"Full-Level Boss Dressed as a Cannon Fodder Female Supporting Novel ()" Find the latest chapter!

Today was the first time since these days that he was in such a relaxed mood and smiled so comfortably.

Even though Tan Mo was angry, he still couldn't help being happy.

Tan Mo jumped up again, but still couldn't catch it.

A little upset and irritable.

What's going on, uncle!

How did he become difficult for her everywhere?

He was no longer the uncle who loved her and didn't let her get angry at all!

Wei Zhiqian would not even allow others to make her angry.

Not to mention making her angry himself.

Wei Zhiqian would never do this kind of thing before.

Tan Mo was angry and wronged, and became more and more irritable.

As a result, when I fell down after jumping, my toes did not stabilize.

When the foot is tilted, the person falls to the left.

Originally, if Tan Mo didn't get angry with Wei Zhiqian, according to Tan Mo's habit, he would directly plant him in Wei Zhiqian's arms.

Because of his trust in Wei Zhiqian, he asked Wei Zhiqian to catch her.

But now, Tan Mo is angry.

The little face was puffed up, and my heart was blocked.

He would rather fall to the side and bump into himself, than let Wei Zhiqian catch her.

Wei Zhiqian had no choice but to wrap his arms around Tan Mo's waist and wrap her back in his arms.

Only then did I feel at ease in my heart.

At this time, how could he care about whether Tan Mo fit in his arms or not.

The important thing is to talk about ink without wrestling.

Thinking that the little girl would rather fall to the side than hide in his arms.

Wei Zhiqian felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Does the little girl no longer trust him?

While circling Tan Mo, the right hand holding Tan Mo's phone also fell down.

Tan Mo saw the right moment and reached out to grab it.

But Wei Zhiqian still reacted faster than her, and hurriedly put his right hand behind his back.

As long as she doesn't need to jump up, that's enough.

Tan Mo stretched out his arms, wrapped them around Wei Zhiqian's waist, and chased behind Wei Zhiqian with his hands.

Wei Zhiqian has broad shoulders and narrow waist, and has an excellent figure.

But as a man, he was stronger than Tan Mo no matter what.

In addition, Tan Mo was short, so short arms meant short arms.

Arms wrapped around half of Wei Zhiqian's waist, and the person pressed tightly into Wei Zhiqian's arms.

Wei Zhiqian's right hand was behind his back, and he only needed to move it a little in the opposite direction to reach Tan Mo.

Wei Zhiqian lowered his head, leaned closer to Tan Mo, and said with a light smile, "What's the hurry? It's not that I won't pay you back."

Who knows, Tan Mo just so coincidentally raised his head at this time.

Wei Zhiqian bowed his head, while Tan Mo looked up.

The movement of the two happened at the same time.

Neither of them expected that Tan Mo's lips would brush Wei Zhiqian's so dramatically.

When it was warm, soft, and slightly moist, it passed between Tan Mo's lips, Tan Mo was stunned.

The corner of Wei Zhiqian's lips also felt the same touch.

Although it is just like a dragonfly touching the water, like a flower brushing the water, it flies by lightly and hastily.

But the fragrance from Tan Mo's lips was still sent into Wei Zhiqian's mouth.

Faintly, it passed by in a flash, and when the fast Wei Zhiqian subconsciously caught it, there was only vagueness left.

I can only try my best to reminisce, and barely keep a little bit.

At this time, the fragrance of Tan Mo's hair was also carried by the breeze.

Wei Zhiqian couldn't help thinking, is the fragrance on the corner of her lips just now the same as the fragrance of her hair?

Or is there something different?

I really want to distinguish it carefully.

Tan Mo couldn't care less about his phone now, he was stunned.

When she realized that her lips brushed against the corner of Wei Zhiqian's mouth, she felt bad.

I just felt a "boom" in my head, and there was an explosion.

His face also flushed red.

Tan Mo's heels fell to the ground, and he stood stupidly, his eyes involuntarily fell on the corner of Wei Zhiqian's lips, staring straight at him.

Wei Zhiqian felt a little uncomfortable being watched by her.

There seemed to be a fire in his throat, and his Adam's apple slid up and down, but he couldn't suppress the fire.

"I... I didn't do it on purpose!" Tan Mo said quickly, she was extremely guilty.

I don't know if I have over-interpreted and made up too much.

I always felt that Wei Zhiqian's eyes were full of condemnation, as if he was blaming her for taking advantage of him.

Wei Zhiqian licked the corner of Wei Zhiqian's mouth when she rubbed it, and then suddenly stretched out the tip of his tongue to lick it.


Tan Mo had just recovered a little bit, and there was an explosion in his head, and his face was even redder than before.

Wei Zhiqian raised his hand again, and wiped the corner of his lips with his thumb.

Since just now, he has been staring at Tan Mo closely for all the actions he made, without even moving his gaze away for a second.

"I didn't do it on purpose either." Wei Zhiqian said in a low voice.

Hearing his hoarse voice, Tan Mo didn't know what was going on.

But this hoarse voice seemed to touch her heart directly like a string on a piano.

It made her feel as if there was a chord in her heart and moved accordingly.

The hot red on Tan Mo's face, instead of weakening, became more intense.

Wei Zhiqian took the initiative to hand the phone back to her: "Shouldn't you run away now?"

Tan Mo stopped talking, took the phone and didn't move it.

Just don't run away.

Wei Zhiqian put his arms around her shoulders, held her shoulders with a weak palm, and led her to the parking place, and first protected Tan Mo into the car.

Guess I went back to the driving position and sat in.

When he got into the car, Tan Mo was wearing his seat belt with his head depressed.

It was dim in the car, so I couldn't see her face clearly.

Wei Zhiqian didn't drive immediately: "Are you still angry with me?"

Tan Mo didn't know what was wrong with him, it seemed he couldn't hear Wei Zhiqian's voice.

As soon as I heard his voice, my heart was in a mess.

Hearing Wei Zhiqian's words, Tan Mo took a deep breath and said, "Are you afraid that I will cause damage, uncle?"

"What?" Rao Wei Zhiqian didn't react to these words.

Talking endlessly, what are you talking about?

"My uncle went on a blind date. It's not a bad thing. Why did you keep it from me?" Tan Mo said, the confusion in his heart was suppressed a little by his anger.

"Could it be that in my uncle's eyes, I'm such a willful and arrogant person? I didn't know, but my uncle has always seen me like this. I'm actually a willful and annoying person." Tan Mo felt wronged road.

Hearing her aggrieved voice, Wei Zhiqian's heart was twisted together, he just wanted to hold the little girl on his lap, into his arms, hug and coax her well, so as not to make her angry and sad again.

But thinking of the accident just now, although the little girl is questioning her mouth now, her body is still tense, obviously she hasn't come out of the embarrassment just now.

Wei Zhiqian restrained this thought at least, and sat on the side, anxious in his heart, "Why do you think so?"

"Then what is uncle doing without telling me? A blind date is not something shameful. Even if it's not a blind date, my uncle will get married sooner or later. I know all of this."

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