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Even if other guests can invite a few more people to come, but can they beat the combination of Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen?

Obviously not.

But another villain said that with such a luxurious combination, it would definitely be able to overwhelm "Song" on the night of the decisive battle.

Didn't Ge Guangzhen go all out?

Desperately inviting so many singers, he developed the final night into a party.

It must have cost a lot of money, and Ge Guangzhen must have endured tremendous pressure to get Taili to agree to him doing this.

But once Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen came to their show, "Song" had no hope of counterattacking at all.

Not to mention being able to overwhelm "Singing" in one fell swoop, 99% of "Singing" will not have a next season.

Ge Guangzhen could no longer be arrogant.

Think about it, Ge Guangzhen went all out to make the decisive battle night so grand, but the result was in vain.

I thought I could catch up with "I Sing" in the last issue, but I was still crushed by "I Sing".

How hopeless it must be.

When Shi Shulei thought of this beautiful picture, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

But just after laughing a few times, Shi Shulei quickly stopped talking.


This is a little too much.

It's really bullying.

"Well, let me think about it." Shi Shulei felt that the main thing he had to think about was how to withstand such a temptation.

"Okay." The conversation was exhausted.

After Shi Shulei hung up the phone, Zhang Zhisheng couldn't wait to ask: "Director, shall we agree?"

"That's Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen! What kind of program can invite the three of them at the same time, and they are on the same stage!" Zhang Zhisheng was not calm,

"If the three of them are invited, we will become gods in this episode of Battle Night!"

"I also know, but the other guests..." Shi Shulei hesitated.

"Director." Zhang Zhisheng said, "Think about it, even if there is only one Lu Xiangchenlai, can the other guests win? Even if there are only four guests in the competition on the final night of the final battle, can they win? ?”

"Tan Jinsheng has accumulated a lot of popularity since the show began to air. Moreover, he is the guest who has attracted the most fans in our show. He has won the first episode all the way to the present. The first episode must have Talking about the relationship between Yue and Yue, but in the future, it will be purely based on strength and popularity. Therefore, no matter whether there are guests who help or not, the possibility of talking first is still very high."

"The other guests are just competing for the second, third and fourth places. If that's the case, why did we invite Liu Jingshen and Ji Jiayi? Anyway, it has no effect on the result." Zhang Zhisheng said, "As for whether netizens will So he doesn't mind talking all the time is better than fighting, so what do you mind?"

"Besides, as he said, let's change the rules a little bit to allow guests to invite less than five people to help guests, so that there is no trouble of winning with more." Zhang Zhisheng added, "Now we suddenly change the rules and ask guests to find other people." , It’s indeed a bit difficult for others. If it’s not possible, we can also help the guests find it.”

"Since Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi, and Lu Xiangchen are all here, we have to find some decent guests, not casually." Zhang Zhisheng said while thinking, "We must find good ones for the other three guests. Let them suffer, and invite guests who the three of them cannot invite, so it would be the best."

"Besides, with Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen here, I think there will be more people willing to come." Zhang Zhisheng said.

The heavenly kings are here, so I will definitely not lose my price if I attend the same party with Lu Tianwang!

Just move the schedule and it will be done.

Shi Shulei raised his eyelids, looked at Zhang Zhisheng, curled his lips and said, "You think well."

Zhang Zhisheng hesitated, and quickly said: "I'm just talking about my own thoughts, and the final decision is of course you as the director. And my ideas are not mature, and I haven't made a reasonable plan. I just say what comes to mind. There are some things that are wrong. , you have to teach me."

Fortunately, Shi Shulei is not a narrow-minded person, he is very able to listen to other people's opinions.

Regarding the right things said by the other party, he will not blindly deny them because of his own face.

"Okay." Shi Shulei said, "What you said makes sense, so let's do as you said."

"You go back and write me a formal written plan in detail, and then ask Liu Jingfu to study together. Also, you should also make a list of the invited guests." Shi Shulei said, " Our show has done well, so we can apply for funds from the company to remunerate the guests, and it should be fine."

"Okay!" Zhang Zhisheng nodded excitedly, and hurriedly made plans.

Shi Shulei was afraid that the time would be too long, and Liu Jingshen and Ji Jiayi thought they would not be able to make it to the show, so they arranged other jobs.

Therefore, Shi Shulei immediately called Tan Jinsheng back, "Jinsheng, I have carefully considered and discussed your proposal just now, and I think it is feasible."

"Hurry up and talk to your two senior brothers, don't let them arrange the work, but our side is ready, but your two senior brothers can't come to participate." Shi Shulei said, "After you confirm with them, I will contact them immediately."

"Okay." After talking, he also felt that this matter should be done as soon as possible.

It's not that I'm worried that the two brothers have arranged other jobs and won't be able to come.

As long as they hear that they can come to help him, the two senior brothers will turn down all the work and come over without saying a word.

What he was worried about was that the two senior brothers had arranged work and then postponed it, and they had to adjust the time again, which was too troublesome.

So, Tan Jinsheng hurried to talk to Liu Jingshen and Ji Jiayi.

Sure enough, the two of them hadn't arranged work yet, and they were waiting for the program group to reply after they finished talking.

As expected, the younger brother did not disappoint them.

Anyway, they were thinking that no matter whether they could go or not, they would wait for a reply from all the talk.

After talking with the program team and confirming that there are really no more people, they will arrange work.

Anyway, it won't take a few days, so it's considered a rest.

After all the talk, Shi Shulei said that they would be contacted by Shi Shulei.

Zhang Zhisheng made a written plan as soon as possible, discussed it with Liu Jingfu and Shi Shulei, and made some revisions. After it was finalized, Zhang Zhisheng went to deal with it.

Shi Shulei called Liu Jingshen first, and after finalizing the specific matters, he sent someone to send the contract.

Then, he contacted Ji Jiayi again.

Finally, I contacted Lu Xiangchen.

Not to mention, the three senior brothers who talked all the time are really reliable.

It's very easy to discuss, without those messy things and problems.

Happy to finalize the rehearsal time.

Shi Shulei just had a meeting with Zhang Zhisheng and Liu Jingfu and made a very bold decision.

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