Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2505: The 12th Void Cultivator

For three thousand years, there have been Spirit Transformation cultivators constantly ascending from the lower realm, or landing on Xuanguang Island. Even fools know that there is a problem.

The monks who ascended first, such as Wang Changsheng, were relatively strong, and the god-turning monks who ascended later were more stretched. However, they ascended from the lower realm, which indirectly strengthened the power of the ascendant faction.

As long as there are ascension monks landing on Xuanguang Island, it is the credit of guarding the Feilingtai monks, and it is also the delivery of fresh blood to the ascension faction.

According to the palace rules, ascension cultivators are treated very well, and when they grow up, it will inevitably affect the interests of the local faction.

With Xuanguang Island, the Flying Spirit Platform, the Ascension faction can continuously get fresh blood and gain a lot of benefits.

In order to protect this achievement, the Ascension faction sent three cultivators to sit on Xuanguang Island, and Liu Qingyun was only one of them.

A sound transmission flew in, Liu Qingyun opened his eyes, crushed the sound transmission, and a respectful male voice sounded: "Uncle Liu, another cultivator has ascended, his name is Wang Zongyan, from the Wang family. "

"It's the cultivator of the Wang family again."

Liu Qingyun is not surprised. Many Wang family members have already ascended to the Xuanyang Realm. Needless to say, what Wang Changsheng did in the lower realm, the high-level people are well aware of it.

The top of the Ascension faction can also do this, but it does not make much sense. If you want fresh blood, you can just accept the apprentice, and your **** decides your head. Even if you are a monk who grew up in the Xuanling Continent, you will naturally maintain the Ascension faction under the door of the Ascension faction. Interests.

The lower realm is too troublesome. If you fail once, you will waste a precious boundary-breaking stone, and you will lose a lot of soul. People from the ascended faction grew up in the Xuanling continent, and they have no interest in the lower realm at all. It takes time and effort. In order to attract a few cultivators? Not worth it for them.

As long as it is not too wasteful, the five spiritual roots can be cultivated to the stage of spiritual transformation, and there is no need to do anything more.

Liu Qingyun left the secret room, came to the vicinity of Feiling Terrace, and met Wang Zongyan.

"Junior meets Senior Liu."

Wang Zongyan bowed and saluted, feeling uneasy.

"I don't have to do it. Since I'm a member of Senior Brother Wang's family, this is the sea map of Qinglian Island, and there are two fifth-order escape talismans. I hope you don't need it. The signboard of Zhenhai Palace."

Liu Qingyun took out a light blue animal skin and handed it to Wang Zongyan.

The Wang family is getting stronger and stronger, and he has to give face to the Wang family.

"Thank you, Senior Liu."

Wang Zongyan took the animal skin with both hands and repeatedly thanked him.

Liu Qingyun told him a few words and let him leave.


On Qinglian Island, a huge thundercloud floated high in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

Wang Qingcheng stood on the top of a peak, looking at the thunderclouds in the sky, with a worried expression on his face.

Dong Xueli has been in the virtual refining stage for decades, and Sun Yuejiao is finally entering the virtual refining stage, I hope she can succeed.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli didn't like to be lively, they didn't hold a virtual refining ceremony, and they didn't announce the news to the outside world. They were relatively low-key.

For the Wang family, more or less virtual cultivators mean little.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are both practicing in seclusion, and they don't know how long it will take to get out of the seclusion.

A cyan light flew from a distance and landed in front of Wang Qingcheng, it was Wang Qingshan.

"Yuejiao is hitting the virtual refining stage?"

Wang Qingshan asked.

Wang Qingcheng nodded and said, "Seventh brother, why are you back?"

"Qingfeng and the others went to Qinglian Valley to sit in town, and I plan to come back for a while."

Wang Qingshan said with a smile, the family adopts a rotation system, and he has been in office in Qinglian Valley for many years. Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli will replace Wang Qingshan, and Wang Qingshan can come back and cultivate for a period of time.

Wang Changsheng gave him a lot of silver gangster crystals. He wanted to condense the dharma and practice. Naturally, it is better to be in Qinglian Island. Qinglian Island has a seventh-order spiritual vein. Although it is not long, it is a seventh-order spiritual vein. It is much more aura than Qinglian Valley.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from the sky, interrupting their thoughts.

After the thundercloud tumbled violently, an arc of gold and red gushed out. It didn't take long for the thundercloud to turn into gold and red, and you could see countless gold and red Razers wandering around.

"Two-color Divine Thunder!"

Wang Qingcheng took a deep breath and his expression became tense.

Accompanied by a deafening thunderous sound, the two-color thundercloud turned into a golden and red two-color thunder python that was more than a hundred feet long, and rushed down from the sky.

A huge pit with black smoke, Sun Yuejiao stood in the huge pit, her face was pale, her body surface was covered with five light curtains of different colors, and under her feet, there were several broken flags scattered.

She entered the Void Refinement Stage relatively late, which is a good thing. There are sixth-order formations, sixth-order medicinal pills, and Tianlei Spiritual Talismans. This treatment is much higher than that of Wang Qiuyu.

The two-color thunder python slammed into the silver light curtain, and there was a muffled sound. The two-color thunder python tore and slapped the silver light curtain, but it had no effect.

Sun Yuejiao took out three flying knives with red light flowing incessantly, and slashed at the two-color thunder python.

The two-color thunder python was transformed by the power of thunder and lightning, not an entity, and was smashed by three red flying knives.

The thunder light soared, and the golden and red thunder light drowned Sun Yuejiao's body, and the air was like a tidal wave.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, and Sun Yuejiao's body was covered with a silver curtain of light, her face was pale, and she successfully entered the virtual refining stage. There were twelve virtual refining cultivators in her family.

Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingshan rushed over, Wang Qingcheng took out a green marrow pill and let Sun Yuejiao take it for healing.

"Qingcheng, take Yuejiao back first! Take care of yourself and consolidate your cultivation."

Wang Qingshan warned.

Wang Qingcheng responded and left with Sun Yuejiao.

Back to Green Bamboo Bee, Wang Qingshan released the golden-horned Lei Lin beast and the stone man, allowing them to move freely.

He plans to retreat and cultivate for a period of time. The cultivation of the virtual cultivator is very slow to improve the realm. If you are unlucky, it is not surprising to stay in the virtual refining period for ten thousand years.

Wang Qingshan took out a gleaming azure dharma plate, entered a magic formula, and asked, "Qingcheng, what happened?"

"Seventh brother, there is a clan member named Wang Zongyan who has soared from the lower realm. He said that he wants to see his parents and to report something. He doesn't want to tell Moshan, you can deal with it!"

Wang Qingcheng told the truth, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan retreated, and the family Wang Qingshan was the largest, but Wang Qingshan generally didn't care about anything, Wang Moshan would not disturb Wang Qingshan's cultivation.

"Zong Yan? He finally ascended to Xuanyang Realm. Where is he now?"

Wang Qingshan asked.

"Welcome to the living room, Mo Shan is accompanying him."

"Understood, I'll go right now, take good care of Yuejiao."

Wang Qingshan put away the communication disk, UU reading left Qingzhubee and came to the reception room.

Wang Moshan was talking to Wang Zongyan, and Wang Zongyan was excited when he saw Wang Qingshan.

"Grandson pays respects to the ancestors of Qingshan."

Wang Zongyan bowed and saluted, he didn't know many people from the Upper Realm.

The portraits of Wang Changsheng and other ascended clansmen have been seen by all clansmen.

"The pretense will be avoided. Uncle Ninth mentioned you. With your aptitude, you should have already soared. Why did you delay so long? Something happened to the lower realm?"

Wang Qingshan wondered.


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