The light outside has also been restored.

After checking around, go to the lobby for discussion.

Finally, under the flying rhythm of Wei Zhiqian and Ming Yeqing, it is determined that the murderer is the character played by Tan Mo.

Tan Mo: "..."

If Wei Zhiqian and Ming Yeqing did not participate, she would definitely be able to escape.

It's just that the IQ and reasoning ability of these two people are too high, and even she can't hide it when they work together.

Sure enough, it's not just e-sports without love.

As long as it is a game, there is no love.

The game is over, Tan Mo and Wei Zhiqian go back to Yijing.

Ming Yeqing went back to school with Qin Muye.

Ming Yeqing called a car.

The two were sitting in the back seat of the car, not as close as they were in the script killing before.

Even Qin Muye deliberately kept a distance from Ming Yeqing as much as possible.

Of course, the space in the car is so large, and there is not much distance to keep.

Ming Yeqing's eyes darkened slightly, did Qin Muye notice something?

So, what he was worried about before happened.

Qin Muye started to keep a distance from him?

Ming Yeqing didn't know, Qin Muye felt embarrassed purely by herself.

The thought of how she hugged Ming Yeqing so tightly during the script killing made her head explode.

I feel like I'm going to die.

No matter how scared you are, you can't throw yourself into Ming Yeqing's arms like that, and still hug him hard.

Yes, really hard.

Qin Muye lowered his head and secretly looked at his hands and arms.

She even remembered how thin Ming Yeqing's waist was.

Thinking of this,

Qin Muye wanted to beat his head.

Why did she think of this again!

She is just too much!

Ah Qing regards her as a good friend, but she takes advantage of Ah Qing.

Knowing each other since childhood, Ming Yeqing has always been a clean person in her eyes.

From a clean little boy to a clean boy, and then to a clean youth.

Now, she felt that she was the one who polluted Ming Yeqing.

However, Qin Muye is not a person who evades responsibility.

She did half of the psychological construction for herself, finally mustered up the courage, and said with a numb scalp, "Ah Qing..."

Ming Yeqing hurriedly looked at Qin Muye.

During this half-way, he didn't dare to speak first.

I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, I would lose my chance.

He would hasten to hear Qin Muye say that the two of them should keep a distance in the future.

"What?" Ming Yeqing asked hastily.

Qin Muye twisted his fingers nervously, and said: "When I was killing the script just now, I was really too scared, so I just..."

Qin Muye was embarrassed to say it, so he paused.

She felt that with Ming Yeqing's IQ, she would definitely be able to understand the unfinished meaning in her words.

She hugged him because she was too scared, not to take advantage of him on purpose.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Qin Muye said with a blushing face, "I'm sorry."

"Ah?" No matter how clever Mingye Qingrao was, he couldn't react right now.

He blinked, "Why are you apologizing to me? What did you do to me?"


"Just... we are good friends." Qin Muye said in a low voice, but he was embarrassed to be heard by the driver in front, "But I... took advantage of you."

No matter how low the sound was, the driver in front heard it.

He shook his ears a few times, did he hear such explosive gossip?

"When did you take advantage of me?" Ming Yeqing said, "It's because you were afraid that you hugged me? This is not an advantage."

"You don't mind?" Qin Muye turned his head, his gaze was full of hope, mixed with surprise, mixed with surprise.

In the surprise, there was a little disappointment.

In short, it is very contradictory.

Even Ming Yeqing was amazed at how Qin Muye could reveal so much information in his eyes.

"I don't mind. Besides, if you say that, according to your standards, I should actually take advantage of you." Ming Yeqing said, "Although you are afraid, I hugged you. I And took your hand."

Qin Muye died of embarrassment.

What are you talking about tomorrow and night?

Qin Muye quickly said: "I remember, don't you hate people who are too close to the opposite sex?"

Qin Muye took a look at Ming Yeqing, and his face collapsed, "When did you let go like this?"

Ming Yeqing: "..."

Although he hasn't caught up with Qin Muye yet, he already has a sense of crisis that his girlfriend will force him to question him, and if he doesn't answer well, he will die.

"I still hate their approach to others." Ming Yeqing said, "Even in the same scene, the other party was so frightened that they cried, I would not let her approach me."

"But you are different." Ming Yeqing said.

Qin Muye wanted to ask subconsciously, why is she different?

But then again, she was indeed different.

Isn't she Ming Yeqing's good friend?

It is indeed different from those of the opposite sex outside.

Qin Muye stopped talking again and didn't ask any more questions.

Ming Yeqing: "..."

He clearly saw what Qin Muye wanted to ask just now, why didn't he ask?

Unfortunately, this is in the car, and the driver is there.

He can't perform many things.

The car stopped at the gate of Beijing.

It's not very late now, it's only half past nine.

Although it is cold, there are still many couples out for a date and a walk.

Ming Yeqing first accompanied Qin Muye back to the girls' dormitory.

In the past, there would always be endless things to say to Ming Yeqing.

But at this moment, Qin Muye only looked at the elongated shadows of the two on the ground.

Her shadow has been elongated, but it is still shorter than Ming Yeqing's.

The two figures are always side by side, and they seem to be an unusually good match.

Qin Muye blushed when he thought of the word "good match".

How could she think of this word.

She is really sick today.

Silently all the way to the girls' dormitory downstairs.

Ming Yeqing looked at Qin Muye.

He watched anxiously and cautiously along the way.

It seemed that Qin Muye didn't seem to want to distance himself from him and keep a distance.

I don't know what Qin Muye is thinking.

Ming Yeqing decided to go back and delve into the book "Teach You One Hundred Provocative Tricks" carefully.

By the way, let Tan Mo talk to Qin Muye.

Seeing that Qin Muye was still lowering his head, he asked, "Muye, didn't you have a good time tonight?"

"Happy, it's scary, but very happy." Qin Muye said, "Besides, after screaming, I released all the pressure in my heart, which is pretty good. The relaxation after the heartbeat speeded up, followed by the playground It's like finishing a rollercoaster of horror."

"Then why do you keep your head down, as if you are not happy?" Ming Yeqing asked again.

Qin Muye said in his heart that it was because I dare not look at you.

Afraid to see you, I blush.

This feeling is really strange.

Why didn't she have it before.

Just as he was thinking, a palm suddenly dropped from the top of his head.

It is clear at night.

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