Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Eight hundred and fortieth chapters: make each other

Although the old man didn't say it clearly, she heard the voice, as if that was what she meant.

The old lady had been silent just now, but now she raised her eyelids and said slowly, "You are Mo Mo's irritating cousin."

"It turns out that you told her about Momo's last exam of the college entrance examination, which was completed early and left the examination room, and went to the hospital to see Zhiqian in a hurry." The old lady said coldly, "The next member of our Wei family Patriarch's injury, how can you allow you to talk nonsense outside, and use his injury to make a fuss and plot people?"

Yuan Keqing panicked immediately.

Why is the result different from what she imagined?

What happened to Tan Mo?

How did things happen to her, and the results were different from others?

Yuan Keqing is confident that the same thing happened to others, and she said the same thing, the result must be in the direction she imagined.

The result must be in her favor.

But as long as things happen to Tan Mo, all her routines and assumptions will be useless.

Tan Mo is too magical!

The old lady lifted her eyelids, and said to Wei Zhijian and Li Xiangrong with a sneer, "You really found a good daughter-in-law."

"Originally, I thought that if Wei Keri was stupid, he would be stupid. You and your wife are at least smart. It's just that there is only such a son, and he can't be dragged back to the right path." The old lady said, "Although you two said something last time, The stupid words, but in the end it is for this son, sometimes think about it, even though you don’t agree, but you have to convince yourself carefully, and you can understand you a little.”

"But Yuan Keqing was also approved by you." The old lady said, "If you don't agree, how dare Wei Keri bring her to us?"

"But now? She has become Wei Keli's fiancée. It seems that your vision is really not very good if you can agree to such a person to be with Wei Keri." The old lady said coldly.

"Mom." Wei Zhijian was always hard to say, did they disagree at first?

It was only later that I heard that the Yuan family was willing to support Wei Keli, and they didn't need to spend money.

He thought about it carefully, and now no one is willing to be taken advantage of by this.

Finally, a Yuan family came out,

You have to hurry up and agree!

It's just that it's not easy to say these words in front of Yuan Keqing.

Wei Zhijian was at a loss for words.

Although Li Xiangrong doesn't like Yuan Keqing, even if the Yuan family will help Wei Keli, she still doesn't like it.

After all, she never gave Yuan Keqing a good face from the very beginning.

When Yuan Keqing was young, she didn't want to see Yuan Keqing.

Up to now, she is still waiting to be seen.

However, since we are already going to cooperate with Yuan's family, we can't still stand by Yuan Keqing's side at this time.

Otherwise, looking back, Yuan Keqing went home and said that even the only Yuan family willing to support Wei Keli was gone.

"Mom, since the two children like each other, there is nothing wrong with being cute. Isn't that what you often say to Dad? As long as the children like each other and they are nice, that's fine. No other requirements." Li Xiangrong said .

"Ke Li was repeatedly rejected by Tan Mo, and the child was really depressed for a while. After a while, he got back together because of Keqing, how can we break up?" Li Xiangrong said sincerely, "Besides, Keqing didn't commit any crimes. What's wrong."

Now she felt that Yuan Keqing's disgusting talk about Mo could be called a mistake?

Tan Mo is just a white-eyed wolf.

How nice it was for her to talk to Wei Keri about Mo.

But Tan Mo turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

I was so rude to her last time.

Now it's even more like he hates Wei Keli or something.

The old lady smiled, and Wei Zhijian and Li Xiangrong saw that smile as meaningless.

It made both Wei Zhijian and Li Xiangrong nervous.

But I heard the old lady say: "Don't worry, we have no intention of disagreeing with Wei Keli and Yuan Keqing."

These two people, bastard looked at Mung Dou and saw each other right, so let's play tricks on each other.

Don't harm others.

Wei Keli was not very good, and Yuan Keqing, who had a crush on Wei Keli, was not very good either.

"It's just that, since Yuan Keqing was scheming against Mo Mo before, and even brought up Zhiqian's injury, this is a big taboo in our family!" The old lady's face darkened.

"For my sister, I can plan this to frame that, and I don't feel kind, let alone others." When the old lady said this, she smiled, "Even if Yuan Keqing married into the Wei family in the future, But the Wei family is still an outsider who has no blood relationship to her. If there is something that needs to be done by sacrificing the Wei family, she will agree to it without hesitation."

Even if Wei Keli was the husband, Yuan Keqing would not have the slightest hesitation if he thought about it.

Although the old lady didn't say anything, her playful eyes fell on Wei Keri unabashedly.

Wei Zhijian: "..."

Li Xiangrong: "..."

The two suddenly became tense.

They felt that what the old lady said was not unreasonable.

Only Wei Keli, who hadn't thought about himself, sat on the sofa, moved forward a few inches, and hurriedly said: "No, grandma, I really wouldn't do that."

"When I was young, both Keqing and Tanmo did something wrong." Wei Keri said.

If President Tan Mo hadn't bullied Yuan Keqing and made Yuan Keqing sacrifice herself to let her go, how could Yuan Keqing have any objection to Tan Mo later?

It's all because of what you plant, and what you get.

Compared to Yuan Keqing, Tan Mo couldn't tolerate Yuan Keqing until now.

Even when he was in the old house, he still talked about those things, only picking up what Yuan Keqing did not do well, but not mentioning those things she did at all.

Wei Keli pitied Yuan Keqing more and more.

Tan Mo has always been like this, if it wasn't for Tan Mo's actions, how could Yuan Keqing do those things to Tan Mo.

Unfortunately, these people do not know.

And Yuan Keqing's actions were indeed not as smart as Mo Mo's.

Every time Tan Mo did something bad, he would clean himself up and never mention it.

It is always someone else who is wrong.

She will always be a victim.

Substituted into Yuan Keqing's perspective, Wei Keli really understands her very well.

"But now they are all grown up." Wei Keli said anxiously, "The two haven't been in contact for a long time, let alone talk, but I know that Tan Mo has always disliked her, so I always say bad things about her when I meet everyone."

When Wei Keli said this, he looked at Tan Mo dissatisfied, "So, Keqing no longer takes the initiative to find her. Sometimes, Keqing speaks without intention, and the intention of doing things is good, but the result is always wrong. Satisfactory. So Tan Mo misunderstood that Keqing was targeting her. Because of this, Keqing was careful, and never took the initiative to find Tanmo or do anything."

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