writing.

At this time, I looked up and moved my reading glasses down a little in the direction of the tip of my nose.

He lowered his head, raised his eyes, and stepped out of the frame to see Wu Xiaoye.

"Professor, I have arranged Tan Mo with Zhong Liusi and Yu Jianan." Wu Xiaoye said.

Professor Tang nodded, Wu Xiaoye's work is still reliable.

Without his instructions, Wu Xiaoye can do it properly.

"Shen Jingyi..." Professor Tang put down the pen in his hand, took off his reading glasses, and muttered the name slowly, "You usually pay attention to it. See if she is like today, and there is nothing wrong with her speaking, but It’s just vaguely targeted.”

Wu Xiaoye hesitated for a moment, and asked unsurely, "Do you mean that she is targeting Tan Mo, or does it include other people?"

Professor Tang was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Wu Xiaoye meant.

He lowered his face: "You mean, Shen Jingyi has targeted other people like this before?"

Now that she has said it, Wu Xiaoye will not hide it: "Well, it is similar to the situation of talking about ink today. It is the same as what you just said, it is what she said, it sounds like nothing wrong, but after thinking about it, it is I can hear the meaning of the target in the words. But if she refuted her on the spot, she would say that she didn't mean it."

"Zhong Liusi and Yu Jianan have suffered such a loss. So they both can't communicate with Shen Jingyi at all, and they don't even talk to her." Obviously, we can't afford to provoke us.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Professor Tang was a little depressed.

Wu Xiaoye smiled bitterly: "How do you say this? Everyone has worked hard to get into your team. If you really say it, it will ruin someone's future. It's not authentic."

"You, you still don't know me well." Professor Tang pointed helplessly at the most proud student in front of him, "No matter how good she is, even if she is the first among you, but her character is not good, my team can't ask her she."

What's more, Shen Jingyi is not the first.

"Of course I can't ask everyone in the team to focus on research, not to get dirty, not to care about profits and losses." Professor Tang said, "But the bottom line is that you can't intrigue internally, fight your partners, and step on your partners to go up. Climbing. I don't want to turn my team into a smog. A place for intrigue. Let everyone do research impure. Scholar, after all, you have to be a scholar. "

Professor Tang stood up, looked out the window, and took a deep breath: "Now that the work is in the middle of the process, it is not appropriate to rashly kick people out. Although Shen Jingyi is busy, but at work, it is not wrong. In the research results , having her credit, but kicking her out when she is not finished, it is more likely that bad things will happen."

Professor Tang sighed dejectedly: "It would have been fine if she had been kicked out of the team two years ago, at the beginning of the research, before she had put in much effort, but now, it's too late."

At most, just for the next study, don't take her.

Professor Tang and Wu Xiaoye are both gentlemen.

Precisely because they are gentlemen, they want face, so they have more concerns.

Wu Xiaoye smiled helplessly: "In the beginning, everyone just formed a team, and they didn't know each other, so how could they know she was like this. After getting to know each other, it's a little late. And there's no reason, who dares to come and tell you? Instead, he made himself look like a villain who provoked himself behind his back."

Professor Tang hesitated for a moment and said angrily, "Then how dare you say it now?"

"Isn't this what you asked? It doesn't matter if you are talking about ink or something else, since you can see it yourself, I definitely don't need to worry about it." Wu Xiaoye said with a smile.

"I see." Professor Tang tapped his knuckles on the table unconsciously.

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