Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 824: It's not like this to slap a person so hard

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"So, I thought, it's only possible that they did it spontaneously, and they all chose to keep silent, watching the freshmen making trouble there, but they didn't remind them at all." Associate Professor Yang said, "They're all suffocating."

Tan Mo: "..."

No wonder Associate Professor Yang looked around like a thief just now, for fear of being overheard.

"Of course they can't be holding back on you. I guess, they may be thinking about making the freshmen make trouble, and it's best to make trouble so that the school won't let you teach the freshmen. No matter what you give them Old students in whatever grade they take are the ones who make money. Part of the money is part of it. It’s better than giving classes to freshmen who don’t know anything.” Associate Professor Yang said.

Not to mention, Tan Mo felt that Associate Professor Yang might have guessed correctly.

"Hey, that's just my guess." Associate Professor Yang hurriedly made up for it.

However, everything that should be said and what should not be said has been said, and there is no way to make up for it.

Professor Yang is old enough to be Tan Mo's father.

So, the freshman and the junior went to the classroom together.

There are already many people sitting in the classroom, because it is a compulsory course, and it is such a difficult course. If there is no need to be absent, no one will be absent.

Associate Professor Yang entered the classroom just as the class bell rang.

Associate Professor Yang said: "Hello everyone, I am the teacher of real variable functions for you this semester. My surname is Yang."

Associate Professor Yang wrote down his mobile phone number and email address on the blackboard.

"You can also search for my WeChat through your mobile phone number." Associate Professor Yang said, "This is Tan Mo, a teaching assistant for real variable functions. If you don't understand any questions about schoolwork in the future, you can ask her. "

"If even she can't solve it, then there's no need to ask me." Associate Professor Yang said with a smile, "I guess I can't solve it either."

Although the old students were holding back their anger, Associate Professor Yang couldn't bear to see these freshmen really didn't understand anything.

Then reminded them.

As for Tanmo's incredible results in mathematics competitions,

Associate Professor Yang did not tell the new students for the sake of the happiness of the old students.

Associate Professor Yang also learned how to drink water.

However, because of preconceived prejudices.

Not only did they not understand Associate Professor Yang's hint, but they also felt that Associate Professor Yang was trying to talk nicely to Tan Mo.

How could Associate Professor Yang be inferior to Tan Mo?

Tan Mo doesn't know it, and neither does Associate Professor Yang?

just kidding!

They're not nerds, but they can't even hear this kind of modest joke.

Tan Mo didn't write his contact information, but only wrote his email address, "If you have any questions you don't know, you can send them to me by email, and I will answer them in time. Don't worry that I won't see the email. I I will take a look at the mail every day and reply to everyone in a unified way, so everyone can rest assured."

When everyone heard the words, they unabashedly showed disdainful expressions on their faces.

ask her?

can she?

Although Tan Mo has graduated from a bachelor's degree, she majored in finance when she was an undergraduate.

How does her level of mathematics compare with their majors?

"Since she asked us to send it to her, let's not be polite. Send her all the problems and see how she answers!" Someone whispered to the people beside him.

"Yes." The person next to him conveyed to others.

Tan Mo knew what they were thinking from the way they looked, but he didn't panic at all.

Because of this matter, in class, the students were busy studying hard, and there was no chance to embarrass Mo Mo.

And I thought, anyway, I can send emails to embarrass me, so it won't be a while.

In the evening, in Yijing.

While Wei Zhiqian was taking a shower, Tan Mo went to the study to check today's mail.

During class, she observed the students.

Not much can hide things.

However, Tan Mo has been in contact with people of Wei Zhiqian's level for a long time.

My father is also an old fox in the mall.

Compared with people of their level, no matter how smart these students are, no matter how rich they are, they are still not enough.

Naturally, Tan Mo could tell at a glance.

It can only be said that the level of Tan Mo's daily contact is too high.

So looking at other people, no matter how you look at it, they are all at the chicken level.

However, Tan Mo herself hadn't realized this yet, she just thought that these students' aristocrats were too low.

Everything is shown on the face, and people can see it at a glance.

It's really silly.

Tan Mo opened the mailbox, and sure enough, he saw many emails from freshmen with questions.

I'm only a freshman, and today is just the first class, so there are so many problems.

Isn't it hard to find someone specially to embarrass her?

Tan Mo is not angry, he just finds it interesting.

These students also worked very hard to make things difficult for her.

I can find these topics, and I don’t know if they understand it by themselves.

Tan Mo classified these questions according to their current professional mastery.

Tan Mo reckoned that although they hadn't learned it yet, they could still master it based on their self-study ability, so they classified it into one category.

Some, even if they tried their best to study by themselves, they still couldn't learn their share, and they were purely used to make things difficult for her, so they were also separated.

In the first category, Tan Mo directly gave a detailed explanation of the answer, each step gave the reason for the answer, and even gave the source of the formula, even in which class of which textbook in which grade. have written.

It was completely written in the style of a fool's strategy.

Really, even those who are not familiar with mathematics can understand after reading Tan Mo's answer.

When Wei Zhiqian came out of the shower, he saw Tan Mo busy in front of the computer.

He walked behind Tan Mo's chair, bent slightly, put his hands on the armrests of the chair from behind, and leaned over from Tan Mo's right rear to look at Tan Mo's computer screen.

"Why are you busier than me? Did Principal Mu arrange so many courses for you?" Wei Zhiqian frowned, how tired the little girl is.

Wei Zhiqian began to think about it, and discussed with Tan Mo whether he should talk to Principal Mu about this matter.

The little girl has already been used by five people by herself, and the workload has to be increased for her.

Even if he was very capable, he wouldn't be so fierce on a person.

"No." Tan Mo said with a smile, "It's these freshmen who probably haven't heard of my math level. They are not convinced that I, a person who has just graduated from graduate school, will teach them. So today I'm so confused. He sent me a lot of questions for me to answer."

Tan Mo smiled and said, "These questions are quite simple, and I can finish one in less than two minutes." Tan Mo said with a smile, "So it doesn't take much trouble."

"You still answered them so carefully?" Wei Zhiqian frowned, looking at Tan Mo's answering steps, "These questions are not in the scope of their current majors."

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