Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Eight hundred and sixtieth chapters: are very shrewd

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"After finally entering the laboratory, I really wanted to look up to my senior brothers and sisters. I was also very excited that I had the opportunity to meet my senior sister." Zhu Shiyao said, but there was a regretful expression on her face, "But I didn't expect that I After coming here, I didn’t see Senior Sister until today. So, isn’t Senior Sister here every day?”

Tan Mo's face remained calm, this Zhu Shiyao is quite interesting.

Was it in front of the live broadcast, trying to imply that she was cheating?

I only put up a name in Professor Yue's laboratory, just to gain some false fame and reputation.

"You're new here, I don't know." Without Tan Mo saying anything, Ming Yeqing explained lightly, "Tan Mo is just here to help in the laboratory. Because she is already working on the research work of Professor Gu and Professor Tang Yes, so when Professor Yue wanted Tan Mo to join us, Professor Gu and Professor Tang were reluctant to let him go, so they only agreed to let Tan Mo come and help when he was free."

"Tan Mo has a lot of work and time is tight. Being able to spare two or three days a week to come and help us is already a great help to us." Ming Yeqing said.

Ling Xiaoyuan nodded aside.

That's what Tan Mo told her just now.

Tan Mo said that she is not an official employee of the laboratory here, but just here to help.

Director Yao explained to Ling Xiaoyuan in a low voice, "Although Tan Mo is only here to help, she can help a lot every time she comes. The problems she finds and the answers she answers are all in the right place. They are really helpful for Professor Yue." A great contribution. So after the research is successful, the name of the research team will also be added with Tan Mo. No one will come to help in vain, and make such a great contribution but be concealed by others. We Beijing University can't do this matter."

Ling Xiaoyuan could only smile and nod.

She always felt that Director Yao was implying something, but she had no proof.

Ming Yeqing's voice was neither high nor low, but it was enough for everyone in the room to hear clearly.

Mao Ruiying then interjected: "Yeah, I didn't see that Professor Guo from the Department of Mathematics tried to lure Tanmo to her team, but he didn't succeed? He couldn't even help. Professor Tang, Professor Gu and Professor Yue all united to get Professor Guo Tell him to run away, and tell him not to come to Tan Mo's idea, Tan Mo is very busy now, and there is no time to go to the fourth research team."

Bian Chengping was over there, raised his head from the computer, stretched his neck and said, "Our Professor Yue is very happy when he comes back, saying that he made a profit. Although he failed to formally bring Tan Mo in,

But getting Tan Mo to help, two or three times a week, is not better than coming. Didn't you see that Professor Guo didn't even help out? "

Zhu Shiyao: "..."

She really wanted to talk about ink inside.

I think this is a good opportunity.

Didn't the reporter come to interview Tan Mo?

In front of the reporters, she hinted that talking about Mogu's fame and fame was not what she said at all, and she joined the team.

What role can you play in a team if you can't see people a few times a week?

But Zhu Shiyao never expected that Tan Mo had already told Ling Xiaoyuan about this very sincerely, without hiding anything.

And the people in their lab helped Tan Mo speak and slapped her in the face.

Although Zhu Shiyao has only been in the laboratory for three days, during these three days, Tan Mo was often mentioned.

It was also heard that Ming Yeqing and Tan Mo had a particularly good relationship.

She thought, Ming Yeqing and Tan Mo were about the same age, they were both the same age.

In the same year, he was also admitted to Peking University at the age of 15.

I heard that the two are still childhood sweethearts.

The reason why Tan Mo came to help actually had little to do with Professor Yue, it was because of Ming Yeqing's face.

The first time Tan Mo came here was to find Ming Yeqing.

I also heard from the senior brothers and sisters in the team that Ming Yeqing actually called Tan Mo "Mo Mo", which was very intimate.

When Ming Yeqing talked to her just now, even though he called her Tan Mo.

But since Tan Mo came in, she has been paying attention.

Neither Ming Yeqing nor Tan Mo noticed her approaching, the whole room was focused on Tan Mo's reporter team.

It was at that time that Zhu Shiyao approached quietly while everyone was not paying attention, hiding in a place that was relatively close to Tan Mo and did not attract attention.

I heard with my own ears that Mingye Qing Guan Tan Mo is called Mo Mo.

This pierced Zhu Shiyao's heart.

It became more and more certain that the relationship between Ming Yeqing and Tan Mo was unusual.

Even if they are not together yet, it must have surpassed the relationship of friends, at least they have touched the ambiguous period before the lovers.

There is a saying that there can be no pure friendship between a man and a woman.

She deeply agrees with this.

For those so-called male girlfriends, if the male is not gay, he must have thoughts about the female.

That's why she wanted to expose Tan Mo's hypocrisy in front of the reporters.

Who would have thought, but did not succeed.

"Tan Mo is still a teacher in our mathematics department!" Professor Guo had just walked to the door when he heard the students from Professor Yue's team gloating, and it was him.

Immediately, with his hands behind his back, he came in with a tiger's face.

If it weren't for the presence of reporters, he would have come in cursing.

"Professor Guo, why are you here?" Director Yao rushed over to greet him.

Professor Guo said with his hands behind his back: "I heard that Tan Mo brought the reporter here. I just happen to have no class later on, so I'll come and have a look."

"Professor Guo!" Ling Xiaoyuan shouted excitedly.

She didn't expect to see this famous professor today.

Professor Guo also greeted Ling Xiaoyuan with a smile, and his attitude was very good.

When he turned his head to look at Bian Chengping and the others, his face became angry again.

"Although Tan Mo didn't join my team, she is now a teacher in the Department of Mathematics. Isn't this better than just helping out in your team? It can also cultivate more professionals for the school." Professor Guo pouted, " I still don't know who is losing and who is gaining!"

"Besides, since Tan Mo is a teacher, when her professional title rises, she can apply for funds and lead a team to do research. Even if it's not my team, it's also the team of our Department of Mathematics!" Professor Guo mentioned this. The poles are straighter.

When Principal Mu asked Tan Mo to give lectures in the Department of Mathematics, Professor Guo woke up laughing several times from his dreams that night.

Mrs. Guo was a light sleeper, and was woken up several times by his laughter, and there was nothing she could do about him.

When everyone thinks about it, it seems that this is really the case.

In this way, the Department of Mathematics will be the biggest winner, even Professor Tang and Professor Gu will lose.

Just to say, these people who deal with numbers all day long are very shrewd!

Cheng Xiuze has already thought about it, so he must report it to Professor Yue as soon as possible.

Let him quickly mention it to Principal Mu, and let Tan Mo take classes in their major!

He had no doubt that Tan Mo would become the youngest professor in the history of Peking University in a short time.

At that time, teaching two mathematics is also teaching, and calling two of their professional courses is also teaching.

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