Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2412: strange beast eggs

The latest website: His consciousness is wide open, exploring the situation in the cave.

The cave is not big, and at the end is a cave with a size of several acres. There is a pool of more than 100 feet in the lower left corner. The stone walls near the pool are frozen. In the lower right corner, there is a magic circle with a size of more than 1,000 feet. Thousands of grey-white stones.

In the center of the cave is a square stone platform with a height of about 10 feet. At the top of the stone platform is a pool of more than 100 feet in size. A dense layer of blue spiritual liquid has condensed in the pool. A golden egg floats in the blue spiritual liquid.

There are some white lines on the surface of the golden dome, shaking slightly.

There is a row of cyan stalactites above the square stone platform, and some cyan liquid gathers at the tip of the cyan stalactites.

Wang Lianghong withdrew his consciousness and sent two clansmen to investigate. After the two clansmen imposed several defenses, they strode in.

After half an hour, they came out with excited expressions.

"Uncle Lianghong, there is ice-cold water in the pool, the giant egg is a spirit beast egg with strong vitality, and the cyan liquid is sapphire divine milk."

The clansmen gave Wang Lianghong a voice transmission, and his face was excited.

Wang Lianghong sucked in a breath of cold air. Ice Soul Cold Water is a sixth-order spiritual water, which can assist immortal cultivators in their cultivation. The alchemy and refining tools are also very good. As for the sapphire divine milk, this is a natural and long-lasting spiritual object, and it is also used to refine sapphire. The main medicine of the elixir.

The Sapphire Divine Pill is a sixth-order medicinal pill, which can improve the physique of the monks below the virtual refining and speed up the cultivation speed.

As for the other functions of the sapphire divine milk, Wang Lianghong is not very clear.

"You stay outside, we'll go in to get the treasure."

Wang Lianghong gave an order and brought three clansmen in to collect the treasure.

There are tens of thousands of jins of ice cold water, and more than 30 porcelain vases are filled with sapphire divine milk. Wang Lianghong put away the spirit beast eggs. He carefully explored the cave and found nothing.

Judging from the situation of the cave, there is sapphire divine milk here, and the sapphire divine milk is for hatching spirit beast eggs.

This spirit beast egg must be extraordinary, otherwise the real beast would not have set up a formation to hide this place.

At this moment, there was a rush of shouts from outside: "Uncle Lianghong, something is bad, the fifth-order monsters, there are many fifth-order monsters here, attacking the formation."

Wang Lianghong's face sank, and he walked out quickly.

A huge yellow rhino was attacking the formation, and a khaki light curtain covered the entire mountain to resist the attack of the yellow rhino.

The yellow rhino has a single horn on its head, and there are some golden spiritual patterns on its back.

"Driving the formation to resist this monster, I will immediately inform the ancestor of Qingshan."

Wang Lianghong instructed to take out a light cyan bead and squeeze it to pieces.

Wang Yiyan and other fifteen Nascent Soul cultivators entered a series of magic tricks on the formation plate one after another, and the formation plate suddenly lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and a yellow mist gushed out from the ground in a radius of hundreds of miles.


Outside the secret world, Wang Qingshan was chatting with Lu Shisan.

There was a muffled sound from his body, and he seemed to sense something, and took out some small cyan crystals from his arms.

"Lijiao, send someone to set up the formation immediately, and lead Lianghong and the others out."

Wang Qingshan instructed that Wang Lianghong and others encountered troubles they couldn't handle in the secret realm. It might be a fifth-order monster. Fortunately, they had a plan.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, something happened in the secret realm. Let's open the secret realm and lead my people out."

Wang Qingshan said to Lu Shisan.

Lu Shisan also noticed the abnormality and agreed.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the monks of the Wang family arranged the formation, and a formation of more than a thousand feet appeared on the ground, and the runes flashed.

Wang Qingshan and Lu Shisan took out the keys and condensed them into a glittering jade plate.

With a flash of spiritual light, the jade plate spurted a thick spiritual light, hitting a certain void, and the void swayed with ripples. A huge cyan light gate emerged out of nowhere, and a pure spiritual energy rushed out.


In the secret realm, Wang Liangpu and others controlled the formation to resist the attack of the yellow rhino.

The yellow boulders floated high in the sky, smashing into the yellow mist one after another.

Wang Liangpu and the others took out a silver talisman and slapped them on their bodies. A dazzling aura drowned their figures, the aura dissipated, and they disappeared.

The children of the Cao family took out a piece of jade pendant magic weapon that sparkled and injected magic power. The jade pendant also burst into a dazzling aura, drowning their bodies.

After the spiritual light dissipated, the children of the Cao family disappeared.


Outside the secret world, a thousand-foot-long magic formation suddenly lit up, and a dazzling aura rose into the sky. After the aura dissipated, Wang Lianghong and others appeared.

Cao Yihong and Lu Shisan took out a short blue ruler and a long golden knife respectively, and broke into a tactic.

Unlike the lower realm, the monks in the Xuanyang realm have a variety of life-saving methods to explore the unknown secret realm. The monks from the Wang family use the talisman and the formation to leave the secret realm. The disciples of the Cao family and the disciples of the Tiandaomen use treasures. The success rate of the former is even higher. high, the latter is prone to problems.

Not all secret realms or dangerous places can do this. To meet a series of conditions, first of all, there are no strong restrictions, such as trapped formations, killing formations, and illusion formations. Secondly, the secret realms have not been opened for a long time, and there is no maintenance. If these two conditions are met, using talismans or treasures to leave the secret realm will also fail, and it is entirely by luck.

Like those dangerous places with strong restrictions, this method is not useful at all.

"Ancestor Qingshan, there are fifth-order monsters in it."

Wang Lianghonghui reports.

Wang Qingshan suddenly realized that he sent forty-five clansmen in, only thirty-four people were sent out, and eleven people stayed in the secret realm forever.

Lu Shisan also learned about the situation in the secret realm, and he had to send a cultivator to repair the formation and send the monsters above the fifth rank out of the secret realm before continuing the treasure hunt.

The Tiandao Sect sent forty disciples to search for treasure, but only eighteen came out alive.

"Wang Daoyou, after a while, I will come over again and send someone to repair the I will say goodbye."

After Lu Shisan said this, he left with his disciples.

"Cao Xiaoyou, what's the matter with that Lingshan? What kind of treasure is it?"

Wang Qingshan said solemnly, Wang Lianghong had already reported to him.

Cao Yihong smiled bitterly, and said through voice transmission, "I really don't know what kind of treasure it is. That spirit beast egg should have been brought out from the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun. Our ancestors only knew that there were treasures in the secret realm, but we don't know what it was. ."

At the moment when the formation was broken, the children of the Cao family also used their spiritual sense to investigate the situation of the cave and knew that there was a spirit beast egg inside.

He thought it was a secret technique or a spiritual treasure. He knew it was a spirit beast egg, and he reported it directly to the Wang family. Even if the spirit beast egg could hatch, he didn't know how long it would take to grow.

Wang Qingshan snorted and took them away from the place.


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