Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2419: Spirit beast egg hatching (no more today)

The latest website: It is estimated that the blood essence of the sixth-order monster will make it recover faster.

Wang Changsheng took out a communication disk from his arms and punched in a magic formula. Sun Yuejiao's voice followed, "Father, Senior Sun and Senior Gongsun from Wanlingmen are visiting."

"Invite them to the reception room, and I'll go over there."

Wang Changsheng instructed to put away the communication tray.

With Gongsun Yang's aptitude, it was normal for him to enter the virtual refining stage.

Wang Changsheng came to the reception room, and it didn't take long for Gongsun Yang and Sun Tianhu to walk in, with smiles all over their faces.

"Friend Wang Dao, long time no see, we have also heard about your deeds in Wanlingmen."

Gongsun Yang praised that the news of Wang Changsheng beheading several aliens in the imaginary stage had spread, and they had also heard about it.

"Yeah! Daoyou Wang killed many aliens in the imaginary stage by himself. Now, when it comes to the real Taihao, who doesn't know who doesn't know?"

Sun Tianhu smiled and agreed.

When the war broke out, it was not long before Sun Tianhu entered the Void Refinement Stage, and Wanlingmen dispatched a lot of people, so Sun Tianhu didn't need to go to the battlefield.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, this is my little intention, not a respect."

Gongsun Yang took out a golden jade box and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

If Wang Changsheng hadn't taken the initiative to bring it up to Sun Tianhu, Gongsun Yang might have been transformed into the Dongli Realm. There were many spirits in the Dongli Realm, but most of them stopped turning into spirits.

Gongsun Yang must pay back this favor.

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and opened the golden jade box. There were seven pale golden pills inside, exuding a peculiar fragrance.

"This is the healing holy medicine of our Wanlingmen, Jinrong Dan. It is made from the animal blood of the sixth-order golden velvet beast and the five thousand years of velvet grass as the main medicine. It has a miraculous effect on the injuries caused by lightning strikes."

Gongsun Yang explained that Wang Changsheng was a craftsman and Wang Ruyan was a talisman maker. They didn't lack ordinary things.

He couldn't come up with a sixth-order formation, and after thinking about it, it would be better to send seven golden velvet pills. The Wang family's rise was short, and there was no sixth-order alchemist, so there should be an urgent shortage of sixth-order healing pills.

Many scattered cultivators managed to survive the six or nine thunder tribulations, were seriously injured, did not receive timely treatment, and eventually died.

"Daoyou Gongsun is too polite, we are old acquaintances, so this is not necessary."

Wang Changsheng said politely, Golden Rong Dan, Ganyang Hua Erdan and Snow Lotus Jade Ointment are all good healing medicines. The Snow Lotus Jade Ointment has been used up, and there are not a few Gan Yang Hua Erdan left. With the Golden Rong Dan , The clansmen were seriously injured in the impact refining period, and they recovered faster, so that they would not be seriously injured and killed.

"One yard is one yard, so don't be polite to me, Daoyou Wang."

Gongsun Yang had a serious look on his face. He couldn't come up with anything too precious, so Jin Rong Dan was able to take it out. After all, it was the unique secret medicine of Wanlingmen, and it would not be easily spread.

Wang Changsheng nodded and accepted the seven golden velvet pills. He thought about it for a while, took out the wood demon, and said sincerely: "Friend Sun, Daoyou Gongsun, you are here just in time, the wood demon I raised has advanced to the sixth rank, Seriously injured, is there any way you can make it recover faster?"

Gongsun Yang took the wood demon and observed it carefully. He and Sun Tianhu looked at each other and shook their heads.

"We don't raise wood demons and have no experience in this area. Let's go back and ask other brothers or uncles. If there is a suitable way, we will notify you immediately."

Gongsun Yang's face was embarrassed.

If there were spirit beasts and birds, he could still give some advice, and wood demons would be difficult to handle. Even in Wanlingmen, there were not many high-level monks who raised wood demons, most of them were tree demons and flower demons.

The thorns turned into demons, they had never heard of it.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Gongsun, I got a few spirit beast eggs, which have been stored for too long, and their vitality is still very strong, but there is no way to hatch them. Do you have any elixir that can help them hatch?"

Wang Changsheng took back the wood demon and changed the subject.

Gongsun Yang nodded with a smile, took out a silver gourd the size of a palm, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said, "This is the unique secret medicine of our Wanlingmen. liquid, there is a high probability of hatching,"

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Gongsun."

Wang Changsheng thanked him and accepted the silver gourd.

After chatting for most of the day, the sky darkened, and Wang Changsheng left them to live on Qinglian Island.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng walked into the secret room and took out the spirit beast egg and silver gourd.

He poured out some pale silver liquid from the silver gourd and dripped it on the spirit beast egg. The spirit beast egg suddenly turned and absorbed the silver liquid.

The spirit beast egg absorbed all the spirit nourishing true liquid, and its vitality became stronger and stronger.

Wang Changsheng bit his fingertips and drew some mysterious blood-colored runes on the spirit beast eggs. The blood-colored runes flashed brightly and disappeared.

The spirit beast egg turned on the spot and seemed to resist, after a while, the spirit beast egg stopped.

Wang Changsheng walked out and closed the door of the secret room.

For the next month or so, Wang Changsheng warmly entertained Sun Tianhu and Gongsun Yang.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, we have been disturbed for a long time. It is time for us to say goodbye. If you are free another day, we will visit our Wanlingmen as a guest."

Sun Tianhu said goodbye to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng agreed and sent them away in person.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng took out the thousand-year-old elixir and fed it to the double-eyed mouse.

Countless five-color light spots suddenly appeared in the void. After a blur, they suddenly turned into five-color auspicious clouds. These five-color auspicious clouds seemed to be guided by some kind of direction, and they converged towards a certain place.

"Qingcheng is impacting the virtual refining period!"

Wang Changsheng said softly, his expression became tense.

Having said that, Wang Changsheng and other five cultivators have all ascended from the lower realm, and there has never been a cultivator among the clansmen born in Xuanyang Realm.

Wang Qingcheng is a Tianling root, with good qualifications, a smooth person, good at reading words and emotions, and serving as the head of the family, doing a good job.

Wang Qingcheng also cultivated a set of four familiar exercises.

Tens of thousands of five-color auspicious clouds gathered together, collided with each other, and turned into a huge vortex of spiritual energy.

A dazzling yellow light suddenly rose into the sky and turned into a huge human-shaped phantom.

The aura vortex tumbled violently, and countless raindrops poured down.

Wang Changsheng seemed to have noticed something, and he walked quickly towards the Qinglian Pavilion not far away, and came to a stone room.

He could sense that the spirit beast had hatched.

Wang Changsheng opened the door of the secret room and was stunned.

The interior is a mini garden, with many exotic flowers and plants growing, and no spirit beasts are seen.


Wang Changsheng frowned, running the "Taixu Forging Divine Art", the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and a strange beast with a clam head and a dragon body came into view.

The alien beast has a pair of golden antlers on its head, a red mane growing on its neck, golden scales all over its body, and some snow-white patterns on its abdomen.

"Is this a Mirage?"

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes were fiery. (To be continued)

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