Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter eight hundred and fortieth: Why do I have such an attitude towards you, huh?

Doing it yourself is too much trouble to clean.

Wear plastic gloves, hold a toothbrush, and brush them carefully one by one.

Also prevent being pinched.

Yuan Keqing never expected that Tan Mo would be treated like this in the old house.

I am so familiar with everyone and have such a good relationship with everyone.

Even the relationship between the aunt and cook is so good.

According to Wei Keren, the aunt and cook in this family, Tan Mo, is the best, even better than Wei Keren, the Wei family.

Of course, I just don't know how much moisture there is in Wei Keren's words, whether he said it specially to please Tan Mo.

Even Wei Zhijian and Li Xiangrong were a little embarrassed sitting on the side.

Not to mention this time, even in the past, before being rejected by the elders.

When they came over, they didn't talk about Mo's treatment.

Chef Wang had to cook their favorite dishes.

The so-called seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister.

The same applies to old houses.

The people in the old house have worked here for many years.

From a few years to ten years, to decades.

Chef Wang and Aunt Zhang are both old people in the old house.

The members of the Wei family, no matter how respectful they are to those who work in the old house, at least on the surface, they dare not offend them.

Because they are the ones who spend the most time with the elders.

I usually stay in the old house, so I stay with the elders all day long.

Erlao also likes to chat with them.

If these people are offended, what should they do if they take the opportunity of ordinary chat and say something bad?

Therefore, Wei Zhijian and Li Xiangrong have always been polite to the people in the old house, but they have never received such treatment from Tan Mo.

None in ten.

But Yuan Keqing was thinking that before Tan Mo came, the second elder was indifferent to her.

She was with Wei Keri, and the two elders didn't raise any objections.

But Yuan Keqing could tell that it was not because of accepting her.

She always felt that no matter who Wei Keli sought out, the two elders would not have any objections.

As if he didn't care who Wei Keli was looking for, or Wei Keli at all.

In their eyes, there is no such person as Wei Keri at all.

Yuan Keqing felt a little flustered.

She must have thought too much.

Whatever Wei Keli is doing, he is a member of the Wei family.

The second elder would not be so ruthless towards Wei Keli.

However, she never expected that the second elder would be so nice to Tan Mo.

Before Tan Mo came, the second elder didn't take the initiative to ask her to understand her.

It was she who took the initiative to raise a topic.

The second elder would not ignore her, but would still answer her and take her words.

But it's always not hot.

There is a feeling of you asking me to answer.

Yuan Keqing didn't know that the politeness of the elders made them, even if they didn't want to see her, they wouldn't ignore her.

When she raised topics and asked questions, the second elder would still answer her.

But only when Tan Mo came, the two elders would be sincerely happy.

Yuan Keqing watched coldly from the side, humming in her heart.

Tan Mo is such an old man, and he is not ashamed to act coquettishly like a little girl.

She was about to throw up looking at it.

"Cousin." Yuan Keqing called out.

She felt that if she didn't speak, Tan Mo might not see her.

Tan Mo must have deliberately ignored her and humiliated her.

After all, she was sitting here alone, how could Tan Mo not see her.

Sure enough, after she spoke, Tan Mo seemed to realize that Yuan Keqing was there, and turned around in surprise.

As if never on the way here, Yuan Keqing also came after hearing what Wei Keren said, and she came as Wei Keren's fiancée, this matter.

"Yuan Keqing? Why are you here?" Tan Mo was surprised, and he was very unfamiliar with Yuan Keqing's address, and also had a bit of dislike and coldness.

Compared with Yuan Keqing's sweet and obedient calling her "cousin", the attitude of the two of them can be described as heaven and earth.

"Cousin..." Yuan Keqing yelled sadly, "Why do you..."

"Why do I treat you like this, don't you?" Tan Mo looked at Yuan Keqing coldly.

Yuan Keqing: "..."

Why did Tan Mo really take the conversation?

At times like this, don't you usually keep silent?

At this time, it would be inappropriate for Tan Mo to say anything.

If you flirt with her, you will inevitably leave an impression in front of your elders that you are a mean relative with a cold nature.

But if you cooperate with her, you will fall into her trap, but you have to accompany her to act the whole time.

Yuan Keqing thought very clearly.

Unexpectedly, Tan Mo chose the first option.

But it's not exactly the first reaction.

But no matter what, if she is so mean, isn't it afraid that the Wei family members will think she is crazy?

After successfully being with Wei Zhiqian, he became a villain and became extremely arrogant.

"Cousin." Yuan Keqing's face froze for a moment, then she smiled cautiously, as if she was a poor little girl who was being bullied by Tan Mo, "Why are you like this? You weren't like this before."

Yuan Keqing glanced at the second elder cautiously.

All the small actions imply that Tan Mo was not like this before, so why is it like this now?

Wasn't it because he was with Wei Zhiqian and felt that he had a reliance, so he didn't take her as a family member seriously!

"I really didn't treat you like this before." Tan Mo smiled slightly, "But when you slandered my mother and treated you harshly in front of others. After you thought you knew a better friend, you came to my house to show off and wanted me to give it to you. My friend acted as a follower. Later, when I was taking the college entrance examination, he told me that brother Zhiqian was injured and tried to sabotage my college entrance examination. Then, when I was in my own college entrance examination, brother Zhiqian retaliated and let you take one less exam. They came to my house and scolded us for being vicious. They thought that even if I was affected by the college entrance examination, my grades would not be affected, so I shouldn’t hold grudges against you.”

"After you failed the college entrance examination, you wanted me to go to Principal Mu and let you go to Beijing University through the back door. When my elder brother was filming the first season of "Broken Continent", your family didn't show up when he couldn't get investment. After "Broken Continent" became popular, you showed up again and asked my elder brother to install an important role for you in the second season, and you also said that you would invest in my elder brother because you are all relatives."

"Not to mention, when you were carrying me behind your back, you said those bad things about me in front of others." Tan Mo said this, still with a faint smile.

It's just that this smile is ironic in Yuan Keqing's eyes.

"After all this, what kind of good attitude do you want me to have towards you?" As for Yuan Keqing just meeting Wei Keli, he plotted against her in front of Wei Keri, and then spoke ill of her behind his back.

No more talking about ink.

Lest Wei Keli think that he still misses him, and think that it is because of him that Tan Mo is honest with Yuan Keqing, and even hates Yuan Keqing.

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