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Chapter 2362: Forbidden spirit lock talisman

The latest website: Jin Hu's face is getting more and more ugly. There are as many as four cultivators of the human race. The Jinpeng family is isolated and helpless, and it is only a matter of time before Tianpeng Island is broken.

"Mrs. Yan, the human race sent another cultivator."

Jin Yu said to Yan Yu with a heavy tone.

"Arrange your elite disciples to retreat! In the short term, they will not be able to break Tianpeng Island."

Yan Yan ordered that there are multiple teleportation formations on the island, and people can be sent to teleport away.

Even the four integrated monks could not break through the guardian formation of the Jinpeng clan for a while. After all, there are integrated monks who control the formation.

Jin Shu was relieved, agreed, and hurriedly ordered Jin Shuo and others to retreat first.

Immortal Taiyang raised his right hand, and a golden talisman that flickered incessantly flew out, heading straight for Tianpeng Island.

The surface of the golden talisman is covered with mysterious runes, which are twisted and deformed like living things, exuding a terrifying aura fluctuation, which is impressively a seventh-order talisman.

Forbidden Spirit Locking Talisman, this is the seventh-order auxiliary talisman, which can make the teleportation array in an area invalid, but it is only temporary, after a certain period of time, it will return to normal.

The Forbidden Spirit Locking Talisman flew over Tianpeng Island, and suddenly burst open, and countless slender golden lights flew out.

With Tianpeng Island as the center, streaks of golden light appeared in the void with a radius of 50,000 miles.

"It's not good, old ancestor, the teleportation array has failed and cannot be teleported."

Jin Chu was shocked when he heard the report of the clan.

All the teleportation formations on the island cannot be used, and there are no problems with other formations.

Li Huo Falcon flew to the vicinity of the golden-eyed sawtooth shark, and Tai Yang showed a kind smile on his face and said, "Three fellow Daoists, Zhao Mou is late, can I help you?"

"Friend Zhao, what secret talisman is this?"

Liu Qingfeng asked curiously.

"When I traveled to the Xuanguang Continent in the early years, I exchanged a seventh-order talisman with a forbidden spirit lock talisman with a foreigner. Within seven days, Tianpeng Island could not use the teleportation array, could not teleport away, and could not teleport in, they became the turtle in the urn. , there is only one dead end."

The voice of the real person Taiyang was not loud, and it spread over tens of thousands of miles, including Jin Hu, who could hear it clearly.

In fact, the Forbidden Spirit Locking Talisman can only block 50,000 miles for half a day, and it cannot be blocked for seven days at all, which is also very powerful.

Taiyang Zhenren deliberately exaggerated the forbidden spirit lock talisman to shake the military heart of the Jinpeng clan.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the Jinpeng clan members turned pale and panicked.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, the Forbidden Spirit Locking Talisman can't last for such a long time, how could he tell us that it has been so long, don't be fooled."

Jin Shu shouted loudly, he has never been to the Xuanguang Continent, and he has never heard of the Forbidden Spirit Locking Talisman, but with his experience, the seventh-order talisman cannot last for such a long time.

"Forbidden Spirit Locking Talisman can only block 50,000 miles for half a day. We must break the formation as soon as possible, otherwise they will teleport and escape."

The real Taiyang sent voice transmission to the three of Liu Qingfeng.

The main altar of Taiyang Sect is inland. In this racial war, Taiyang Sect did not make much effort. Taiyang Zhenren personally led the team to support this time, hoping to make great contributions, divide some sites, and expand Taiyang Sect. power.

The island is rich in monster resources, and he has long been greedy, especially in the sea area where Xueyanfang City is located, the caravan from the Qingli Sea Area will stop at Xueyanfang City when they do business on the Xuanling Continent.

The unique conditions make Xueyanfang City very prosperous and rich in products.

If it weren't for the great achievement, Taiyang Zhenren would not be willing to use a seventh-order auxiliary talisman.

The three of Liu Qingfeng suddenly realized, and they all stepped up their attacks, including Wang Changsheng and others.

Liu Qingfeng waved the long cyan sword and released thousands of azure sword energy, slashing towards Tianpeng Island.

A white light flew out from Bai Ruohan's body and turned into a huge human-shaped phantom. Most of the body was gleaming with spiritual light. The human-shaped phantom opened its mouth and spewed out a white light. Wherever it passed, the sea surface froze, and a large amount of white ice debris appeared in the void.

Li Qingyue sacrificed a flashing white seal. After entering a magic formula, the white seal burst out with cold air, and after the body increased sharply, it smashed to Tianpeng Island.

Taiyang Zhenren's sleeves flicked, and five small mirrors flickering with red light flew out, floating high in the sky, exuding amazing fire aura fluctuations.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the five small red mirrors lit up with a dazzling red light, and his body soared. After countless red runes appeared on the mirror surface, each spewed a thick scarlet aura, and went straight to Tianpeng Island.

Wang Changsheng nodded secretly when he saw the treasure driven by the four cultivators.

Liu Qingfeng drives the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao, Bai Ruohan and Li Qingyue drive the middle-grade Tongtianlingbao, and Taiyang Zhenren drives the complete set of low-grade Tongtianlingbao.

It can be seen from this point that the gap between the three sects can also be seen that high-grade Tongtian Lingbao is relatively rare. Maybe the three of Taiyang real people have high-grade Tongtian Lingbao, but they have not taken them out against the enemy.

Wang Changsheng didn't think much about it, he drove the Jiujiao Drum, and released a series of blue sound waves, and went straight to Tianpeng Island.

Wang Ruyan held the red dust flute, and in a cheerful flute, blue sound waves swept out.

Whether or not the formation can be broken depends on the cultivators, not Wang Changsheng and others. Naturally, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan didn't want to attract attention.

The disciples brought by the real Taiyang took action one after another, either offering treasures or urging Dharma images.

While Taiyang Zhenren drove the treasure to attack Tianpeng Island, he looked at Liu Qingfeng and others.

When he saw the Jiujiao drum driven by Wang Changsheng, his eyes showed a bit of surprise, and his face showed a memory. He felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, don't hold back, the Jinpeng clan's clan protection formation is not so easy to break."

Liu Qingfeng's voice rang in Taiyang's ears, interrupting Taiyang's thoughts.

Taiyang Zhenren responded with a pinch, and each of the five red magic mirrors spewed thousands of red fireballs, like a meteor shower, hitting Tianpeng Island.

Intensive spells and treasures fell on the golden light curtain, and there was a huge roar from UU Reading, and Tianpeng Island shook non-stop.

Jin Zhu's face was solemn, and he entered a series of magic tricks on a golden array plate. The golden light curtain became more and more dazzling, and countless mysterious runes rushed out, turning into a huge golden Peng bird phantom.

Peng Zhai held a flashing azure disk and entered a series of magic tricks. A gust of wind blew on the sea and went straight to Liu Qingfeng and the others.

Yan Yan waved a crimson flag, and a lot of crimson fire appeared in the void. After a blur, it turned into a huge red fire cloud. After the red fire cloud violently rolled, huge red fireballs flew out one by one. hit the opposite side.

The roar continued, and various spells and auras lit up in the sky. Occasionally, treasures or spells hit the golden light curtain, and the golden light curtain did not move at all.

The Jinpeng family has operated Tianpeng Island for many years. There are as many as three sets of seventh-order formations.

It is difficult to break the formation in half a day. (To be continued)

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