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The only two friends of the same age in Ming Yeqing were Tan Mo and Qin Muye.

After a while, Qin Muye came back with his mobile phone with a look of regret: "Aqing is at his grandmother's house now, so he can't come."

Qin Mufeng raised his eyebrows, feeling a little sour in his heart.

When my sister is older, she will lie to him.

Qin Muye just told Tan Mo to go to Ming Yeqing to play.

Obviously it is determined that Ming Yeqing is free today.

As a result, now, he asked Ming Yeqing to come to the house.

Qin Muye came back and explained that Ye Qing was not free.

I didn't expect this day to come so soon.

Qin Muye would lie to his brother for the sake of the wild boy outside.

Qin Mufeng's heart was instantly damaged.

Wei Zhiqian was in a better mood without Ming Ye Qing coming to be an eyesore.

He asked Tan Mo, "How long are you going to follow your brother to the Studio City?"

"It won't be a few days." When Tan Mo saw Wei Zhiqian hold a strawberry, she hurriedly said "ah" and opened her mouth wide.

Wei Zhiqian laughed, this is what he was going to feed this little girl.

She was fine, thought he wouldn't give it?

He opened his mouth early.

Wei Zhiqian fed the strawberry to Tan Mo's mouth.

The strawberries are particularly large, the red and bright colors are full, full and attractive, and the white part at the bottom has been cut off, leaving only the most delicious red part.

Rao is like this, and he can't hold it in one mouthful at all.

Tan Mo took a bite first.

It was only half of it, and her cheeks were puffed up.

See how she eats strawberries with puffed cheeks,

Much like a hamster.

Wei Zhiqian was not too tired, so he kept holding the half of the strawberry, waiting for Tan Mo to finish eating what was in his mouth.

The sweet taste of strawberries spread in the mouth, so delicious that Tan Mo squinted his eyes.

"I just went to see the working environment of eldest brother and the way he looked during filming." After Tan Mo ate the half strawberry, Wei Zhiqian held the remaining half to her mouth and fed it to Tan Mo.

"And the winter vacation is short. After the Spring Festival holiday, there are actually only a few days left." Tan Mo was eating strawberries, his cheeks bulging.

"Has the hotel been booked?" Wei Zhiqian asked, with another question in his eyes.

Without Wei Zhiqian's explanation, Tan Mo understood it, and pointed to King Qing Grape with a smile.

Wei Zhiqian saw that it was still a big project.

The flesh of this grape is rather crisp, not as soft as the Kyoho grape, but more like a raisin.

Therefore, peeling the skin is more troublesome.

Wei Zhiqian picked up a grape and carefully peeled it for Tan Mo.

"Just stay in the same hotel as eldest brother." Tan Mo said, looking at Wei Zhiqian's hand, waiting to be fed.

Wei Zhiqian finally peeled off the skin and didn't let Tan Mo touch his hands, so he fed it directly to her.

"Jinqi, how's the hotel where you stayed?" Wei Zhiqian turned to ask Jinqi, in the tone of an elder.

Talking about chess: "..."

Why do you really think of yourself as my uncle?

"The crew is divided into three hotels. The director, protagonist and special guests all live in a five-star hotel. Some actors live in a four-star hotel, and other crew members and some supporting actors live in another three-star hotel." Qi explained, "As an assistant director, I follow the director. I am responsible for connecting various affairs and communicating with the main actors. I can live in the five-star hotel with the director."

"In addition to the relationship with Director Hou, Director Liu also takes good care of me." Tan Jinqi explained, "So the hotel that gave me points is good. In this way, Momo and I live in a hotel, I can take care of me, and she Living will not be wronged.”

Tan Jinqi knew what Wei Zhiqian meant.

But as Tan Mo's eldest brother, he can't even care about this, and he still needs Wei Zhiqian to remind him?

Seeing that Wei Zhiqian was peeling grapes for Tan Mo again, Tan Jin, who was unwilling to lag behind, also picked up one and peeled it off to Tan Mo.

Tan Jinsheng and Tan Jinyi were already working hard when Tan Jinqi just spoke.

Wei Zhiqian was about to feed Tan Mo the second one when a small plate of peeled grapes suddenly appeared in front of him.

The green grapes are crystal clear and full of water, exuding sweetness.

Moreover, he also held a fork on a grape intimately.

Wei Zhiqian held the grapes right next to Tan Mo's mouth, and Tan Mo didn't care, he turned his head and looked over in surprise.

Seeing that Tan Jinqi was holding the plate, he said with a gentle smile, "This is what my brothers peeled off for you just now."

Tan Jinsheng and Tan Jinyi nodded and stretched out their hands, which were still stained with grape juice.

Tan Mo ate the grapes Wei Zhiqian fed her, and holding a fork, he forked one that his brothers peeled for her.

"Brothers are so nice!" Tan Mo forked a grape, "So sweet."

Qin Muye couldn't be envious, turned his head and looked at Qin Mufeng silently.

You have the energy to target Ming Yeqing, how come you don't know how to use it to peel the grapes for your sister?

Qin Mufeng: "..."

They have three brothers and one uncle, and they can peel off a plate of grapes in no time.

But you only have one brother!

Peeling a plate of grapes for one person is the same as peeling a plate of grapes for four people?

The workload of one person is very tiring!

Qin Muye let out a cool "Haha".

Qin Mufeng sighed, and resignedly asked Aunt Li to ask for a new plate. He picked up a grape and peeled the grape skin for his debt collector sister.

While peeling, he also condemned Qin Zhenglu and Dong Hanbi with his eyes.

Look at how hard Tan Wenci and his wife worked, they gave birth to three brothers for Tan Mo.

Why don't you know how many to give birth to?

Qin Zhenglu: "..."

Dong Hanbi: "..."

If it weren't for the guests, I really want to beat this kid.


The Spring Festival holiday is over with no one trying to stop it.

On the second day after the holiday, Tan Mo and Tan Jinqi flew to the Studio City together.

Tan Jinqi greeted Director Liu in advance and said that he would bring Tan Mo into the crew to see it.

Without waiting for Director Liu's instructions, Tan Mo took the initiative to ensure that he would never cause trouble for everyone.

It will not take pictures to spread the photos of the crew, the shapes of the actors and so on.

Seeing that Tan Mo was so well-behaved, Director Liu agreed.

So the next day, Tan Jinqi brought Tan Mo into the film and television city with the crew, to the area where their crew was filming.

Tan Jinqi first arranged Tan Mo in the lounge: "This is the script. If you are bored, you can watch and play."

Scripts are not meant to be casually shown to others.

But Tan Mo is no one else.

Moreover, Tan Jinqi knew that Tan Mo would not say anything casually.

In fact, Tan Mo is not very interested in anything other than his own family affairs.

She studied finance in order to be able to support her three older brothers.

I went to Professor Gu and Professor Tang to do research because of the requirements of the two old professors.

The things she was actively interested in, when she thought about it carefully, there really wasn't any.

Tan Mo is even less interested in casually speaking out the contents of the script.

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