"Actually, if you really can bear hardships, you can shoot many scenes." Tan Mo said with a smile, "Where is suffering? Why not suffer in my brother's drama?"

"Now it is said that the actor industry is difficult, and there are no scenes to film. But in fact, there are no good scenes to film, and there are no good protagonists to film. Take an ordinary protagonist, or start with a supporting role in an ordinary movie. , there is still a movie to shoot." Tan Mo said, "I know this better than you, after all, I can be considered to be working in this industry, and I have a big brother who is a director, so I know this. "

"It's just that you don't like to go to those dramas. You think those dramas are too transparent. Even if you act in them, you won't be famous, and you have to suffer so much. You can only play a small supporting role, and there are no dramas. A few shows. You have a big heart, you want to be the leading role. At the very end, you want to be the second female lead, and you want to become famous in one play, and the scenery will be endless." Tan Mo said lightly.

Of course Yuan Keqing thought so, but of course she couldn't admit it.

"I didn't think about it that way!" Yuan Keqing said hastily, "I have endured hardships, and I don't care about the importance of the roles I play. I don't have to have any female lead, and the second female lead is the last."

After Yuan Keqing finished speaking, she felt that she couldn't speak too much, so she said: "Of course, there is the best one. Who doesn't want to play the heroine, or the second female lead? But if there is no one, I am willing to play the role of the female lead." Such an important role. I know that "Shattered Continent" is more of a group drama, of course, the role of the hero and heroine will definitely be higher. But I don't care about these, give me a small role, and I can play it."

"I'm willing to go to the audition, just like other actors, let the elder brother take a look at the audition." Yuan Keqing covered her heart, stretched her neck hard, leaned forward, and fully expressed her eagerness, "I will definitely be able to Well done."

"You mean, you don't ask the elder brother to give you special treatment. You are treated equally, and you participate with other competitors, even if you are not selected, it doesn't matter?" Tan Mo asked with raised eyebrows.

Yuan Kexin said how could it be irrelevant, but still nodded seriously on the surface, "Yes, I just want a chance to participate in the audition."

Yuan Keqing lowered her head slightly, and said cautiously: "It can't be because I am the cousin of the elder brother, and the elder brother doesn't want to give me special treatment, but let me lose the opportunity to compete fairly with others."

"However, the roles have already been decided, the original team. Even if there are new roles, they have already been selected." Tan Mo said, "Since the person has been selected, there is no convincing reason, so it is not easy to change at will. He didn't make any mistakes, and it's not that his acting skills are not good enough, so you can't just change someone else's role just because you're going."

"Besides, since you are willing to audition and compete with others, and you don't want any special treatment, why should my elder brother's drama not work?" Tan Mo narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Even other dramas are fine. Don't be afraid of hardship,

If you don't mind playing small roles, then you can be competitive in any production crew. "

Yuan Ke fell in love.


When Tan Mo asked this question just now, she only cared about showing in front of her elders that she could endure hardships, and she didn't want to take advantage of Tan Mo's chess.

In the end, he didn't think carefully about talking about Mo, so he fell into her trap.

"However, it doesn't matter whether it's another crew or your elder brother's crew, isn't it all the same? Let Keqing go to your elder brother's crew, and each other will take care of each other." Li Xiangrong said, "I didn't mean to give Keqing any special care. , it’s just that they are all our own people, can you feel more at ease?”

Tan Mo raised her eyebrows, she remembered that Li Xiangrong hated Yuan Keqing very much in the past, how could she still help Yuan Keqing to talk things over now.

It's really amazing.

However, after thinking about it, Yuan Keqing could become Li Xiangrong's future daughter-in-law, so it's not surprising that Li Xiangrong changed his attitude towards Yuan Keqing.

"Second sister-in-law, as you said, anyway, it doesn't matter whether it's another group or my elder brother's group, it's the same. Yuan Keqing doesn't need to worry about joining my elder brother's group." Tan Mo said, "Besides, my eldest brother's crew has indeed recruited all the actors, and there is no role for Yuan Keqing. The original crew of the first season, before the second season's filming, they called to ask about the time You don’t need to be too precise, just give an approximate time, they all have free time, and everything is mainly in line with the shooting of the second season of "Broken Continent."

"They spared time for this drama. Just because of this kind of favor, we can't replace any of them. And the new characters don't add much. At most, they are the ones with more tricks and no lines. The extras who have registered near the film and television city will be in charge of this part of the role." Tan Mo said.

Can Yuan Keqing like such a role?

"The ones who have lines are all actors from the previous season. Because the framework of this drama itself is large, not many things have been filmed in the last season. This season, there are not many new actors. A few have already been determined. Okay, the contract is signed." Tan Mo said, "Don't talk about breaching the contract, you or the Tan family will pay the liquidated damages."

"It's not a matter of money or not, but a matter of reputation." Tan Mo put a moral shackle on Yuan Keqing's head. People's affairs. After all, according to your request, the crew is easy to advance, but the eldest brother broke his promise, but it is a matter of reputation."

Yuan Keqing didn't expect that Tan Mo would label her now.

When did Tan Mo have such a routine again!

"Mo Mo is right," said the old lady.

Everyone couldn't help wondering in unison, did the old lady think that what Tan Mo said was right?

But Wei Zhiqian is different from Wei Mingwen and Xiao Menghan.

They have no such doubts.

Because there is no need to doubt at all.

Isn't that true?

Of course, what Tan Mo said was indeed right!

She didn't say she missed it!

Of course I couldn't agree more.

"Furthermore, we are in-laws with the Tan family. Whether the in-laws do well or not will affect us. If we don't do well, people will say, look, this is the Wei family's in-laws." The old man The wife said, "Isn't it bad for people to bring up negative things like this?"

Everyone nodded, the old lady is not biased towards Tan Mo.


If the Tan family is ashamed, their Wei family will also be talked about.

Therefore, the Wei family is also very concerned about the behavior of their in-laws.

This is a relationship in which one prospers and one loses.

"So, the Yuan family should pay more attention." The old lady said to Wei Zhijian and Li Xiangrong.

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