Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2369: The war is over, recuperate

The latest website: Spring and autumn come, and five years have passed quickly.

Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were sitting in a cyan stone pavilion and talking. After the Jinpeng clan was defeated, Zhenhai Palace and the Lengyan faction joined forces to clear up the participating forces of the Jinpeng clan, occupying more than 70,000 islands and expanding their power by more than 3 billion. inside.

The Dongli Realm is only tens of billions of miles, and the racial war alone has expanded by more than three billion miles. It looks like a lot, but it is actually very small. The territory of the human race is tens of trillion miles in size, but more than three billion miles One in ten thousand.

Wang Changsheng led the team to remove Qingyu Island. He drove the Nine Mang Drums to help break the formation. Coupled with the support of the Ascension faction, the Wang family got more than 2,000 islands, which were considered the islands occupied by the Wang family before. The Wang family now has a total of more than 6,000 islands.

This is also thanks to the development of the deserted islands by the Wang family. Although the war broke out and abandoned these islands, the monks of the Wang family have lived on the island for hundreds of years, and it is naturally the island of the Wang family.

It is rumored that Liu Yunlan killed Jin Shuo, and no monks handed in the soul of the shark pearl, and no one handed in the treasure on Jin Shuo's body. Liu Qingfeng naturally did not accept the credit. After negotiation, the newly occupied island was taken by Zhenhai Palace. Forty percent, Leng Yan faction took fifty and a half, and the remaining half was reserved for Taiyang Sect.

There are many reasons why the Leng Yan faction can occupy so much territory. First, the cold flame faction has been operating this sea area for many years, and the remnants of the Jinpeng clan have been cleared. , Leng Yan sent a lot of force, and also injured Peng Zhai and a seventh-order monster; third, Zhenhai Palace gained a lot of territory in other places.

After this battle, the human race suffered heavy losses and needed a good recuperation.

All major sects or immortal clans began to recruit people to absorb fresh blood and supplement their own losses.

The human race encouraged inland monks to develop in the sea, and issued a number of preferential policies, such as helping to arrange a large formation and giving a certain number of mortals.

A large number of inland cultivators went to this sea area to develop. The Wang family had more than 300 islands and exchanged five sites in the inland. Strictly speaking, these sites belonged to Zhenhai Palace, and the left hand was changed to the right.

Of the five sites, two sites have sixth-order spiritual veins, and three sites have fifth-order spiritual veins, and the area is not small.

Zhenhai Palace has acquired nearly 30,000 islands. Naturally, there are not so many disciples stationed there. Most of the islands are awarded to the immortal cultivators who have made meritorious deeds. Some disciples have no hope of breaking through and apply to establish a family. Most of the Xiuxian families belonged to local factions, including the Song family who were also assigned to some islands.

The Song family responded to the call of Zhenhai Palace and sent four cultivators to this sea area for development.

Due to the expansion of the site by more than 3 billion miles, it was inappropriate for Xueyanfang City to remain on Xueyan Island. It was moved to Tianpeng Island. Zhenhai Palace and Lengyan faction jointly managed and renamed Tianhaifang City. Lengyan faction took the lead and Zhenhai Palace Take the small head.

In general, both factions have benefited. The difference is that the Lengyan faction used to be the dominant one. Zhenhai Palace has now inserted its hand in, and has dispatched a lot of immortal cultivators to develop here and compete with the cold flame faction.

After this battle, the Liu family lost their vitality and lost their former prestige. Although they won many islands, not many experts were stationed there. Most of them were rented out to recuperate.

More than 70,000 islands have been newly occupied, forming a large strategic buffer zone, and Qinglian Island is well protected.

Wang Qingshan and others also came back from the front line, with most of the casualties and heavy losses.

In this battle, the Wang family killed three avatars, the bodies of the three avatars were destroyed, and the Yuanying monks lost nearly a hundred people. This loss is considered small. The small families or small sects who were recruited to the border towns to fight against foreign races, The fall rate is about 80%, and the monks of individual families or sects have been wiped out.

The puppet beasts of the Wang family shined brilliantly and gained some fame. Many forces knew that the children of the Wang family would control the puppet beasts against the enemy.

Wang Changsheng had already handed over Binghuo Shenlei, Gengjin Shenlei, and Yimu Shenlei to Wang Mengbin for refining.

Wang Yingjie had collected a lot of resources for immortal cultivation in this battle, and he has already retreated to the stage of virtual refinement.

As for Wang Xiao, Wang Changsheng gave him the "Tian Xiao Dafa" to practice, and let him sit on an island and practice with peace of mind.

Wang Qingying was seriously injured and is recovering, and will not appear in the short term.

Wang Xiangrong, the clone of Wang Changsheng, is already in the late stage of God Transformation, his strength is not weak, and he is good at wind-type supernatural powers.

"I made a trip to Piaoyun Island, hoping to be able to switch to Shutu Divine Thunder, and I will be back soon."

Wang Changsheng warned, he took out the Qingluan boat and jumped on it.

As soon as his tactic was pinched, the azure boat suddenly released its azure light, turning into a azure long rainbow that broke through the air and disappeared into the sky.

Wang Ruyan walked into a secret room, took out the talisman tool, and began to refine the talisman.

In more than a thousand years, Wang Changsheng is about to cross the great catastrophe. Wang Ruyan plans to refine the Tianlei Transformation Talisman, and this time he gets the animal skin of the sixth-order thunder ray.

Generally speaking, it is relatively easy for a cultivator to pass through the first great catastrophe, but the power of the great catastrophe varies from person to person. With the help of the Lightning Magic Talisman, Wang Changsheng can also relax a little.

As long as the Heavenly Thunder Transformation Talisman is refined, the entire family can benefit.


Xuanyun Mountain, Deng family.

In the conference hall, Deng Tianyang sat on the main seat with a serious expression.

Deng Tianqi stood aside with a calm expression.

Deng Tianyang is the highest cultivation base of the Deng family, and he has a cultivation base in the middle stage of Void Refinement. Due to some special reasons, his seniority is the same as Deng Tianqi.

"Tianqi, the lesson from last time wasn't enough? Looking at your good deeds, Senior Li of Zhenhai Palace mentioned you by name. Because of you, our Deng family died in vain."

Deng Tianyang rudely reprimanded that the loss of the Deng family was not small, many casualties were transformed into gods, and even Deng Tianxue fell in the counterattack.

It stands to reason that the Deng family has no credit or hard work, just because Deng Tianqi wanted to use the aliens to get rid of Wang Qingfeng, Li Yan named and criticized, and most of the benefits the Deng family got were handed over to other forces.

"What's wrong with me helping my second uncle? It's my fault? At that time, so many people were chasing and killing aliens. What was wrong with me helping my relatives? Don't I want to help my second uncle?"

Deng Tianqi retorted, his heart is full of resentment, this kind of thing is a confused account, it is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong, but Li Yan has come forward, it is naturally different.

"I've told you many times, we can't provoke Zhenhai Palace, why don't you listen? Sooner or later, the family will be killed by you. From today onwards, you are not allowed to leave the residence."

Deng Tianyang said coldly that many of Deng Tianqi's relatives died in battle for the family. He couldn't kill Deng Tianqi, so he could only imprison him.


Deng Tianqi responded, UU reading www. turned and left.

Deng Tianyang took out a dazzling magic plate, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "The Leng Yan Sect will open its doors in twenty years, collect disciples, select a group of clansmen, and see if they can join the Leng Yan Sect."

After this battle, all the major sects opened their doors and recruited disciples. He knew that the Wang family had the support of fit monks, and the conditions for accepting disciples from the Leng Yan sect were relatively looser than those of the Xuanqing sect. Enough.

Deng Tianqi and Wang Qingfeng are tit-for-tat. This incident has already spread, and the impact on the Deng family is too great. The attitude of some friendly forces has become ambiguous. If Deng Tianyang is not a cultivator, I am afraid that there are forces that have severed relations with the Deng family. .

Behind the Wang family is Zhenhai Palace. The overall strength of Zhenhai Palace is second only to the Xuanqing faction. In this war, the integrated monks of Zhenhai Palace killed many aliens in the integration period. Deng Tianyang felt that Deng Tianqi had betrayed the youngest son of Dahao Zhenren. Headache.

In this way, he hopes to hug a big thick leg and bless the Deng family.


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