Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 872: Cooling Ming Yeqing's heart

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Because the consumer group is very precise in targeting the teachers and students of Peking University.

Considering that teachers and students often have dinner together, there are a lot of private rooms for 10 or 20 people.

Even in the hall, a long table was specially arranged.

In case there is no private room, you can also sit on the long table.

Even though it was in the hall, the long table was blocked by a screen.

Although it can't block the sound, it can still make people relax more or less.

There are also many small square tables in the hall, which are for two to four people to dine.

Since it was a temporary decision to have a dinner today, Cheng Xiuze ordered it late.

Therefore, everyone could only sit at the long table in the hall that was blocked by a screen.

The positioning of this store is really accurate.

Teachers and students of Peking University will choose this restaurant whenever they want to have dinner together.

The private rooms are full every day.

Every day I come out, I can see alumni.

Whether you know it or not.

After all, the school is big, even the alumni don't know each other.

But most of the time you can see a few familiar faces.

They were lucky to be able to find the long table.

When Tan Mo received the photo from Wei Zhiqian, everyone had already ordered and were waiting for the food to be served.

The hall was full of lively voices, a little noisy, but also very lively.

Tan Mo looked at the photo, patted Wei Zhiqian with a smile, and praised him as a good husband.

Every time Tan Mo Wan patted Wei Zhiqian, he always blushed at the words of sadness.

But every time she wanted to praise him, she just patted him, saving herself from typing.


They also took pictures of their long table for Wei Zhiqian to see.

Tan Mo: "..."

We are waiting for the food to be served.

Earlier Qin Muye saw Zhu Shiyao standing next to Ming Yeqing, very close.

Don't care about Zhu Shiyao's character.

At least at first glance, it really seems like a good match.

Qin Muye didn't want to talk to Ming Yeqing.

Fortunately, after leaving the building, the space became more spacious, and Ming Yeqing quickly chased to Qin Muye, leaving Zhu Shiyao ruthlessly behind.

She didn't even notice Zhu Shiyao's disappointed and jealous expression.

In order to confuse Zhu Shiyao's judgment, Tan Mo walked beside Ming Yeqing, and Qin Muye was naturally on the other side.

Even if she voluntarily becomes a target, she still can't separate Qin Muye from Ming Yeqing, can she?

The two happened to sandwich Ming Yeqing in the middle.

This is really a novel experience for Ming Yeqing.

Even a little flattered and panicked.

Usually the three of them walked together, Tan Mo and Qin Muye had always been arm in arm, arm in arm, why did they separate now?

Still caught him in the middle?

"You two...argued?" Ming Yeqing asked Qin Muye in a low voice.

He felt that his relationship with Qin Muye was better.

And when he was in the building just now, he looked at Qin Muye, but Qin Muye ignored him.

This made Ming Yeqing very heartbroken.

He just took this opportunity to start a topic and talk to Qin Muye.

Although it's a bit unkind to take the two people's quarrel as a topic.

But he swears that he has absolutely no intention of being happy about having this topic.

Who knows, as soon as he asked, Qin Muye said angrily: "Who quarreled! If I quarrel with you, I won't quarrel with Mo Mo!"

Ming Yeqing is now completely sure that Qin Muye just has a problem with him.

But he thought hard, but he didn't think of where to offend Qin Muye.

Could it be that he really made an appointment to have dinner with Tan Mo and Qin Muye today, but he forgot?


Although his memory is not so perverted as Tan Mo's photographic memory.

But also good.

This thing will never be forgotten.

"Mu Ye, did I do something wrong?" Ming Yeqing said pitifully.

Qin Muye pursed his lips, bowed his head and did not speak.

What did Ming Yeqing do wrong?

He did nothing wrong.

But it's just not far away from Zhu Shiyao.

But what could be wrong with this?

Qin Muye didn't know why he was so angry all of a sudden.

She also knew that she was angry for no reason, and it was very unfair to Ming Yeqing.

However, she didn't know how to tell Ming Yeqing.

Can't say it.

He just walked with his head down.

From Ming Yeqing's point of view, Qin Muye still ignored him.

It seems that this time, he really made Qin Muye very angry.

Helpless, Ming Yeqing had no choice but to turn his head and ask Tan Mo with his eyes.

what happened?

Besides, since you two didn't quarrel, why did you leave separately?

Tan Mo looked at Ming Yeqing really pitifully.

This is really innocent.

He hinted in a low voice: "Just now when Mu Ye and I returned to the door of the research room, why were you standing still? Zhu Shiyao was still standing next to you."

Tan Mo raised his eyebrows, Yin Yang said to him, "Are you so reluctant to part with him?"

"..." Ming Yeqing blinked, "Is she standing next to me? I didn't even notice."

Tan Mo gave him a look.

Install, continue to install.

When she left just now, Zhu Shiyao was desperately looking for something to chat with Ming Ye.

Did Ming Yeqing forget so quickly?

Tan Mo didn't play around with him, and said directly: "Zhu Shiyao likes you, you can't see it, can you?"

Hearing this, Qin Muye also quietly pricked up his ears.

"She is always looking for opportunities to find me. But she is quite smart and always comes to me with research topics. I can't ignore people. But what I say to her is nothing but research questions. And I can I will not interfere with others telling her." Ming Yeqing said, "However, it is time to find an opportunity to talk to her properly."

"What's the use of talking about it? If you don't let her like it, can she listen to it?" Tan Mo shook his head, "I don't think she is someone who can give up. She even said, you don't like it." I'm okay, but I will like you silently. I have the right to like you, and I won't force you to like me. Things like that."

Ming Yeqing: "..."

Not to mention, Ming Yeqing had never encountered such a thing.

When I was a child, there was Qin Muxiao.

But children's liking is too superficial.

Besides, Qin Muxiao was actually pretty easy to deal with, because he wasn't very smart.

But obviously Zhu Shiyao is not like this.

"Leave her alone." Tan Moke didn't intend to talk about Zhu Shiyao with Ming Yeqing.

If you don't like it, what are you talking about?

Chatting and chatting, don't you pay more attention?

She didn't create opportunities for Zhu Shiyao.

"We can talk about it later. But since you don't like it, try to keep a distance from her. But don't let her touch you." When Tan Mo was speaking, he even winked in Qin Muye's direction .

A moment of ecstasy surged in Ming Yeqing's heart.

Did Qin Muye like him?

But he didn't want to, but Tan Mo shook his head silently, and gave him a look of "I'll talk about it later".

It was like a basin of cold water, cooling Ming Yeqing's heart again.

Let him calm down again.

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