Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2410: Great counselor

The latest website: The Qingyu Mountains stretch for thousands of miles and are composed of more than 100,000 peaks, large and small. The smallest hill is only a few dozen feet high, and the largest peak is tens of thousands of feet high.

This is one of the five strongholds of the Wang family in the inland. Thousands of monks from the Wang family sit in the town and plant hundreds of spiritual fruit trees. These spiritual fruits can be used for alchemy, brewing, and feeding spirit beasts.

Wang Lihe is the leader of this stronghold. He usually has nothing to do. He is relatively leisurely and can practice with peace of mind.

In a secret room, Wang Lihe sat cross-legged on a cyan futon with his eyes closed. A pair of flying swords with sparkling light hovered around him. There was a loud sound of sword chirping.

After a while, a sound transmission flew in. In front of Wang Lihe.

Wang Lihe seemed to sense something, and the flying swords all over his body disintegrated and disappeared one after another. He opened his eyes, and there was a faint cold light in his eyes.

He grabbed the sound transmission, put his five fingers together and pinched it, the sound transmission spontaneously ignited, and a respectful male voice suddenly sounded: "Old Ancestor, Senior Hua from Baidie Valley came to visit and said that he had something to see you."

Wang Lihe took out a gleaming azure dharma plate, typed in several tricks, and instructed, "Liang Hao, invite her to the welcoming living room, and I'll go over immediately."

"Yes, my ancestor."

Putting away the communication tray, Wang Lihe left the residence and came to the welcoming living room.

Not long after, a young woman in a green skirt walked in with a hot figure. The young woman in the green skirt had delicate facial features and a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth.

The main flower of Baidie Valley, Yuyan, is in the middle of the transformation of the gods.

The Hundred Butterfly Valley has been established for less than two thousand years. There are eight spiritual monks. The Hundred Butterfly Valley has raised thousands of species of spirit butterflies. The spirit butterflies can not only increase the production of spirit fruit trees, but also have supernatural powers. Some spirit butterflies are good at hiding. Some are good at wind magic, some have a keen sense of smell, and are good at finding treasures from heaven and earth.

In addition to selling spirit butterflies, Baidie Valley also sells spirit honey, which can be used to make wine, and can also be used for alchemy.

"Mrs. Hua, long time no see."

Wang Lihe greeted him with a smile. He sat here and conquered many forces, and Baidie Valley was one of them.

After taking refuge in the Wang family, Baidie Valley regularly offered spirit honey and spirit butterflies, and Wang used spirit honey to brew and concoct alchemy.

"Friend Wang Dao, we are in trouble, and we ask your Wang family to help."

Hua Yuyan's tone was anxious, and her beautiful eyes were full of anticipation.

"Trouble? What trouble? Madam Hua made it clear."

Wang Lihe frowned.

Hua Yuyan did not dare to neglect, and told the story again.

Hundred Butterfly Valley's site borders the Jinyanling Ning Family. There are many private conflicts between the two sides, and the battles are frequent, but both sides exercise restraint, and Nascent Soul cultivators rarely fight to the death.

Not long ago, several Nascent Soul monks from Baidie Valley went to hunt down monsters and met the Ning family's children. The two sides fought for a kind of spiritual fruit. Baidie Valley killed three Nascent Soul monks, one escaped, and the Ning family fought. Three Nascent Soul monks died in battle, and two Nascent Soul monks survived.

The Ning family has already contacted other forces, and it seems that they want to destroy the Hundred Butterfly Valley.

The Ning family has been inherited for more than 2,000 years, and there are as many as seven cultivators. More importantly, the Ning family is an in-law of the Lan family in Yunhang Mountain, and Kuangchuan Zhenjun is a cultivator.

Hua Yuyan hopes that Wang Lihe can come forward to mediate to avoid a war.

"The Ning family should know that your Hundred Butterfly Valley is an affiliated force of our royal family, and will not destroy your Hundred Butterfly Valley! Madam Hua, you'd better not hide it."

Wang Lihe said meaningfully.

"The three children of the Ning family who died in the battle, one of them is the youngest son of the head of the Ning family, to be honest with you Wang Daoyou, I went to the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons to hunt for treasures with a few of my colleagues. All of them were killed. The Ning family may not destroy our hundred butterflies. Gu, serious damage to vitality is unavoidable, this is a bottle of blood essence from a sixth-order blood-changing butterfly, which can be used by cultivators who practice poisoning to condense the dharma."

Hua Yuyan took out a blue porcelain vase and handed it to Wang Lihe.

"Blood of Blood Butterfly?"

Wang Lihe took off the cork, and a pungent **** smell rushed out. He took a few sniffs, and suddenly felt his head dizzy and blood surging in his body, so he quickly plugged the cork.

"Old Ancestor Qingshan has a good relationship with True Monarch Kuangchui. I can come forward to mediate, but if you want to be kind, you Baidiegu will bleed a lot, and even a few Nascent Soul cultivators will die."

Wang Lihe reminded.

"Friend Wang Dao came forward, the Lan family should not pursue it! We didn't do it first."

Hua Yuyan frowned and said.

Wang Lihe glared at her and said unceremoniously: "Bai Diegu has joined our royal family, but that doesn't mean we wipe your **** for you every time. How many small forces have you annexed under the banner of our royal family? site? Do you really think I don’t know?”

He was also not completely sure. After all, Baidiegu killed the youngest son of the Ning Family Patriarch. It was a lot of trouble, and it was not easy to mediate the matter.

Baidiegu and the Ning family have been friends for many years, and it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong.

"Okay! I'll leave it to you Wang Daoyou."

Hua Yuyan agreed.

At this moment, Wang Lianghao walked in and said respectfully, "Old Ancestor, the True Monarch Kuangchuan is here, and the Patriarch of the Ning Family."

Wang Lihe was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "Quickly invite them to the reception room, no, I'll go out to meet them in person!"

After all, True Monarch Kuangchui was a cultivator, and he knew Wang Changsheng, Wang Qingshan and others, so Wang Lihe did not dare to neglect him.

Outside the Qingyu Mountains, a blue flying boat floated high in the sky. Lan Fukong and other dozens of monks stood on the blue flying boat, and Lan Fukong's face was solemn.

Knowing that the Ning family was going to fight Baidiegu to the death, Lan Fukong immediately came forward to mediate. He didn't want to befriend the Wang family because of the Ning family. The Lan family has developed for many years, and a cultivator finally appeared.

The head of the Ning family, Ning Zhiheng, looked respectful, and his heart was full of fire. Lan Fukong knelt down to the enemy and begged for mercy. When the news spread, the Ning family felt ashamed and alienated their relationship with the Lan family. In the virtual period, he could only strengthen the relationship again. This time his youngest son was killed, and Lan Fukong came forward to mediate, but Ning Yuheng could only accept it.

Two flashes of light flew over, it was Wang Lihe and Hua Yuyan, their expressions were nervous.

They don't know what Lan Fukong intends to do. Is it to come to the door to raise a teacher to ask for guilt?

"Junior Wang Lihe (Hua Yuyan) pays respects to Senior Lan."

Wang Lihe and Hua Yuyan bowed and saluted, looking apprehensive.

"Wang Xiaoyou and Hua Xiaoyou don't need to be more polite. The old man has already heard about what happened. It's better to resolve the enemy than to end it. Let's forget it! Everyone makes a Hua Xiaoyou will restrain your family in the future. Just a disciple."

Lan Fukong said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Lihe and Hua Yuyan were shocked.

"Senior Lan, there is something wrong with the Hundred Butterfly Valley. Fellow Daoist Hua has already told me that he is willing to hand over the murderer and compensate for a sum of resources for cultivating immortals, so as to restrain the disciples in the future."

Wang Lihe said politely.

"There is something wrong with the Ning family in this matter. Everyone makes a step. There is no need to hand over the murderer and no compensation."

Lan Fukong said sincerely, in order to protect the family, he was even willing to kneel before the enemy in public.

Wang Lihe didn't dare to do this, and insisted again and again that Lan Fukong just asked for a compensation and gave it to Ning Zhiheng.

A big battle was spared, and after the matter spread, Kuangchuan Zhenjun added another nickname, Dacoun Zhenjun.

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