Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2383: Duan Tongtiandu great catastrophe

The latest website: Spring and autumn come, and fifty years have passed quickly.

On a desert island more than 100 miles long, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the thick silver lightning pierced the sky, turning into a sea of ​​silver thunder in a radius of hundreds of miles.

A burly young man in silver robe is fighting fiercely with five hippogryph beasts that are more than a hundred feet in size. Hundreds of hippogryph corpses, charred black and giving off a burning smell.

The silver-robed youth has handsome features, his eyes twinkle with fine light, and there are countless silver arcs beating on his body. A huge human-shaped phantom floats above his head, and the human-shaped phantom's head is flickering like a real body.

This person is Wang Mengbin. Wang Changsheng got a piece of Tianlei Crystal from the wild land. After Wang Mengbin entered the Void Refinement Stage, he could use the Tianlei Crystal to condense the law. Unfortunately, the number of Tianlei Crystals is not large, only a small Blocks can only condense the brain.

This is already very good. Many cultivators who have entered the refining stage for thousands of years may not necessarily be able to obtain a set of materials related to the condensation method. For example, Lan Fukong, it is not easy to enter the virtual refining stage. Bao has to participate in a race war.

The predecessors planted the trees and the others enjoyed the shade. Wang Mengbin was given such a good treatment only because of Wang Changsheng's hard work.

This time he came out mainly to try out the fifth-order monsters. After the race war, the number of high-level monsters in the sea area controlled by the human race dropped sharply, and it was rare to encounter sixth-order monsters. When Wang Mengbin encountered a sixth-order monster, he had the confidence to retreat.

The five hippogryphs were no match for Wang Mengbin at all, their body was covered in scars, and a lot of feathers fell off.

In a few mournful bird calls, the three hippogryphs were pierced by thick silver thunder spears and fell from the sky.

The two fifth-rank high-grade hippogryphs realized that something was wrong, and after they slammed their wings, dozens of green hurricanes swept out and went straight to Wang Mengbin. Behind the blue hurricane, there were a lot of green thorns. .

Wang Mengbin's sleeve flicked, and countless silver arcs surged out, defeating the incoming attack.

At this time, the two hippogryphs used the wind escape technique and had already escaped for hundreds of miles. They fled in opposite directions.

Wang Mengbin raised the corner of his mouth and raised his right hand. In a loud thunderous sound, a group of five-colored thunder light flew out and disappeared instantly. At the same time, the humanoid phantom opened its mouth and spewed a silver light and disappeared.

Ripples suddenly swayed in the void behind a hippogryph, lightning flashed, and a five-color thunder spear appeared, the surface was filled with countless five-color arcs, exuding a violent aura, five-color thunder spear It was the combination of five different types of divine thunder that became a major killer after being refined by Wang Mengbin.

The body of the Hippogryph was like a piece of paper, and was instantly pierced by the five-color thunder spear. Countless five-color electric arcs surged out, drowning the Hippogryph. It let out a burst of screams, fell from the sky, and landed on the sea. Up, the body was scorched black, there was no breath, and the violent power of lightning had destroyed its body.

On the other side, a silver lightning flashed from behind a hippogryph, and the silver lightning struck the hippogryph instantly. After a scream, the hippogryph slowed down, and the dense silver lightning was like a gust of wind and rain, one after another. It fell from the sky and drowned the body of the Hippogryph.

The thunder light dissipated, the Hippogryph disappeared, and the world evaporated.

Wang Mengbin's face showed a look of joy. After entering the refining stage, his strength has improved a lot, and he can easily kill fifth-order monsters, especially the five-color divine thunder, which can be said to be his great weapon. If he refines it The more lightning power you have, the more powerful it will be.

He put away the body of the hippogryph, left here, and flew towards Qinglian Island.

The family held a celebration for him and invited many guests to participate. Even the Song family received an invitation. He had to show up on time. This was a great opportunity to show the strength and influence of the family.

It didn't take long for Wang Mengbin to disappear into the sky.

Black Wind Mountains, deep.

Wang Changsheng stood on a steep and desolate peak, looking at the thunderclouds in the distance, with a look of horror in his eyes.

High-altitude lightning and thunder, and the sound of thunder continued.

Duan Tongtian is crossing the great catastrophe, and it is also the first time that Wang Changsheng has observed the Void Refinement cultivator crossing the great catastrophe at close range, which is of some help to him.

The big catastrophe is different from the ordinary thunder catastrophe. The former must have a special power of thunder and lightning, and it lasts for a longer time. Comes with a special power of lightning, and there must be a special power of lightning in the big catastrophe, and the number varies from person to person.

There is no shortage of geniuses in the world of immortality. Geniuses cultivate faster and are more likely to attract special powers of lightning. From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many geniuses died under the great catastrophe. After attracting the five-colored divine thunder, after the four five-colored divine thunders fell, the big catastrophe was not over yet, and this person was wiped out.

It is not easy to determine what kind of thunder and lightning power the big catastrophe attracts, and it varies from person to person. Even for immortal cultivators with the same aptitude and the same cultivation technique, the power of the big catastrophe is different.

One after another thunder and lightning smashed down, and one was thicker than the other, and the blue water curtain mutual assistance Duan Tongtian.

The silver lightning struck the blue water curtain one after another, and the aura of the blue water curtain slowly dimmed. Several small cracks appeared on the blue formation plate in Duan Tongtian's hand, and the cracks continued to expand.

He didn't dare to be careless, and continued to inject mana into the array, making the blue water curtain more and more dazzling.

After half an hour, the formation plate on Duan Tongtian's hand showed dense cracks, his face was pale, and a layer of cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

The thundercloud was still more than fifty feet tall, and with a deafening thunderous sound, three arcs of blue, red and blue suddenly appeared in the thundercloud, and the silver thundercloud turned into a three-color thundercloud.

"Three-color Divine Thunder!"

Wang Changsheng's face condensed, it seemed that the number of three-color divine thunder was not small, and he wondered if Duan Tongtian could stop it.

A three-color thunder spear more than twenty feet long flew out, and after hitting the blue water curtain, it exploded instantly, and the dazzling three-color thunder light drowned Duan Tongtian's figure.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, and the blue water curtain disappeared, replaced by a cyan light curtain with three cyan carp patterns on the surface of the cyan light curtain.

In a deafening thunderous sound, a three-color thunder spear more than thirty feet long flew out and slashed on the cyan light curtain.

Before the thunder light dissipated, the thunder cloud rolled violently, turning into a three-color thunder crane more than a hundred feet long, swooping down from a high altitude and hitting the cyan light curtain.

A dazzling three-color thunder light lit up, drowning Duan Tongtian's figure, and the powerful air wave rolled up a lot of dust, and the smoke billowed hundreds of miles around.

After half an hour, the smoke dissipated.

A radius of hundreds of miles was razed to the ground, and there was a huge pothole on the ground. Duan Tongtian was lying in the giant pit, his breath was sluggish, three small flags with dim light were scattered on the ground, and there was a terrifying blood hole on his left chest.

Wang Changsheng flew down beside Duan Tongtian for the first time, took out a dry Yanghua Erdan, and fed it to Duan Tongtian.

"Fortunately...fortunately, it's just...just three...three-color divine thunder, otherwise... the old man must die, and I don't know how Xuanling Tianzun... received the Nine Heavens... Nine Heavens Divine Thunder."

Duan Tongtian said intermittently, looking very weak.

"Let's talk about it later, take good care of it first."

Wang Changsheng punched a magic formula into the formation plate, and countless yellow mists appeared out of nowhere, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.


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