"That's right." Fang Huihui nodded in agreement, "I think it's very likely that those brothers and sisters didn't tell us these things on purpose because they wanted Tan Mo to teach them. Besides, they watched us make trouble, I hope that the bigger the trouble, the better. In this way, maybe Tan Mo will teach them if he doesn’t teach us.”

"But, do you think this is realistic?" Li Guangyi frowned and said, "There are so many people in the school, so many departments and majors. Even if the math department doesn't tell us, why don't the other departments tell us?"

"Even people in Huada University can hear about what Tan Mo did at Peking University. It is impossible for students majoring in other departments of our school to know about it." Li Guangyi said, "Even if Tan Mo doesn't teach us, it is impossible Go to other departments to teach mathematics! Because they can't learn this at all. If that's the case, why do you want to help and hide it from us?"

These words left others speechless.

yeah, why?

"However, we have to take what Hou Haihua said seriously." Li Guangyi said again, "Let's just listen to what they Huada said, which is not accurate enough. Let's find a way to ask it ourselves."

"However, if we could ask, we wouldn't have been kept a secret for so long. We still have to hear it from Hou Haihua and the others." Zheng Xueshen said.

"There are so many people in our school, don't ask people in the mathematics department, ask people in other departments, there must be someone who can tell us secretly." Li Guangyi said, "I thought, so many people are hiding it at the same time, it must not be together. Okay. How do you get in touch with such a big team? It’s all spontaneous. People from our department want Tan Mo to teach them, and people from other departments may just want to watch the fun.”

"Let's ask people from other departments, and we will definitely find out something." Li Guangyi insisted that he must ask people from his own school.

"Okay." Everyone nodded, He Qishan "After asking, what if it is really the same as what Hou Haihua said?"

"Then let's contact everyone, explain this matter, and stop boycotting Tanmo. We agree to her as a teaching assistant," Li Guangyi said.

It's a little embarrassing, but it's okay.

At that time, it can be explained that after their careful investigation, they learned about this matter.

Didn't the other students also resist Tanmo very much at first?

Moreover, they don't know about it yet, and they can't find a direction to investigate.

Therefore, they will not lose face.

Just when Li Guangyi and the others split up to inquire about the news,

Principal Mu is having a meeting with Director Yao of the Department of Mathematics and several professors.

Including Tan Mo.

Principal Mu consulted everyone's opinions.

Everyone knew about Tan Mo being embarrassed by the first-year freshman.

They all felt that the freshmen in the first grade were somewhat clueless.

They all agreed that Tan Mo would teach other grades.

Tan Mo nodded and said: "I don't have to be in the first grade. Before Principal Mu arranged for me to teach the first grade, I thought it might not be easy to switch, so I decided to think of a way not to ask for their approval, but at least to make them obedient. But Since it can be changed now, it will save me a lot of trouble, so I am naturally willing to change it."

Even if those problems were not difficult for her, she sacrificed her rest time to solve them.

Wouldn't it be better if he could spend his time with Wei Zhiqian and his family without sacrificing rest time?

And why did she have to rush to get the approval of the first grade?

Now, it wasn't that she was asking for approval from the first grade.

She doesn't need it.

Principal Mu nodded and said: "Then go up one level and let Tan Mo teach the second grade. Going up further, although the students all hope that Tan Mo can teach. But after all, Tan Mo is young and teaches a group of older students. , I'm worried that some people still don't pay enough attention to Tan Mo. Let's teach the sophomore first."

Everyone agrees.

Anyway, as long as the teaching is not a freshman.

"In this case, Mr. Wang, you have to change classes with Tan Mo." Principal Mu said to a female teacher.

Teacher Wang nodded with a smile, "No problem."

"Okay, then I'll ask the assistant to send an email to announce, Mr. Wang, you and Tan Mo will share with each other's progress." Principal Mu said again.

The assistant moved quickly, and sent out the email after writing it.

As for Li Guangyi and the others, they did find out about Tan Mo from students from other departments.

It turns out that Tan Mo is even more powerful than what Hou Haihua said.

The faces of several people were a little panicked with embarrassment, and Li Guangyi felt a little embarrassed about his face.

For resisting Tanmo, he jumped the highest.

Now I have to inform my classmates that there is no need to boycott.

Tan Mo taught them more than enough.

But who knows, just sent out the news and conveyed it to each other.

The freshmen of the first-year mathematics department all received emails from the school, saying that the first-year students had objections to Tan Modang's teaching assistant for the first-year course, and the school already knew about it.

And fully respect the opinions of students.

After discussions between Principal Mu, Director Yao, and other professors, it was decided that Mr. Wang would be the teaching assistant for the first-year course of real variable function and topology, and Tan Mo would be the teaching assistant for the second-year course of real variable function and topology.

The first-year freshmen were dumbfounded when they saw this email.

They just learned from Li Guangyi and others that Tan Mo is a master of mathematics and a gold medalist with full marks in all five events of the mathematics competition.

Seeing this news, why would they be dissatisfied with Tan Mo and the school?

They were even very excited that they had such a great god as their teacher.

Also ready to show off with other students.

No one else is treated like this.

Good luck for them this year!

But before he had time to be happy for a few more seconds, the happy mood was suddenly blown away by the email from the school!

The mathematician is gone, and I went to teach the sophomore.

Moreover, to put it bluntly in the email, the master was forced to leave by them!

If it weren't for their violent resistance, the school would not have replaced the master.

There are so many people scrambling to get a master, and it's not necessary to teach you first graders.

It seems that the great god is worthless and begging you.

"I said a long time ago, don't resist!"

"Yeah, I didn't even sign it, because no one has ever explained the topic to me so clearly like Tan Mo, even by email."

"It's all the fault of those people, what do you have to resist! It's gone!"

"I'm in the dormitory, and cheers erupted on the sophomore floor of our dormitory. I also heard some people say that we are stupid, we don't want to be good, we don't know what to do, and we bully others."

"I'm really going to cry! I didn't boycott from the beginning to the end, but was rejected by those boycott representatives. I just want to study hard and don't want to engage in those nonsense. Some people can do it themselves if they want to! Why should we The good teacher is gone!"

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