Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2536: Wanbao Shenjun, Zixiao Pan (no more today)

There are some strange spirit patterns on the face of the red-robed man, and some red spirit patterns in the corners of his eyes. This person is a witch.

The red-robed man's consciousness was wide open, and after careful inspection, he found nothing unusual.

With a flick of his sleeve, a red light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet, revealing a golden cicada with four wings and hundreds of pairs of small golden eyes on its head.

The sixth-order Hundred-Eyed Golden Cicada ranks 215th on the Hundred-Eyed Golden Cicada Ten Thousand Insects List, and has miraculous effects on illusions.

Each of its eyes shot a golden light, hitting the sea below without any abnormality.

A ray of distraction from the red-robed man was attached to the hundred-eyed golden cicada, and nothing unusual was found.

The calm sea tumbled violently, and a huge cyan carp flew out from the bottom of the sea. With a flash of cyan light, the cyan carp turned into a charming woman, wearing a long cyan dress, with some cyan on her arms and face. Lingwen, she is a cultivator in the early stage of integration.

"How! Didn't find them?"

The young woman in the blue skirt frowned.

"No, their escape speed is faster, and my spirit bird was also injured. They didn't escape from the bottom of the sea?"

The red-robed man wondered.

"One Lianxu was killed, and the other two were escaped by them. They seem to be the disciples of Master Xuanyin, who have mastered the Thousand-Yin Transformation Spirit Technique, but you, you didn't even stay behind a Lianxu cultivator, you witches Is this the strength of the clan?"

The young woman in the blue skirt said contemptuously.

"Hmph, these two people are not high in cultivation, they are even more powerful than the three guys you chased. They have mastered a secret art of attacking divine consciousness. I remember that Master Xuanyin has a mysterious divine consciousness called the Nine Revolutions God Forging Dafa. They should be the disciples and grandsons of Master Xuanyin.”

The red-robed man's face was solemn.

"Even if they practice the Rank Nine God Forging Dafa, can they still threaten you?"

The young woman in the blue skirt said nonchalantly.

"If not, do you think they can run away? I was stunned by their divine sense secret technique, and then I was trapped in a pagoda by them for a short period of time. Forget it, run away and run away, the human race. The master might not come here, anyway, the thing is in hand, let's go!"

After the big man in red robe said this, he put away the spirit worm, and the red light on his body released, turning into a red escaping light that broke through the air and walked away.

The young woman in the green skirt snorted softly, and disappeared into a little blue light.

Two hours have passed, and there is nothing unusual here.

Countless scarlet firelights emerged in the void, turned into a red butterfly, flew high into the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

Obviously, the red-robed man didn't really leave. If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan showed their heads, he would come back.

Half a day passed, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan still did not show up.

A golden flying boat with golden light flew from a distance, and hundreds of monks stood on it. Their clothes had a gourd pattern, which was the symbol of the Han family.

A middle-aged man with a dignified appearance stood at the front with deep eyes.

A young girl in a blue skirt with delicate features stood beside the middle-aged man. In her hand, she held a flickering dharma disk with a cyan pointer on the surface of the dharma disk.

"How is it? Does the Qiankun Pan react?"

The middle-aged man asked with a gloomy face.

The girl in the blue skirt entered several magic tricks, and the cyan magic disk suddenly increased in aura, the cyan pointer turned rapidly, and the pointer pointed to the northwest direction.

"Back to the words of Seventh Uncle, they came here before."

The girl in the blue skirt pointed to the northwest and said.

"Chase, send a message to the other clansmen, and try to stop them. The Zixiao Sect's Zixiao plate must not fall into their hands. It's even if the Zixiaozong has such treasures and can't be handed over to our Han family. The integrated cultivator of the Qingli tribe took it away, and the Zixiao Pan is a treasure refined by the Lord of Ten Thousand Treasures."

The middle-aged man instructed that one of the Han family's affiliated forces, the Zixiao Sect, obtained a treasure, the Zixiao Pan, and the integrated cultivator crossed the great calamity. With this treasure in hand, it can weaken the power of the thunder tribulation.

The Zixiao Pan is a treasure refined by Wanbao Shenjun. Wanbao Shenjun is a Mahayana monk. He was a Mahayana monk of the same era as Master Xuanyin, and both injured the Mahayana monks in the Nine Dragons Palace.

The news was leaked, and the interracial fusion broke into the Zixiao Sect with the cooperation of the internal response, robbed the Zixiao plate, and the fusion monks of the Han family got the news and came as quickly as possible.

"Yes, Seventh Uncle."

The girl in the blue skirt agreed, took out a small mirror with a glittering golden light, entered a magic formula, and said, "I found the aura of an alien race, in the northwest direction of the Golden Shark Islands, send a message to the human race forces in other sea areas, the witch race and the blue carp race. The integrated cultivator robbed the Zixiao Pan refined by the God of Ten Thousand Treasures, and wanted them with all their might, regardless of life or death."

"Yes, Fifth Aunt."

Putting away the golden mirror, the girl in the green skirt said with some dissatisfaction: "The Zixiao Sect is too wasteful, and the disciples under the sect were actually bought by the alien race."

"It's hard to say, maybe it was controlled by an alien race. Let's not talk about it, let's catch up first."

As soon as the middle-aged man's magic trick was pinched, the golden flying boat suddenly rose in aura, flew high into the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

Half a day later, a golden light lit up somewhere on the sea, and a small island appeared. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were standing on the beach, their expressions solemn.

They wanted to rush to a square market opened by Zixiao Sect and teleport to a large square market, but they encountered two aliens in the fusion period on the way.

Wang Changsheng found each other from a long distance, UU reading www. uukanshu. com was still caught up by the other party.

They scattered and fled for their lives, and a fit cultivator chased down Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

They used the technique of combined strikes, used the roar of the gods, and then trapped a fit cultivator with a low-grade spiritual treasure, and slipped away.

After escaping for a distance, they used the Mirage Dragon and Sky Splitter to hide.

Fortunately, the fit cultivator did not see through the illusion of a mirage. This is not surprising. It does not mean that a high level of cultivation can see through the illusion of a mirage. After all, it is a descendant of the true spirit, not a spiritual beast that inherits a trace of the dragon's blood.

Even if the other party saw through the Mirage Dragon's illusion, it was nothing, they hid in the temporary space opened up by the Sky Splitter.

The sky-splitting beast is currently a top-grade fifth-order, and the temporary space opened up can last for three days.

After the high-level monks left, they came out of the temporary space and hid on the island. However, due to the powerful illusion of the Mirage Dragon, there were no immortals who passed by and could not find anything unusual.

After raising soldiers for thousands of days and using them for a while, Mirage has made a contribution this time.

Thanks to the cultivators they encountered in the early stages of integration, if their cultivation was higher, they probably wouldn't be able to escape so easily.

The human race in the Qingli Sea Area is larger than the Xuanling Continent. They need to constantly switch routes, go to a specific market, and take the teleportation array to leave, but they did not expect to encounter a fit monk.

"Witch Clan! Blue Carp Clan! Zixiao Pan! Myriad Treasures Divine Sovereign!"

Wang Changsheng frowned, listening to the words of the alien fusion, she killed a cultivator, and she didn't know if the other party knew their destination. If they followed this clue to Wandu Island, it would be troublesome.

"Let's leave here first, but I actually encountered an alien fusion. I hope it won't be so bad in the future."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left this place and disappeared into the sky.


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