Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 838: What kind of pot goes with what kind of cover

The Wei family never asked for help from their in-laws.

But you mustn't hold back your family.

If Yuan Keqing was such an idiot, it would be impossible for him to become Wei Keli's fiancee.

Although Wei Keli is stupid, Wei Zhijian and Li Xiangrong are not stupid.

Yuan Keqing was able to make Wei Zhijian and Li Xiangrong accept her, and thinks that she has two brushes.

"However, my little aunt never mentioned Yuan Keqing." Wei Keren said.

When Tan Mo mentioned his family, from his parents to his three older brothers, he was always on his lips.

If you really have a good relationship with Yuan Ke, it is impossible to never mention it.

"So I guess the relationship between the little aunt and Yuan Keqing is probably not very good." Wei Keren whispered, "However, in front of the second old man, Yuan Keqing seems to have a good relationship with the little aunt."

"I saw that you haven't come yet, so I'll let you know in advance. So that you won't be caught off guard when you arrive." Wei Keren said in a low voice.

Wei Zhiqian felt that his nephew was really clever.

Anyway, it is a thousand times stronger than Wei Keli.

"Okay, I see." Wei Zhiqian said.

Wei Keren was really boring in the old house.

He didn't want to see Yuan Keqing's sour look in the living room downstairs, nor did he want to see Wei Keli's stupid face.

Although it's good to listen to gossip on the sidelines.

But Wei Keli's stupidity and Yuan Keqing's pretentiousness brought him the disgust that overcame his desire to listen to gossip.

You can hear it here anyway, you don't have to look at those two faces.

Wei Keren decided that he would be here until Wei Zhiqian and talk about Mo.

But being here alone and boring, Wei Keren didn't hang up the phone in a hurry.

Holding Wei Zhiqian and chatting all the time, he seemed to be a chatterbox.


Do you want to know what they say here? I'll do a live broadcast for you? "Wei Keren suggested.

Wei Zhiqian: "..."

"If you are so bored, you can go downstairs to see their gossip." Wei Zhiqian said.

"I just wanted to listen to gossip, and I didn't want to see their two stupid faces, so I stood in the corridor on the second floor." Wei Keren whispered, "You don't know, Yuan Keqing is too pretentious. It's really different."

"..." Wei Zhiqian hummed, "You compare her to your little aunt? Cursing?"

Wei Keren: "..."

Okay, the flattery was wrong all of a sudden.

"We'll be there soon." Wei Zhiqian added, "If you really don't want to go down, just stay up there for a while, it won't last long."

"Okay." Wei Keren agreed reluctantly.

Wei Zhiqian hung up the phone and took off the Bluetooth headset.

Otherwise, he would always feel uncomfortable wearing a headset.

Wei Zhiqian told Tan Mo everything that Wei Keren told him just now.

Tan Mo was stunned.

What shocked her was not Yuan Keqing and Wei Keli together.

But in this life, so many changes have taken place, Yuan Keqing can still be with Wei Keli.

In the last life, Wei Keli, whom Tan Mo saw in the mirror, was a young talent. Although he didn't have a high status in the Wei family, he was very much used.

Unlike this life, he was rejected by the Wei family early and sent to the marginal layer.

In the last life, Wei Keli owned far more than he does now, so Yuan Keqing naturally liked him.

But in this life, Wei Keli has nothing left, and Yuan Keqing can still see him.

Moreover, in this life, Tan Mo had clearly sent Yuan Keqing what Wei Keli had said behind Yuan Keqing's back, which fully indicated that Wei Keli did not despise Yuan Keqing.

Or, it should be said that she is not serious about Yuan Keqing, she never thought of marrying Yuan Keqing, she just didn't take the initiative or refuse Yuan Keqing.

Yuan Keqing had indeed made trouble with Wei Keli because of this.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before Yuan Keqing forgave Wei Keli and even stayed with him.

In this life, what did Yuan Keqing want Wei Keli to do?

What shocked Tan Mo was that no matter how things changed in this life.

How unpleasant the trouble between Yuan Keqing and Wei Keli was, and how there was no reason for the two of them to be together in the previous life, everything was based on the premise that Wei Keli was still reused by the Wei family.

In this life, Wei Keli is gone.

This life has obviously changed so much, how can Yuan Keqing still be with Wei Keli?

"My darling." Tan Mo exclaimed.

Could it be that this is the real marriage of many lifetimes, so it can't be removed no matter what?

The two are destined to be together.

So no matter how the process changes, the result remains the same.

This is really... so touching!

Wei Zhiqian misunderstood why Tan Mo was shocked.

Tan Mo didn't hide anything from him.

She didn't tell Wei Zhiqian that she was the reincarnation of Little Snow Lotus.

Not only Wei Zhiqian, even her parents and brothers, she didn't say anything.

"The two are a match." Wei Zhiqian sneered.

What kind of pot goes with what kind of lid.

Wei Keli and Yuan Keqing, in Wei Zhiqian's opinion, are really the eighth king who saw mung bean and saw the right eye.

These two people, just hate each other.

But don't harm others anymore.

"I'm curious, how could Wei Keli's parents agree?" Tan Mo asked strangely.

"Before, Er... The second sister-in-law brought me and Wei Keli because of Tanjia behind me. It was because I was Tanjia's only daughter and was well-loved. She knew that Tanjia gave me a lot of dowry, and my My brothers are more concerned about me. Wei Keli will help Wei Keli whenever there is something wrong with me.” Tan Mo said, “Besides, I can’t say how much my parents dote on me. Will give me most of Tan Yue as a dowry."

She used to call Li Xiangrong an aunt, but now she is Wei Zhiqian's fiancée. Obviously, it is no longer appropriate to call her a senior title like before.

However, these two sisters-in-law still stuttered when talking about Mo.

Neither Xu Mingzhen nor Li Xiangrong knew that Tan Mo had already seen through all this.

Tan Mo had already guessed Li Xiangrong's thoughts thoroughly.

However, Tan Mo's last words were still wrong.

Tan Wenci is preparing to treat Tan Yue as a dowry to Tan Mo.

But now, Tan Wenci intends to give the whole Tan Yue to Tan Mo as a dowry.

Anyway, Tan Yue will be left to Wei Zhiqian to take care of it.

It is impossible for the three brothers to talk about Yue Yue.

Therefore, Tan Wenci had already decided to give the entire Tan Yue to Tan Mo.

Anyway, Tan Mo won't let her three brothers suffer.

"However, although the Yuan family has done well over the years, it is still far from ours. The second sister-in-law has never liked Yuan Keqing." Tan Mo said inexplicably.

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