Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2538: Li Qinghuan's small request

Half an hour later, they appeared in a private room of Yiyun Pavilion, the largest teahouse in Qingfalcon Square. Four goddesses were guarding the door and the door was closed.

"Fellow Daoist Li, this is a little bit of our heart. Let's express our gratitude. If it's not respect, please don't dislike it."

Wang Changsheng took out a beautiful cyan jade box and handed it to Li Qinghuan.

Li Qinghuan opened the box cover and saw that there was a small blue shield and a blue ring inside.

He was greatly shocked. It was thousands of years ago that he rescued Wang Yingjie, and Wang Yingjie was only a cultivator.

To be honest, Li Qinghuan wouldn't care even if Wang Changsheng acted as if nothing happened. He didn't save Wang Yingjie just because of the reward.

"Yingjie and Hongxue have already entered the stage of virtual refining. After the incident, we inquired about Daoyou Li's whereabouts and wanted to thank Daoyou Li in person, but we were unable to find Daoyou Li. Today we finally settled a wish, and please don't dislike Daoyou Li. "

Wang Ruyan said politely that they were indeed grateful to Li Qinghuan for his help, but they also valued the strength of the Li family for such a generous gift.

If the one who rescued Wang Yingjie and Liu Hongxue was a loose cultivator in the Void Refinement Stage, they would not have given away two low-grade Heavenly Soul Treasures.

Li Qinghuan has been pampered since he was a child, but he is not ignorant of the world, so Wang Changsheng must have wanted something for such a heavy gift.

"The clansmen who rescued Wang Daoyou back then were just a little effort. Wang Daoyou is not more polite. If you need help, and you can help, you will definitely not refuse."

Li Qinghuan pushed the jade box back to Wang Changsheng with a sincere tone.

"We heard that there are many good things in Tianmodongtian, and we want to go for a walk, but we don't know much about Tianmodongtian. We want to ask fellow Daoist Li, that's all."

Wang Changsheng pushed the jade box back in front of Li Qinghuan. They had inquired about the situation of Tianmodongtian from the intelligence dealer. Li Qinghuan was born in the Li family on Jinwu Island, and his understanding of Tianmodongtian should be higher than that of the intelligence dealer.

"Tianmodongtian? There are indeed a lot of good things there, but there are also many demons, ghosts, and even ghosts in the fusion period. Your strength is qualified to go to Tianmodongtian, but I advise you, don't go to Tianmodongtian if you don't have to. , Since Tianmodongtian appeared in the world, there have been no less than 30 integrated monks who died in Tianmodongtian, and there are even more cultivators."

Li Qinghuan took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

"This is the map of Tianmo Cave that I have collected. It's enough to do activities in the periphery. Don't go too deep into Tianmo Cave. Although the treasure is good, you must have your life to enjoy it."

Li Qinghuan pushed the jade box back in front of Wang Changsheng and said, "Forget the treasure, it's just a little effort. I'm collecting these things. If you have them, I can buy them at a high level."

He took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng swept away his consciousness and frowned, "The inner core of the sixth-order Frozen Moon Toad, the Wannian Ice Jade Flower, and the Cold Moon Fruit..."

Most of the things Li Qinghuan wanted to collect were for detoxification.

"Sorry, Fellow Daoist Li, we don't have these things. If we find them, we will contact you. Just accept these two treasures!"

Wang Changsheng pushed the jade box back to Li Qinghuan.

"At the beginning, it was just a little effort. You don't need to be polite, Daoyou Wang. In the future, I will travel to the Xuanling Continent. If you need your help, you must speak up, and we don't have to be polite."

Li Qinghuan politely refused. Wang Changsheng's heart is enough. He can eat people with short mouths and soft hands. Li Qinghuan still lacks two heavenly treasures.

For the sake of this, Wang Changsheng didn't force it any further. He put away the jade box, raised the tea cup, and said, "Okay, let's use tea instead of wine and toast fellow Daoist Li."

They picked up the teacups and drank all the tea, and Li Qinghuan returned a cup.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Li Qinghuan got up to leave, and left with four maids.

Wang Changsheng rented a secluded green tile courtyard and stayed there.


In a three-story blue attic, Lin Sheng was talking to a beautiful young woman in a yellow dress.

"I didn't expect that they actually knew Young Master Xiaoyao."

Lin Sheng frowned and said, Young Master Xiaoyao's reputation in the Qingli Sea Area is not small, apart from the reason why he was born in the Li family of Golden Crow Island, it also has a lot to do with his personal strength.

"What? Are you afraid of Li Qinghuan?"

The young woman in the yellow dress said with a chuckle.

"That's not true, I just don't want to cause trouble. When the ban is broken, if they know a little bit, then they won't embarrass them. If they don't know the appearance, they will kill them correctly. Speaking of which, how did they get away from the fit cultivator?"

Lin Sheng's eyes showed a bit of fear. Before that, he didn't take Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan seriously, but Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan escaped from the hands of the fit cultivator, which changed his mind.

"Who knows! Maybe they are controlled by the fit monk, let's be careful!"

The young woman in the yellow dress had a solemn expression. UU Reading


Spring and autumn come, and five years have passed quickly.

The matter of Zixiao Pan being robbed finally came to an end, and the major forces of the human race began to deal with the large beast tide.

There are many monsters in the sea area, and every once in a while, large-scale beast tides will break out, and the same is true in the Qingli sea area.

Every 10,000 years, a large beast tide will break out in the Qingli sea area.

In a three-story cyan attic, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Xiao Nianzhi, and Huang Tianxing were discussing something.

"According to the calculation of time, within three hundred years, a large-scale animal tide will definitely break out. We have to get to Wandu Island as soon as possible."

Xiao Nianzhi's face was solemn.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "It's not too late, leave as soon as possible! Get to your destination as soon as possible!"

They changed their faces and left the attic.

The streets were crowded with people, they dispersed, walked around and found no stalkers.

More than an hour later, they appeared at the entrance of a blue palace more than thirty feet high, with the three characters "Qing Falcon Hall" written on the plaque.

The hall is spacious and bright, with more than a dozen large teleportation formations.

They paid the fee and walked to a large teleportation array, next to a cyan stone tablet with the three characters "Golden Whale Island" written on it.

The guard broke into a magic formula, the large teleportation array shook violently, and a dazzling aura shot up into the sky, drowning their figures.

After a while, the aura dissipated, and the four of them disappeared.

Not long after, a beautiful young woman in a yellow dress walked in and teleported to Golden Whale Island.


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