Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2349: Xuanguang City counterattack

Fortunately, Chen Yueying and Yang Qinglong did not fall, otherwise it would be troublesome.

"Senior Sister Liu, rely on us to counterattack?"

Wang Ruyan frowned and said that the cultivator of the virtual world can only be regarded as a high-level thug in the race war, and cannot determine the outcome of the war. The Jinpeng family has integrated cultivators.

"Of course not. There will be a fit monk leading the team. It may be a fit monk from our Zhenhai Palace, or a fit monk from other sects. There is a high probability that it will be a fit monk from the Leng Yan faction."

Liu Yumei explained.

"Senior Sister Liu, how is the battle on the front line in the border city?"

Wang Changsheng asked about the battle situation on the front line. Wang Qingshan led his tribe to fight against aliens on the front line. Many of the tribe's natal soul lamps were extinguished. Fortunately, Wang Qingshan's natal soul lamps had not been extinguished.

"I heard that the attack of the alien race was repelled, and the loss was not small, and the victory was not small. I don't know the specific situation."

Liu Yumei didn't know much. It was tens of trillions of miles away from the border town, and there was no direct teleportation formation. They could only teleport to the front line many times, and it was difficult to grasp first-hand information immediately.

Of course, there are large-scale communication arrays and communication treasures in the border city, but those are used by the integrated cultivators to communicate, and they are rarely used. To know the specific losses, you need to make statistics after the war.

Wang Changsheng was a little disappointed, he thought Liu Yumei knew the situation on the front line!

"Senior Sister Liu, you have worked hard all the way, so take a good rest first."

Wang Ruyan called Wang Qingcheng and asked him to personally arrange accommodation for the four Liu Yumei and entertain them.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Ruyan said to Wang Changsheng, "Husband, you should use Snow Lotus Jade Cream to heal your wounds! I don't know how long this battle will last!"

The ordinary power of thunder and lightning could not hurt Wang Changsheng, the aliens came prepared, and the treasures used were specially restrained in physical cultivation, but they also injured Wang Changsheng, not to the extent of serious injury.

With the improvement of his cultivation, Wang Changsheng's physical strength is stronger and his resilience is stronger.

Even if there is no healing medicine, it will take 180 years to heal quickly, and if it is slow, it will take hundreds of years. If you change to an ordinary cultivator, it will take hundreds of years to recuperate, but it will take thousands of years.

Wang Changsheng nodded and walked into the basement. He took out a pale golden jade box and opened the jade box. Some snow-white paste objects appeared in front of him, and the white paste objects exuded a special floral fragrance.

He took off his clothes and smeared the snow lotus jade paste on the wound, and a cool feeling spread.

He bandaged the wound, sat down with his knees crossed, and performed exercises to heal the wound.


Xuanguang City, a manor with an extremely wide area, a secluded courtyard with green tiles.

Deng Tianqi sat in a green stone pavilion with a young woman in a red dress with delicate features, drinking tea and chatting.

The young woman in the red dress is Deng Tianqi's Taoist companion Liu Yuehong. In the early days of divine transformation, the two were in love with each other and had many children and grandchildren.

"Husband, you shouldn't have a dispute with fellow Daoist Wang, we can't provoke Zhenhai Palace."

Liu Yuehong kindly advised.

"Hmph, the Wang family is not Zhenhai Palace. Could it be that the Wang family is an affiliated family of Zhenhai Palace, so I have to kneel down for him?"

Deng Tianqi said with some dissatisfaction, what he didn't tell Liu Yuehong was that the Deng family arranged a better marriage for Deng Tianqi back then, because Deng Tianqi had a grudge with Wang Qingfeng, and the marriage fell on his opponent.

"Are you still reasonable? The family will be defeated by you sooner or later."

An angry man's voice suddenly sounded, and just after he finished speaking, a tall and thin man in green robe walked in. The man's facial features were straight, his face was white, and his breath was stronger than Deng Tianqi.

Deng Hongbin, Deng Tianqi's second uncle, in the late stage of Shenhuan.

"Second uncle, why are you here?"

Deng Tianqi looked a little nervous when he saw Deng Hongbin.

Deng Hongbin takes more care of him, but is very strict with him.

"Hmph, it's not a good thing you did. I told you to make more friends. You're better. If you insist on getting along with Wang Qingfeng, the matter between you and him has been spread all over the world."

Deng Hongbin rudely reprimanded that Deng Tianqi had a grudge with Wang Qingfeng and suffered a lot for this.

After so many years, Deng Tianqi still can't get along with Wang Qingfeng.

"I didn't do anything, just bicker."

Deng Tianqi snorted lightly and said nonchalantly.

"Douyi quarrel? This matter is passed back to the clan, do you think you can become the next head of the family? Before your father's death, let me take good care of you. I brought you out this time, hoping that you will make a contribution to become the next head of the family."

Deng Hongbin said bitterly that he had no children and no daughters, and always regarded Deng Tianqi as his son.

"Second uncle, husband knows he is wrong, I will watch him."

Liu Yuehong spoke kind words for Deng Tianqi.

"Understood, Er Uncle, I will pay attention."

Deng Tianqi agreed. As for whether he heard it or not, only he knew it.

What else did Deng Hongbin want to say, a huge alarm sounded, and a majestic man's voice spread throughout Xuanguang City: "All the monks returned to their residences, waiting for dispatch, ready to counterattack."


Deng Hongbin was stunned, he quickly reacted, and ordered, "You guys are ready to fight against aliens."

Deng Tianqi and Liu Yuehong agreed to come down and went down to prepare.

A splendid palace, Jinding Zhenjun sat on the main seat, and more than 30 monks sat on both sides with a solemn expression.

"On the order of Senior Lin from the Xuanqing faction, we are preparing to counterattack the alien I will stay in Xuanguang City, Daoyou Huang, Mrs. Xie, Daoyou Jiang, Daoyou Li, and Daoyou Liu, you lead the counterattack."

Jinding Zhenjun said in a heavy tone, he obeyed the orders of the Mahayana monks.

Liu Yilong and others agreed to discuss specific matters.

Relying on the formation of Xuanguang City, they only blocked the attack of the alien race and fought against the alien race head-on. The loss is definitely not small, and they must be fully prepared.

After more than an hour of deliberation, they reached an agreement that Liu Yilong used the Wan Beast Flute to drive the monsters brought by the aliens, and the human monks took the opportunity to kill them.

After the deliberation, they each returned to dispatch troops.

After half an hour, hundreds of thousands of monks gathered on the city wall, and their expressions were different.

"Senior Lin of the Xuanqing faction sent an order to let us counterattack the alien race, kill the alien race with great rewards, turn to the alien race or retreat, and kill without mercy."

After Liu Yilong said this, he took the lead and flew out. Xie Ying and others quickly followed. There were more than 300,000 cultivators, and most of the elites were dispatched. As many as five cultivators were dispatched.

In less than a quarter of an hour, they stopped on an endless plain. The Jinghuo Clan had already received the news and waited in an array on the spot, not afraid of the human race monks.

There are not many monsters in the camp of the alien race. Their spies found that the human race made a big move and drove the monsters away to avoid being used by the human race.

"Kill them all."

Yan Ji shouted loudly, and the cultivators of the Jinghuo tribe cast spells one after another. They waved a red flag, and there was a deafening roar from the sky. A huge cloud of red fire appeared in the sky, and the temperature suddenly rose.

Races such as orcs took action one after another, attacking the monks of the human race, and the monks of the human race fought back one after another.

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