"But after we started watching it, we only watched it because we thought it looked good." Xu Mingzhen said, "I'm not too young with your dad, we all think it looks good, although it can't represent all of our age group, But it always attracts some people.”

"Anyway, if you can reach the stars, the audience will be larger." Tan Mo nodded with a smile, "The passerby will also be higher."

"You came back in time, and Jinqi just received a call from Mr. Xu, and you came back not long after." Xu Mingzhen said to Tan Mo, "I didn't have time to ask just now, what did Mr. Xu say? Ke Feng Which one do you plan to sell to?"

Tan Jinqi said: "The rankings of these four TV stations are similar, and no one is more prominent. It depends on how they want to broadcast. Whether to buy exclusive rights to broadcast, or accept simulcast."

"If it's a solo broadcast, the one with the highest price will definitely get it. If it's a simulcast, it's easy to talk about. If you are interested and can accept the price, you can pay together, or pay the same money, and just broadcast together."

"What Mr. Xu means is to wait for the overtime to end." Tan Jinqi said, "Even if we say it conservatively, the overtime income is not too much, but it does not affect the reputation and performance of "Broken Continent". But if the overtime The income is high enough, and the price can be raised even more.”

"Xu is always professional, and we won't think too much about it if we leave it to him." Xu Mingzhen nodded.

Anyway, it's more about investing.

At that time, you will earn more, and the more you talk, the more you will share.

There is also a share in the contract signed by Tanjinqi. If you earn more, you will get more from Tanjinqi.

"One more thing." Tan Jinsheng rarely showed embarrassment, and raised his hand.

Everyone looked over in unison.

Tan Jinsheng said: "The "Singing" program of Xingketai, ask me to kick the hall."

The "Singing Voice" program of Xingke TV is very popular.

Although it is now broadcast to the third season, it is not as amazing and popular as the first season.

But it is still the number one singing variety show.

It was aired on Friday night, competing with other reality show variety shows at the same time, and the ratings were not bad at all.

It even still beats other variety shows at the same time, ranking first.

To know,

The variety shows that can be broadcast on Friday nights are the ace variety shows of the TV station.

Especially the reality show variety shows where popular artists are guests, such as Donghua TV's ace variety show "Can't Catch Me", and Xingyao TV's ace variety show "Sleeping on the Street", are extremely popular. Many popular artists If you take the initiative to contact the program group, you need to queue up to be a guest of the program.

The two variety shows have persisted for many years, and "Sleeping on the Street" was launched to compete with the target "Can't Catch Me".

Therefore, the two variety shows are new variety shows launched in the same year, and they are both scheduled to be launched in the summer vacation on the same day.

It even airs at the same time on Friday night at 9 o'clock.

It can be said to be an old opponent.

Now that they have launched six seasons, the audience is still enthusiastic.

Although "Singing Voice" can't be considered to be completely in the same period as them, it was only launched when the two variety shows were broadcast most of the time.

But it can stand out from the siege in the two variety shows and become a tripartite confrontation.

In the ratings ranking every Friday, the three variety shows rotate in the top three, and you can see the popularity of "Song".

"Singing Voice" does not only invite popular singers, on the contrary, it will find many singers who are no longer famous but have great singing skills.

Those who are not good at singing will be ridiculed by netizens for being overconfident even if they are on this show.

And many singers who are no longer famous have also become popular again with the show.

The program group was able to invite Tan Jinsheng, which really surprised the Tan family, but after thinking about it, I felt that it was indeed reasonable.

Tan Jinsheng is not well-known, but he has just become familiar to people through a series of songs in "Broken Continent". It is the time when his popularity rises and he can be called by his name, but his face does not match his name.

When it comes to Tan Jinsheng, many people may be a little confused and can't remember who it is.

When "Mountain and River" is mentioned, some people will be confused and want to say what kind of song it is.

But once the melody of the song is remembered, people will suddenly realize it again.

It turned out to be this one!

Then, the melody and the title of the song are matched, and the singer is also matched with the song.

Thinking about it this way, Tan Jinsheng is in line with the criteria for hiring people for the "Song" program.

With a certain reputation, many audiences will know about the song, but the singer himself is not well known by the public.

By appearing on the "Singing Voice" program, there is a high probability that it will become famous in one fell swoop.

Not only has it fulfilled the reputation of the singer, but it can further prove the power of the program "Singing Voice". As long as the singer has the strength, he can make unknown singers popular.

To say who has the biggest advantage?

Naturally, it is the program group itself.

But it is good to talk as much as you can.

"It's a good thing." Tan Jinqi nodded, "What do you think?"

"Brother thinks it's good, and I don't have a problem." Tan Jinsheng scratched his head, "I was still thinking about it, and I asked the teacher. The teacher also thinks it's good, so I can try it. It's okay even if I don't succeed. , as long as I sing well and have strength, everyone will definitely remember me."

"However..." Tan Jinsheng said a little strangely, "I think the teacher's statement is a bit strange. Since I sing well, have strength, and can be remembered by everyone, how can I fail to kick the hall?"

Except for the talk, everyone else was silent.

Tan Jinsheng is the same as Tan Jinyi. Up to now, they still follow their respective teachers, and they are very well protected by the teachers.

It may be the relationship between their two teachers who are now older and doting on the youngest student.

He Haoyan has always had a good temper. When he was young, he raised Dong Yanzhen like a child.

As he gets older, he receives a young apprentice who has a better temper than when Dong Yanzhen was raised at the beginning.

Otherwise, you can't just go to the Nobel laureate Ji Qinghe just because of a word of talk.

When Liu Shengtai was young, his temper was not very good.

Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi, and Lu Xiangchen, these three apprentices are very personal characters.

Speaking of Ji Jiayi, Tan Mo remembered something.

She didn't pay much attention to the singer circle, and she knew about Lu Xiangchen because Lu Xiangchen was so famous.

For the rock circle, it is even more unfamiliar.

When she heard Ji Jiayi's name before, she felt familiar, and wondered why she felt it familiar.

She didn't follow the rock scene either.

It suddenly occurred to me at this moment.

It turned out that it had the same name as Ji Jiayi from Huada Department of Mathematics.

No wonder it sounded familiar to her.

Speaking of Liu Shengtai, the three apprentices are very temperamental.

As long as it involves professional matters, there will be absolutely no ambiguity.

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