Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2422: The 7th Void Cultivator

The latest website: "Yes, the younger generation accidentally discovered this monster's lair, which is more than one billion miles away."

Li Weiguang's expression was apprehensive, and it was rare to see the famous Taihao real person. He wanted to form a good relationship.

If he hadn't met the real person Taho, he would have sold the news in exchange for a sum of resources for cultivating immortals.

"Lead the way! If there is no problem with the information, I will not treat you badly."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Li Weiguang agreed repeatedly, greeted his companions, and flew to the back of the tortoise in their envious eyes.


The tortoise made a low roar and moved forward on the sea as if walking on the ground at a very fast speed. It didn't take long for the tortoise to disappear into the vast sea.


Spring and autumn come, and four years have passed quickly.

At dusk, the afterglow of the sunset shone on the sea, and the sea was sparkling like a golden robe.

Wang Liangchen was leading people on patrol, the sea breeze was blowing, and teams of seagulls flew over from time to time.

"Uncle Liangchen, look, what is that?"

One of the clansman snorted lightly and pointed in a certain direction.

Wang Liangchen followed the eyes of the clan, and was surprised to find that the sea surface was violently surging, setting off a huge wave that was more than a thousand feet high.


Wang Liangchen's face was full of alertness.

The huge waves dissipated, revealing a huge tortoise, which was the lin turtle.

Wang Changsheng stood on the back of the tortoise with a comfortable expression.

Under the leadership of Li Weiguang, Wang Changsheng successfully found the nest of the sixth-order sea-swallowing mussel. There were two sixth-order sea-swallowing mussels in total, all of which were killed by Wang Changsheng and the tortoise.

He gave Li Weiguang a sum of money as a reward, so that he would have news of sixth-order monsters in the future, and give priority to the Wang family.

"It's Lin Zun and the old ancestor."

The cultivators recognized Lin Turtle and Wang Changsheng. Relatively speaking, they were more familiar with Lin Turtle.

Lin turtles occasionally go out to sea to hunt monsters alone. The clansmen are very familiar with Lin turtles. As for Wang Changsheng, he is in seclusion all year round and rarely shows up. Many clansmen have never seen Wang Changsheng.

Of the tens of thousands of clansmen, very few have ever met Wang Changsheng himself.

"Meet the ancestors."

Wang Liangchen and others bowed and saluted, looking solemn.

Wang Changsheng waved his hand and said, "You all go to work!"

"Yes, ancestor!"

Wang Liangchen and others responded and flew to other places.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng returned to Qinglian Island.

He was surprised to find that a huge thundercloud floated in the high sky of Qinglian Island, and the thick lightning struck down one after another.

"Sixty-nine thunder tribulations, and another clansmen are attacking the virtual refining period!"

Wang Changsheng was full of surprises. If he remembered correctly, Liu Hongxue and Wang Qiuyu should be eligible, both of whom were fifth-order alchemists.

Looking at the direction of Leiyun, it should be Liu Hongxue who is in the imaginary stage.

Wang Changsheng turned into a blue rainbow and flew down a steep peak.

Wang Yingjie stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the thunderclouds in the sky, with a solemn expression on his face.

After Wang Yingjie arrived in the Xuanyang Realm, he lived in the wilderness and suffered a lot. He and Liu Hongxue lived and died together and supported each other.

Liu Hongxue was in the imaginary stage, and the clan immediately notified Wang Yingjie, otherwise he would still be cultivating.

"Don't worry, Hongxue will be fine."

Wang Changsheng comforted and said that cultivating immortals is like rowing a boat against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Since ancient times, many monks have attacked the imaginary stage and attracted powerful thunder tribulations.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from high up in the sky. After the thundercloud rolled violently, some blue arcs emerged. After turning into a blue thundercloud, the thundercloud turned into a blue thunder python with a thick waist, and the thunder python was wrapped around it. With countless blue arcs, it exudes a violent breath.

"Sunflower Water God Thunder!"

Wang Yingjie's heart suddenly hung in his throat, and his breathing became rapid.

The blue thunder python swooped down from the sky, and wherever it passed, the void vibrated and twisted.

In a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, Liu Hongxuepan stood on the ground, wearing a dimly lit cyan armor, her face was pale, and her breath was sluggish.

She has already taken several fifth-order medicinal pills that can restore mana, and if she continues to take it, the effect is not great. Therefore, even if she has Tongtian Lingbao, she can't exert its full power. Talisman is the best choice.

Liu Hongxue took out a golden talisman that kept flickering, and slapped it on her body. The golden light flashed, and a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared on her body.

The blue thunder python pounced, opening its **** mouth and biting at the golden light.

Liu Hongxue opened a mouthful of apricots, and a red jade ruler flew out. The surface of the jade ruler flashed with runes. It was a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure.

The red jade ruler flicked gently, releasing a red glow, covering Liu Hongxue's body.

As soon as her magic trick was pinched, the red jade ruler blurred, and thousands of red ruler shadows appeared, like a red torrent, hitting the blue thunder python one after another.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, the blue thunder python turned into a huge blue thunder light, drowning for dozens of miles, and the smoke and dust flew into the sky.

Wang Yingjie's face tightened, and he didn't dare to breathe, his eyes fixed on the blue thunder light.

He has seen some records, some immortal cultivators were killed by the last thunder calamity when they attacked the virtual refining stage.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, but the smoke and dust hadn't dissipated.

Wang Yingjie couldn't wait to fly into the smoke and dust. He could clearly see that Liu Hongxue was lying on the ground, her body was charred black, her hands were bloody, and her body emitted a burnt smell, like a huge piece of black charcoal.

She survived the six or nine thunder tribulations smoothly, but she was also seriously injured. Fortunately, it was just one Sunflower Water Divine Thunder, and a few more Sunflower Water Divine Thunders would definitely wipe her out.

"Madam, quickly take the Golden Rong Dan to heal your wounds."

Wang Yingjie took out a golden velvet pill and fed it to Liu Hongxue.

The Golden Rong Dan has been stored in the family treasure house, and it can be taken if someone of the tribe is in the virtual refining stage and is seriously injured.

After a while, Liu Hongxue let out a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "It's finally entering the Void Refinement Stage, it's really not easy."

Liu Hongxue recalled the past and was filled with emotion.

"Don't talk for now, take care of yourself for a while and then talk about it!"

Wang Yingjie pinched the magic trick, and a blue cloud suddenly appeared, lifted him and Liu Hongxue, and flew towards the sky.

A colorful aura suddenly appeared high in the After a blur, it turned into five-color auspicious clouds. The densely-packed five-color auspicious clouds flew in a certain direction, and after colliding with each other, they turned into a huge vortex of spiritual energy.

The aura vortex floated above a green peak, and a red light shot up into the sky, turning into a huge human-shaped phantom.

"Double happiness?"

Wang Changsheng narrowed his eyes and his face became solemn.

If Wang Qiuyu also entered the stage of virtual refining, the Wang family would have eight virtual refining cultivators.

The aura vortex quickly rotated, and the pea-sized rainwater poured down and landed on the human-shaped phantom, and the human-shaped phantom burst into a dazzling aura.

After a while, the vortex of spiritual energy dissipated, and the phantom of the human figure dissipated. There was a deafening sound of thunder from the sky, the sky and the earth changed color, and a huge thundercloud suddenly appeared in the sky.


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