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"It's obvious." Shi Shulei said, "Where is Tan Jinsheng? What's the situation?"

"I'm going to ask, but Ge Guangzhen shouldn't be able to pull away the guests of Tan Jinsheng." After all, there is Wei Zhiqian and Tan Jinqi.

Shi Shulei nodded, he also felt the same way, "You can ask in my office, I just want to listen to the situation."

"Okay." Zhang Zhisheng turned on the speakerphone and called Tan Jinsheng.

"Deputy Director Zhang." Tan Jinsheng answered the phone and called out first.

Zhang Zhisheng likes the way of answering the phone like Tan Jinsheng, which gives him a feeling of being valued.

The first thing you hear isn't "Hi, hello."

The first thing I heard was the address of the other party, and the distance between me and the other party was shortened unconsciously.

"Jinsheng." After so many periods of getting along, Zhang Zhisheng and Tan Jinsheng are also familiar.

The address has long since changed from the initial "Tan teacher" to the current "Jinsheng".

Familiar and kind.

"Shi Dao is here too." Zhang Zhisheng said to Tan Jinsheng, "Because something happened here, Shi Dao wanted to know the latest tension as soon as possible, so we called you together."

"What happened?" Tan Jinsheng was surprised, "Did the show encounter difficulties?"

I haven't heard of it.

Tan Yue, as the title sponsor of "I Sing", can grasp the first-hand information.

If anything goes wrong, the program team is obliged to report to Tan Yue.

The program team should solve it as soon as possible, but also let Tan Yue know the first-hand information at any time.

"It's not that serious, don't be nervous." Zhang Zhisheng said with a smile, "Aren't we going to record the final night soon? I don't know if it's a coincidence or intentional for "Singing", they will also record the final night, at the same time as our show The broadcast also ends at the same time."

Don't be in a hurry to talk.

With the current results of "I Sing\

,"Not afraid to end at the same time as "Singing".

Therefore, the situation must have nothing to do with this.

"Our decisive battle night, including you, there are four guests in total." Zhang Zhisheng said, "For the other three guests, the friends they first invited to perform with them have been agreed a long time ago, and the other party also agreed. But they were all invited away by "The Voice" with a lot of money, so the three guests had to find other people for help temporarily. It's just that the recording is approaching, and there are not many artists in the schedule, and there are not many people they can choose, so It’s not as good as inviting friends at the beginning who are suitable in every way.”

"What do you mean, "The Voice of Songs" also invites non-participants to perform? Could it be that it is similar to our program?"

Zhang Zhisheng especially likes to communicate with Tan.

Because every time you talk about it, you can get it right.

He doesn't need to say anything more, he can pass the existing clues and make guesses after talking.

"That's right." Zhang Zhisheng nodded, "Not only are they similar to the format of the last episode of our show, they even invited more singers to simply perform. For "Singing" on the final night, there is only one name left. Yes. The actual content has nothing to do with the final battle night. It's more like a New Year's Eve party."

"Of course, they still have to decide a champion. But more time is spent on guest performances." Zhang Zhisheng explained, "This means that they invite a lot of singers."

"I'm worried that there will be some accidents on your side?" Zhang Zhisheng said, "Speaking of which, you haven't told us which guests you plan to invite. Are you sure now?"

"I'm sure." Tan Jinsheng said, "It's just that he hasn't had time to come back recently. He is out of town. It may not be convenient to discuss the contract in detail. He is also very busy, so I didn't tell you. However, He'll definitely be there."

"Who did you invite?" Zhang Zhisheng listened, why is he so unreliable?

The other party is so busy, can you really come back on time?

"Lu Xiangchen." Tan Jin said in a loud voice.


Even Shi Shulei asked out loud in shock.

With Zhang Zhisheng in unison.

Zhang Zhisheng even buckled his ears.

Did he hear correctly?

Lu Xiangchen?

Or did he hear it wrong?

Zhang Zhisheng subconsciously looked at Shi Shulei, wanting to ask who Shi Shulei heard.

"Lu Xiangchen, my senior brother." Tan Jin said in a loud voice.

I thought that Zhang Zhisheng and Shi Shulei were not very old, and their hearing had always been pretty good. Why did they suddenly seem to have lost their hearing?

"Wait a while." Shi Shulei couldn't wait for Zhang Zhisheng to confirm, so he said directly, "Jinsheng, you mean, Tianwang Lu Xiangchen?"

"Yes." Tan Jin nodded, "It's really him."

Why don't these two people believe it?

"Isn't he busy with touring recently?" Shi Shulei asked.

The concerts of other singers are either afraid to hold in big stadiums, because they can't sell so many tickets, and the stadium is too big, and it takes a lot of money to set up, which is difficult for ordinary singers to bear.

It is acceptable, but the tickets are easy to buy.

There are even many companies and units that will distribute free concert tickets to their employees.

Some of the tickets will be used as gift tickets for activities in shopping malls and other commercial places.

Only Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen are the few singers who are hard to find.

Tickets for the concert of these three people were released within seconds.

What I worry about is not the problem of tickets not being sold, but the problem of whether the Internet speed is good or not.

Even 588 votes can be fired by scalpers to add another thousand.

988 tickets can only be bought for about 3,000.

The ticket for 1888 in the front row is even more outrageous.

You can buy it for around 5,000.

In this way, the tickets in the hands of scalpers are still not worried about selling.

And the quality of the trio's concert is indeed high.

The venue is large, the equipment is good, and the special effects on site are also very advanced.

Lu Xiangchen would personally check the arrangement of the concert, constantly auditioning the sound and sound effects on the spot.

One week in advance, I will be busy preparing for the concert from morning till night.

The rest of the time is spent discussing with colleagues in the studio about holding the concert, choosing the repertoire for the concert, and so on.

That's a lot of work.

Lu Xiangchen's concert is so busy, is he really free to come back and be a guest of Tan Jinsheng?

"Yes." Tan Jin nodded, "But because it's my business, no matter how busy he is, he will rush back."

Shi Shulei thought of the "senior brother" that he said just now.

With a trembling mouth, he asked, "You just said that Lu Xiangchen is your senior brother?"

"Well, he is my third senior brother." Tan Jinsheng said.

"Your teacher is Liu Shengtai?" Shi Shulei knew that he asked a particularly idiotic question, but he couldn't help it.

"Yes." Tan Jinsheng replied patiently, "I am the teacher's young apprentice, and there are only four of us now."

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