Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 808: Let you take the opportunity to step on me

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"I am indeed younger than you." Shimeng said with a smile, "Then call you Brother Jiayi. You can call me Old Shi, but I am not a teacher who teaches and educates people. My surname is Shi, and they are all joking." They seem to call me Lao Shi. I thought, although I might seem a bit thick-skinned, but it’s kind of kind to call me that.”

"Indeed." Ji Jiayi nodded with a smile, "Then I'll call you an old poem."

"It's because I took advantage of you." Shi Mengqiao said with a smile.

"How could I? Am I such a person who can't take jokes?" Ji Jiayi said with a smile, and then said to Peng Yunning and Jiang Hanyu, "I only remember that our three brothers seem to be about the same age."

The three of them reported their birthdays to each other.

But it's not that bad.

They are only one or two years apart from each other.

So he directly called him by the name of the latter two characters, which seemed cordial.

"I just heard all the voices calling you senior brother?" Jiang Hanyu's heart was beating very fast.

If so, then the talk is amazing!

The teacher is famous!

Just now, after talking all the time, he said to call his senior brother to come. Doesn't that mean that the other two are Liu Jingshen and Lu Xiangchen?

It can't really be such a big row!

"Yes!" Ji Jiayi subconsciously wanted to pat the good junior brother's head.

Resting his hand on his hair, he touched the hairspray before remembering the style he just made.

So I didn't dare to knead, and quickly took my hand away.

However, this subconscious and skilled movement really surprised everyone.

It seems that Ji Jiayi really dotes on Tan Jinsheng, this little junior brother!

"Jinsheng records programs here, thanks to the care of a few people." Ji Jiayi said.

"Everywhere, we take care of each other. And we have a good temper. Usually, he is more tolerant of us older people." Peng Yunning said with a smile, "It's ashamed to say, we are older,

Instead, let Jinsheng, the smallest one, tolerate it. "

Ji Jiayi wanted to touch Tan Jinsheng's head again.

Just as the palms were about to touch each other this time, Tan Jinsheng's head was protected by the stylist in time, and he stared at Ji Jiayi covetously.

Can't mess it up anymore.

Ji Jiayi: "..."

Ji Jiayi moved his fingers, then withdrew his hand, and said to the three of them, "Jinsheng has always been the one with the best temper."

All the talking: "..."

When Ji Jiayi said this, he blushed all the time.

With people close to him, he has always been very bearish.

It is precisely because I am not close to the guests of the show that I have a good temper.

Unfortunately, the three senior brothers all had a deep filter on him.

"Jiayi, all your voices." You could tell from the voice that it was Liu Jingshen who had arrived.

As Ji Jiayi said earlier, Liu Jingsen also came here with a good look.

"I just received a call from Xiang Chen. He will arrive in about a quarter of an hour." Liu Jingshen said.

"Don't worry, there is still a long time." Tan Jinsheng said, "Speaking of which, the seniors came too early."

Even the other supporting guests haven't arrived yet.

This is the earliest place to talk about everything.

"Knowing that the seniors are worried about me, I thought it would be more reassuring to arrive earlier. But the other guests haven't come yet, you came first..." It seemed that his three seniors were worthless.

"And if you have this time, why don't you take a good rest in your room." Tan Jinsheng said, "Didn't it be agreed before that when the time is almost up, I will call you again, and you will come again."

"We're here for you, not for anyone else, we don't care what those do." Ji Jiayi said.

"I know you feel sorry for us." Liu Jingshen said with a smile, "But Jiayi and I have been resting these days, and we haven't picked up other jobs, so we have a good rest. It's not short of time. Xiang Chen is tired After a while, he was busy with the tour, and flew back and forth again. But he came back yesterday afternoon, and he had enough rest, and today is the latest again, so you don’t have to worry.”

"That's right." Ji Jiayi looked at the door, as if to make sure that Lu Xiangchen didn't appear out of nowhere.

After confirming it, he turned back and said, "Sooner or later, from your point of view, you will know the three of us seniors, who is the one who values ​​you the most?"

Sensing Liu Jingshen's gaze suddenly coming from the corner of his eyes, Ji Jiayi hurriedly said: "Like me and senior brother, we both arrived early, even if I arrived earlier, it's not much earlier than senior brother, so I'm right with senior brother. Your level of importance is about the same."

He should pay more attention to talking about everything than his senior brother!

I hope that the younger brother can understand the hint in his words.

"Second senior brother, what are you talking about!" Lu Xiangchen's voice sounded angrily at the door.

Ji Jiayi: "..."

He clearly confirmed that Lu Xiangchen wasn't there just now.

Why did Lu Xiangchen arrive after only a minute or two?

Ji Jiayi felt that Lu Xiangchen must have been in the corridor just now, and when he heard his voice, he deliberately didn't come over, and even lowered his steps so that he wouldn't hear him.

The third junior brother is as caring as ever!

"What are you yelling when you're away from home!" Ji Jiayi said with a dull face.

The name "Second Senior Brother" means that they were joking in private, and sometimes Lu Xiangchen called him so deliberately to annoy him after talking with him.

It's all because of the jokes in Journey to the West.

What "Eldest Brother, Master was captured by monsters again."

"Third Junior Brother, Master was captured by monsters again."

"Eldest senior brother, third junior brother, master was captured by monsters again!"

Who is that second senior brother?

Of course it is Zhu Bajie!

Therefore, when he was away from home, he asked Lu Xiangchen to talk with him and call him Senior Brother Ji instead of Second Senior Brother.

It's like being called Bajie.

Ji Jiayi looked at Jiang Hanyu and the three of them again.

The three of them couldn't see anything, and they didn't know if they really didn't hear the connotation. They didn't think about Zhu Bajie, but they still heard it, but they didn't show it.

Lu Xiangchen strode in, "Let you take this opportunity to step on me!"

"Senior brother, I know everything." Tan Jinsheng hurriedly said, "You all value me equally! Senior brother Lu, you are busy on tour, and you still have to come back to help me."

Tan Jinsheng was moved, and sent the star eye skill by the way.

Lu Xiangchen, under the eyes of the younger brother who is full of admiration and trust, decided not to have the same knowledge as the second brother.

The three of Jiang Hanyu were too shocked to speak.

Are these three people the ones who invited all the voices? !

Therefore, the brothers who talked all the time were the three of them!

Got it!

Regardless of the guests invited by the program group, they are not the opponents of these three.

Tan Jinsheng even invited these three people over, there is no need to compare, the results have already come out.

However, the three of them had already made psychological preparations, and felt that Tan Jinsheng would definitely win the championship, which did not affect their mental state.

He even had time to think about it, if Ge Guangzhen knew about this, would he regret it?

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