Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 828: We also want to talk about Mojiao

There are so many brothers and sisters, from sophomores to seniors.

There were even some unfamiliar faces they didn't recognize, but they looked older.

They suspect that those who are older may be senior brothers and sisters who are studying in graduate school.

"What happened, so many senior brothers and sisters filled Director Yao's office?" Outside the door, He Qishan whispered.

Everyone stretched their necks and looked inside curiously.

"Could it be that the senior brothers and sisters also think it's inappropriate for Tan Molai to be a teaching assistant?" Li Guangyi guessed, "After all, aren't there senior brothers and sisters here who are studying in graduate school? Tan Mo just graduated from undergraduate and just started graduate school. If you can come to be a teaching assistant, why can't the other senior brothers and sisters? You must not be convinced, so come here and ask for an explanation!"

"Then why are the seniors, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and seniors here to join in the fun?" Fang Huihui was puzzled.

"Maybe, they are also preparing for the future." Li Guangyi guessed again, "Even if you are a sophomore now, time will pass in a blink of an eye. They also have to plan for the future early. Come and ask, and if you understand, maybe What benefits and benefits can you give yourself? Make some promises."

Everyone nodded, feeling that apart from this point, they really couldn't think of anything else.

Since the beginning of school this year, Tan Mo's coming to be a teaching assistant is the biggest thing.

I haven't heard of any other major events.

"Although Tan Mo is currently studying in the Department of Mathematics, her undergraduate degree is in the Department of Finance." Wang Haifeng said, "In other words, she is a graduate of the Department of Finance as a teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematics. This is ridiculous. .”

"Hush!" Ling Xinxing gestured to silence, and whispered, "Listen to what they say."

In the previous office, many people rushed to speak, for fear that they would speak slowly.

The result is that many people are talking at the same time, and the human voice is particularly noisy.

No one can hear clearly, and they all converge into noise.

Director Yao said helplessly: "Come one by one. Come, come, line up, a row for sophomores, a row for juniors, a row for seniors, and a row for graduate students. Then, send representatives to speak. Let The person who ranks first is the representative. So, you each have discussed who you want to represent, and you have discussed it, and nominated one."

"All of you talk together and say,

I can't really hear what you guys are saying. Director Yao said helplessly, "Let's talk about it one by one." "

So, everyone really lined up according to Director Yao's instructions.

Order suddenly improved.

Only then did Director Yao say, "Come on, let's start with the sophomores."

Director Yao pointed to the girl who stood first in the sophomore queue, "You go first."

The sophomore girl standing in the first place said, "Director Yao, why don't you let Senior Sister Tan Mo teach us? Although we are not freshmen, we are only sophomores, so there is still time!"

"Yes, Director Yao, we can still save it." The boy behind the sophomore girl added, "We also need solid basic knowledge, and we also want to participate in the math competition to experience it!"

"Stop, stop, talk one by one, you just want Tan Mo to teach you, right? Is there anything else?" Director Yao quickly stopped, "It goes without saying the reason, I will listen to the request."

The sophomore classmates glanced at each other and shook their heads together, "It's gone."

"The representatives of the junior students, come and tell me." Director Yao clicked on the junior student again, the student who stood at the first place.

"We also want Tan Mo to teach us." A boy ranked first, "Director Yao, you see, we have laid the foundation in our freshmen, freshmen and sophomores, and we have more professional knowledge. Now we need The most important thing is to overcome the more difficult problems. In the annual mathematics competition, our juniors and seniors are also the main force! Tan Mo has all the skills, is it more appropriate to teach us?"

"We can still learn more. If we brush up on the questions given to us by Tanmo, our chances of winning the math competition will be even greater. We can also win glory for the school!"

"Stop!" Director Yao said hurriedly. If this continues, he doubts that these students will be able to talk for a day, "You too, just talk about your appeal, and you don't have to say so much about the reasons. I didn't say so much, and if you continue to talk, it will be unfair to others. Our school pays attention to fairness."

The student representative of the senior standing in the first place said quietly at this time: "If you really want to be so particular about fairness, why did you just arrange Tan Mo to teach the freshmen? Our senior students also want to work hard. , continue to study at Peking University. Let Tan Mo teach us, will our chances be greater? Not to mention the math competition."

Director Yao stared, "Tan Mo is alone, how could he be so busy!"

"The reason why she was asked to teach the first-year students is because the freshmen have not yet started to learn, and they can spread from the basics to more professional knowledge. In the future, if they learn deeper knowledge, they can avoid detours." Director Yao said.

"Director Yao." The representative of the graduate students said, "We also want to talk about Mojiao."

Director Yao's head was getting bigger, "You graduate students, what are you doing here to join in the fun? Tan Mo has just started graduate school."

"She just went to graduate school, so can she be the same as ordinary people? She just doesn't want to, otherwise she can do a Ph. D. now." The graduate student representative said, "I heard from our senior sister who is a Ph. If you don’t understand the question, just ask Tan Mo directly.”

Tan Mo did not participate in relevant research in the Department of Mathematics.

There is really no time.

Professor Guo wanted Tan Mo to join his team.

But Professor Tang, Professor Gu, and Professor Yue all stood up and stared at Professor Guo covetously.

In fact, the three of them have almost divided the time for talking about ink.

If another Professor Guo comes out, they will have to squeeze their time again.

There is very little time for Tan Mo Neng to come to their laboratory now.

There must never be one more person.

Professor Guo had no choice but to return in resentment.

But fortunately, in the team that Tan Mo joined, the brothers and sisters who are PhD students also have their own friends.

Among them are friends from the Department of Mathematics.

The senior brothers and sisters of the Department of Mathematics also got to know Tan Mo.

In the beginning, the senior brothers and sisters in the Department of Mathematics studied mathematics with Tan Mo for the purpose of discussing together.

But later they discovered that it was more appropriate for them to let Tan Mo teach them directly.

This is true of all the brothers and sisters who are PhD students, not to mention the students who are still studying for master's degree in Director Yao's office.

"To be honest, it's really a waste for the school to let Tan Mo teach freshmen," said the representative of the graduate students.

Director Yao: "..."

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