Wei Zhiqian: "..."

After finally coaxing the first uncle, is he still disgusted by the second uncle?

Tan Jinshen scratched his head and explained: "If you go there, the program team will have no other ideas. Maybe they can just praise me for the championship. Even if it is not the championship, maybe I will Give me a second."

"I went to participate in the singing competition because I wanted to be promoted based on my ability. If I am eliminated, it is because I am not capable." Tan Jinsheng frowned slightly, "But if it is because of someone else's relationship, arrange for me to be promoted or eliminated. will not participate."

Everyone looked at him in amazement, and laughed out loud, "Do you really think I'm stupid?"

"Just now..." Tan Jinsheng glanced at Wei Zhiqian, twitched the tip of his tongue in his mouth, and said, "My brother-in-law has already talked to that extent, can I still understand?"

"Nowadays, it's no secret that various reality shows have scripts. I'm afraid there will be "The Voice of Songs". Low, for red faces and non-red faces, I'm afraid they just want to use me to catch the popularity of "Broken Continent"."

"Anyway, I'll check the situation tomorrow first." Tan Jinsheng said, "Let's adapt accordingly."

"It's fine if brother Zhiqian doesn't go, but brother and I must go." Tan Mo said, "Don't worry, the program crew of Xingke TV won't sell big brother's face."

Talking about chess: "..."

Although it is true, it still hurts to say so.

"Although "Broken Continent" is popular, it is still within the range of online dramas, and it is the first drama of my brother. It is hard to say what will happen in the future. As an old-fashioned platform, Xingketai has always been used to being defiant. People in the circle can The ones they look up to are all within a certain range. The elder brother has not yet entered that range." Tan Mo said, "I wrote the script of "Wei Jin Biography", didn't I gain some fame? But what can I do? What about it? Don’t many people still think that I only succeeded in one film, which doesn’t explain anything? Should I be underestimated or be underestimated.”

In the same way, when it comes to Tanjinqi, the situation will not be much better.

Tan Jinqi was hurting, and Tan Jinsheng, the unlucky brother, actually nodded in agreement seriously, "I think so too."

Talking about chess: "..."

"Then it's settled." Tan Mo happily clapped his hands.

"I heard,

Recently, Kefeng also intends to develop a singing variety show. "Wei Zhiqian said, "And I want to cooperate with the TV station. Recently, I'm negotiating with Donghua TV and Kumquat TV. Let's see with whom the negotiation goes smoothly. "

"If "Song" fails, we can wait for Kefeng." Wei Zhiqian said.

"Is this Ke Kefeng's family picking wool?" Tan Jinyi said subconsciously.

Wei Zhiqian: "..."

"How can it be called pulling wool? It's because Jinqi and Jinsheng have this ability, and it's a win-win relationship with Kefeng. How successful do you think "Broken Continent" is?" Wei Zhiqian said with a smile, with a righteous look on his face, as if his The behavior has absolutely nothing to do with going through the back door.

"What kind of singing program do you want?" Tan Mo asked curiously.

"It's still under planning, and there is no conclusion yet. In short, I want to compete with "Singing"." Wei Zhiqian said, "We can't let "Singing" dominate. And Donghua Taiwan and Kumquat TV have also watched it earlier. Xingketai is not pleasing to the eye. It depends on these two, which one is more inclusive and can give Kefeng more autonomy."

With Wei Zhiqian's words, knowing that Kefeng also has plans here, it can be regarded as a guarantee for Tan Jinsheng.

Tan Jinsheng didn't think it was so rare to be invited by the "Singing" program group.

Tan Jinsheng knew it, thanks to the Tan family behind him, the help of Wei Zhiqian, and the support of his teacher and three senior brothers.

That's why he didn't take the "Song" program group seriously.

Of course he was happy to be invited.

Because it is an affirmation of him.

But he has the confidence not to participate if he says he will not participate.

But without these supports, he would be alone.

If the "Singing Voice" program group is really like what Wei Zhiqian said, without the support of so many people behind him, he will definitely suffer from this dumbness and agree to it.

In any case, you have to have a chance to show your face first, before you can make any further pictures.

But it is precisely because of the many supports behind him that he has the opportunity to choose and be proud.

"Okay." Tan Jinsheng agreed.

After eating, everyone gathered in the audio-visual room.

Originally Tanjia was not so particular about it, and he watched TV in the living room.

If the TV station doesn't broadcast it, I use my mobile phone or tablet to watch it.

Mainly because I am busy with dictionaries.

Tan Mo also doesn't go home every day.

The three brothers are also busy in their own way.

Only Xu Mingzhen loves to watch some movies and TV dramas.

But now Tan Jinqi has officially started directing the play.

Thinking about Tan Wenci, there will definitely be more and more works that talk about playing chess in the future.

And talk all the time, sooner or later it will be on stage and on TV.

So, I decided to change one of the guest rooms in the house into an audio-visual room.

It cost tens of thousands of dollars to buy a curtain and a projector.

I bought audio equipment separately.

Just to get the best sound quality when watching TV dramas and listening to songs.

The walls are also soundproofed, just like a theater.

No matter how loud the sound is, as long as the door is closed, it will not be transmitted. It is better to gather the sound in the audio-visual room.

It is also convenient for the whole family to watch together.

Aunt Guo cut the fruit plate, Xu Mingzhen and Tan Mo each came back with a basket of wine.

The three Tan family brothers each brought two plates of various snacks.

There are spicy duck necks, spicy duck wings, spicy duck feet that Aunt Guo just marinated in the afternoon, and Sichuan pepper chicken feet that are soft and glutinous.

There are also mochi, white jade rolls and small puffs from the dessert shop that Xu Mingzhen asked to buy.

There are also dried meat, prunes, potato chips and French fries of various flavors delivered by the supermarket.

Who made it possible to watch 4 episodes in one go today?

Of course, you have to watch while eating, it’s a lot of fun.

Tan Wenci took the remote control and turned on the projector.

Take the tablet to enter Kefeng Video again, refresh it, just in time to see the update of "Broken Continent".

Tan Wenci bought all the remaining episodes and cast them on the projector.

Watching four episodes in one go, "Broken Continent" has an episode of about an hour, excluding the beginning and end credits, it also takes an hour.

After reading it, it was just over 12 o'clock.

It's so late, they let Tan Mo live here, don't leave.

Although everyone in the Tan family knew well, Tan Mo must be living with Wei Zhiqian.

But they just didn't say anything, and even pretended not to know: "You go back so late, the dormitory is closed, so you can stay at home tonight."

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