Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter eight hundred and ninetieth: Can't be counseled

"The administrator has contacted all of us." Qin Muye said in surprise.

"So, everyone is still suspicious, including the two of us." Ming Yeqing said.

After the six people searched for evidence, they went to the hall to gather again.

After reasoning, everyone finally came to the conclusion that the murderer was the boyfriend of the girl who played Manager Cheng.

Her boyfriend explained his character's motive for killing according to the script.

But that's not the end of it.

They chose a difficult book.

So this is just the first layer.

Just after reasoning, an NPC ran out again, shouting that the administrator of the ancient house was dead.

The administrator of the ancient house died in the room of the previous deceased, the boss of the company.

The girl murmured, "It hasn't been long since we came out of the boss's room, so the speed is too fast."

The murderer was found in the first round, but the boy will still participate in the second round of reasoning.

After all, the murderer in the second round is not necessarily who it is.

So everyone went to the boss's room together.

As soon as he walked to the door of the room, the lights in the corridor suddenly flickered and went on and off.

The flickering light in the corridor seemed to have the sound of electric current hissing.

Qin Muye quickly hugged Ming Yeqing's arm, "Ah Qing!"

Ming Yeqing simply hugged Qin Muye and held him in his arms, "If you are afraid, don't look at it."

While holding Qin Muye, Ming Yeqing gently patted the back of her head to comfort her.

Under his comforting voice, and being tightly protected by Ming Ye, Qin Muye gradually calmed down.

Both hands gradually let go of Ming Yeqing's arm, but instead tightly grasped Ming Yeqing's skirt.

In this way, Ming Yeqing's posture of holding Qin Muye is more convenient and comfortable.

Qin Muye was closing his eyes.

The flickering lights flickered, even with your eyes closed, you could still feel the flickering light.

Suddenly, the scream of the little girl who played Manager Cheng was heard next to my ears, and the surrounding lights were completely turned off.

Even with his eyes closed, Qin Muye couldn't help screaming along with him.

Originally, Ming Yeqing just held Qin Muye in his arms.

This time, he simply hugged Qin Muye completely.

Ming Yeqing lowered her head, her lips were only centimeters away from Qin Muye's ears, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, I'm here."

Qin Muye's ears twitched twice.

I'm really not afraid now.

Because her brain was buzzing, she could no longer perceive the information from the outside world.

The sound of Ming Yeqing's breathing is all around my ears.

What she felt was also the scorching temperature caused by Ming Yeqing's breath sprinkled on her skin.

Tan Mo also hugged Wei Zhiqian's waist, and Wei Zhiqian put one arm around Tan Mo's shoulder to protect her.

Tan Mo said: "How do I feel, this script has the taste of a horror-themed escape room. Who wrote this script, it's a bit of a brain hole."

Another little girl has also been hiding behind her boyfriend.

"Shall we open the door?" The boy asked Wei Zhiqian and Ming Yeqing for their opinions.

"Let's go." Wei Zhiqian said, "The plot still has to go on."

Seeing that Ming Yeqing also meant the same thing, the boy said in his heart that he couldn't be cowardly either, or it would be too embarrassing.

So he opened the door.

Qin Muye also poked his head out of Ming Yeqing's arms.

Right now, I don't care about being embarrassed, I still feel safe in Ming Yeqing's arms.

Tan Mo felt that he was a little more courageous than Qin Muye.

She still wrapped her hands around Wei Zhiqian's waist, but she kept her eyes open the whole time.

The other little girl hid behind her boyfriend, grabbed the clothes on his back with both hands, poked her head out from behind him curiously.

Seeing that the boy was also a little scared, Wei Zhiqian asked Tan Mo in a low voice, "Are you scared?"

"A bit, but it's okay." Tan Mo hugged Wei Zhiqian's waist tightly, and when he was so nervous, he still didn't forget to sigh, Wei Zhiqian's waist is really thin.

It's so nice to hug.

"I'll open the door. If you're afraid, just hide behind me and don't look at it." Wei Zhiqian said, "Let Ah Qing stand behind you to protect you and Mu Ye, and you don't have to worry about what will appear behind you."

Tan Mo nodded.

When Ming Yeqing heard Wei Zhiqian's words, he hugged Qin Muye and stood behind Tan Mo, and said to Tan Mo, "I'm behind, it's okay."

As for Qin Muye, she was being held in Ming Yeqing's arms, her feet didn't touch the ground, but she was very stable.

At this moment, Tan Modu felt more secure, and he was not afraid at all.

Even if a person suddenly appeared from behind Ming Yeqing.

As long as she nestled in Ming Yeqing's arms, she would not be afraid.

The boy was relieved when he saw Wei Zhiqian went to open the door and didn't let him go.

In fact, he didn't dare to stop.

I thought it was nothing.

But when Wei Zhiqian said that something might come later, he got scared.

Especially the administrator's diary, which also recorded monsters and so on.

Even though I knew it was just a game and a script killing, I couldn't stop being afraid.

It's like escaping from a secret room, knowing that those ghosts are NPCs, but still screaming in fear.

It's just that Wei Zhiqian went to lead the battle, and he looked older than Ming Yeqing, so he was embarrassed to push Ming Yeqing to the end.

It is obvious that Ming Yeqing and Wei Zhiqian are acquainted friends.

Therefore, he can only stop.

His girlfriend put on a vibrato in fear and said, "I don't want to be at the end."

"Then come ahead of me." The boy said, "I am at the end, and you are behind this little brother."

The girl nodded and came behind Ming Yeqing.

Qin Muye was not afraid when he saw Tan Mo, but found himself still being hugged by Ming Yeqing.

At this moment, he finally felt embarrassed, tugged at Ming Yeqing's skirt, and said in a low voice: "Ah Qing, let me down, I can walk by myself."

"Okay." Ming Yeqing nodded, "If you get scared, I'll hug you again, it's okay."

Qin Muye: "..."

She didn't know what to say, Ming Yeqing didn't treat herself as an outsider at all.

Of course, they are all best friends, and they really don't treat each other and themselves as outsiders.

But I always feel that Ming Yeqing's attitude is a bit special when she thinks that she is putting up with it herself.

Upon hearing the word "hug", Qin Muye blushed.

Thankfully it's in total darkness right now.

Ming Yeqing couldn't see Qin Muye's blushing.

But although Qin Muye was not hugged by Ming Yeqing, he was still in his arms.

Ming Yeqing still held her with one arm, letting her cling tightly to his arms.

When searching for clues before, although the two were close, they were not as close as they are now.

If it is said that before, he could feel a little bit of Ming Yeqing's body temperature, but now his whole body is clearly wrapped by Ming Yeqing's body temperature.

There is still Ming Yeqing's breath burning her incessantly beside her ears.

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