Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 719: Where did you find so many people in Tanjinqi!

The customers who can buy them not only have sufficient financial resources and status in Huaguo, but even more are world-class wealthy families.

As far as I know, there are several paintings that were taken away by the president of the Lasfilo family, Gerd Lasfilo, and the president of the LAMH Group, Jean Versaille Laurent Mochan.

I don't know which clients Dong Yan really wants to find.

"I'll get in touch right away, just wait a moment, other people will be able to post on Weibo in an hour or two at the latest, don't worry." Dong Yan was really afraid that he would cry again in a hurry, so he agreed in advance , "Especially for some clients abroad, they still need translation. Coupled with the reason of identity, public release needs to be carefully worded, so it will be slower."

Talking about it: "..."

Dong Yan was really looking for such a big guy, he was a little flustered.

However, Tan Jinyi nodded happily, "Okay, I'm not in a hurry!"

Dong Yan said sincerely, why not cry?

After hanging up the phone, Tan Jinyi gave a thumbs up, "I've got it done here too."

After speaking, he went to wipe his tears.

Everyone: "..."

Tan Jinqi was the first to call, and he was naturally looking for Hou Yuehai and Liu Runlin.

The two hung up the phone, posted on Weibo, and then went to find the director and artist they knew well.

The faces of the two directors are much better than Guo Qingchen.

The two are filming real dramas, which is different from Guo Qingchen's focus on idol dramas.

Many actors actually want to transform.

Especially as I get older, I am no longer suitable to play roles such as boys and girls, presidents and Cinderella in idol dramas.

The best way to seek transformation is to take over dramas and dramas about life.

How could they not give these two directors face?

Guo Qingchen just said in the group that it doesn't matter.

Staff B then said: "Sun Yiwu, Ji Cheng, Wu Mosen, Director Guo, Director Lin, Director Zhao, Director Zhang, Director Huang..."

Staff B mentioned a series of directors, "Also Yan Zhiqing, Xu Feifei, Xu Miaotong, Cao Jingchen, Zhang Shuidong, Gao Zishan, Zhang Jian, Liu Chuanhui, Chen Zeqing, Gu Fei, Dong Liyou, Jiang Guang, Hu Jingwen, Shen Xijun, Joni , Dong Qinrong, and..."

Staff B read a long section of names again.

Different from their water-filled half of the film and television circles, this time they read the list, and they are really half of the film and television circles.

And the real thing inside is the first-line and super-first-line.

There are several international ones.

There are also several top directors in China, as well as the world-class director Wu Mosen.

People outside the front line are mixed in here, and they are very embarrassed!

"These people have all sent Weibo to promote "Broken Continent." Staff B said softly.

This time, Guo Qingchen was completely restless.

These people are more than he and all the actors of "Nine Heavens" put together, and they are all more famous!

Even the most important TV and film awards in China cannot gather so many people!

How could Guo Qingchen be in the mood to ask someone out to play now?

His fingers were trembling with anger, and he clicked on Weibo to read.

Hot search No. 3: The strongest publicity lineup in the history of Broken Continent.

"Where did you find so many people in Tanjinqi!" Guo Qingchen said angrily.

Even if there are connections between Hou Yuehai and Liu Runlin.

But the connections between the two really can't reach the top-tier or even international-level places in the film industry.

What he didn't know was that Lu Mann was looking for these people.

These people had an excellent relationship with Lu Mann.

Lu Man made a few phone calls, and these people readily helped.

Netizens also don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

""Broken Continent" is breaking with "Nine Heavens"!"

"These two dramas are both produced by Kefeng, and they are both aired at the same time. Even the themes collide. Who arranged the airing time? It's obviously a matter of trouble!"

"I don't know if it's the enmity with "Broken Continent" or "Nine Heavens"."

"I thought I had a grudge against "Broken Continent", but after watching the operations of "Broken Continent" and "Nine Heavens" for two days,

Whenever I feel that the publicity of "Nine Heavens" is awesome, "Broken Continent" can always show me a new height. Now I feel that the one who made the schedule probably has an enmity with "Nine Heavens". "

"Hey, let's not talk about anything else. Yesterday's "Broken Continent" crushed "Nine Heavens", and today the stars who promoted "Broken Continent" crushed "Nine Heavens" no matter in terms of popularity or number."

"I thought that "Broken Continent" was a little transparent, and the popularity was all in "Nine Heavens". I didn't expect that the clown was actually myself."

"Wu Mosen! I don't know who can invite him. There is something in "Broken Continent"."

"Don't forget, there are also Dong Qinrong, Gao Zishan, Qiao Ni, Cao Jingchen, none of them can be hired by "Nine Heavens"."

"The celebrities who reposted the promotion of "Nine Heavens" on Weibo also reposted the promotion of "Broken Continent"."

"That's natural. Just for these promotional lineups, do other people think they have a big face or something? How dare you not promote it?"

"In the beginning, it seemed that Hou Yuehai and Liu Runlin forwarded the propaganda first."

"I remember that the director of "Broken Continent" seems to be Hou Yuehai's apprentice, and he also served as Liu Runlin's assistant director. From this point of view, these two really like to talk all kinds of chess."

"These two directors speak, even if Gao Zishan's level cannot be hired, no one in the TV drama circle dares to lose face."

"I'm still curious as to who invited Wu Mosen and Gao Zishan."

"Such a scene, even when Li Mingren's movie was released, did not have such a big battle."

Although Li Mingren is not as well-known internationally as Wu Mosen, he is second to none in the Chinese film industry.

The number of works is small, and after ten years of hard work, every time a film comes out, it is sought after by people.

The top domestic movie actors are all proud to have starred in his movies.

Even if I only play a small role in it, I am willing.

For a director with such a status, when the film is released and promoted, many stars will naturally help promote it.

After the film was released, the audience's response was mediocre, and even when word-of-mouth was average, there were still many stars who insisted that the film was very good.

But even the grand occasion at that time was far inferior to the people who promoted "Broken Continent" this time.

Guo Qingchen looked at the long list of promotions for "Broken Continent".

Many people have just promoted "Nine Heavens".

Is this to please both ends?

Still didn't take Guo Qingchen seriously!

I just promoted "Nine Heavens", and then turned around to promote "Broken Continent"!

What annoyed him the most was that even the actors in "Nine Heavens", including Gao Qiongyu and Li Hanfei, naturally including the second male and second female, also promoted "Broken Continent"!

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