Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2546: Silk Liwei of the Soul

The sky-splitting beast is only a fifth-order high-ranking rank, and it cannot move freely in space. Even if the black-shirted old man does not have the space treasure of the black phoenix blade, he can use his great supernatural power to tear the void and force out the sky-splitting beast.

The last time Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were able to escape, one was that they escaped from the sensory range of the integrated cultivator's consciousness, and the other was that the mirage dragon's illusion was haunting them.

If they escaped into the void within the locked range of the high-level cultivator's consciousness, the ashes would be lifted up for them. After all, the temporary space opened up by the void-splitting beast has a time limit, so it is impossible to hide in the void all the time.

There was a ripple in the void, and there was a gap of about 10 feet in size, from which Wang Ruyan and the Sky Splitting Beast flew out.

Wang Ruyan's expression was tense. The sky-splitting beast opened up a stable temporary space. The black phoenix blade sent her into the space and let the space storm kill her.

If it weren't for the defensive mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and the help of the Sky Splitter Beast, she would have followed in the footsteps of Huang Tianxing.

If it hadn't been for the sky-splitting beast to help Xiao Nianzhi get out of trouble, even if Xiao Nian had a defense-type high-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, he would still die in the space storm. This is the power of space treasures.

The Xutian family got a space-class Xuantian treasure, and it was destroyed by the big clan. The preciousness of space treasures is evident.

A gust of wind blew, and a huge double-headed owl appeared out of nowhere, it was Wang Xiao.

The golden light on Wang Xiao's body was shining brightly, and when he turned on the spot, it turned into a golden hurricane, involving Wang Ruyan and the sky-splitting beast. At the same time, a huge golden owl phantom appeared high in the sky.

Jin Xiaoying's phantom wings spread out, bursting out thousands of golden rays of light, covering the vast void.

The void fluctuated together, and the dense black sword qi emerged out of nowhere, the void oscillated and twisted, tore apart, and a hundred-zhang-wide void appeared, and the astral wind was everywhere, and the wind was bursting.

The phantom of Jin Xiao was pulled into the hollow by the powerful suction, and the dense wind shattered the phantom of Jin Xiao, and the golden hurricane burst instantly under the action of the powerful space force, but Wang Ruyan, Wang Xiao and the sky-splitting beast disappeared. gone.

Countless blue water vapors emerged from a certain void. The blue water vapor condensed and turned into the appearance of Wang Changsheng, his face slightly pale.

If it wasn't for Jiezhu's replacement, he would have died.

Xiao Nianzhi also appeared, his complexion was even worse, if he hadn't used his arm to replace the robbery, he would have died.

Wang Changsheng's body surface glowed with blue light, and countless blue waters emerged from the void. He stepped forward and punched the void.

With a piercing sound of breaking wind, countless blue sea water condensed into an azure blue river, heading straight for the old man in black.

Xiao Nianzhi was entrusted with the golden bell, and let out a loud shout, the void tore apart, and a golden sound wave swept out.

The old man in black shirt looked disdainful, with the black phoenix blade in his hand, he couldn't touch him with normal attacks.

He waved the black phoenix blade and slashed towards the void in front of him. The void was torn apart, and a hollow hundreds of meters wide appeared. The blue river and golden sound waves were sucked into the hollow by strong suction and disappeared without a trace.

The void fluctuated together, the blue light flashed, and a small blue print appeared out of nowhere. The small blue print was crystal clear, emitting a biting chill.

After the small blue print lit up with a dazzling blue light, its body soared and smashed towards the old man in black.

The black-shirted old man flicked his sleeves, and a black giant scorpion flew out from the spirit beast bracelet. The black giant scorpion spewed out a black poisonous fire, facing the blood-colored thorns.

The blood-colored thorns touched the black poisonous fire, and bursts of blue smoke rose, and the ashes disappeared.

The black-shirted old man waved the black phoenix blade, ripples in the void, tearing apart, a hole more than a thousand feet long emerged out of thin air, and the blue giant seal flew towards the black hole uncontrollably.

At this moment, a black light flew out from the blue giant seal, which was the silk of the soul.

Zhenshen's Roar couldn't affect the black-shirted old man, so Wang Changsheng could only hope for the silk of the soul.

The black-shirted old man was too far apart, and was about to avoid it when a horn resounded through the heavens and the earth, and it was Zhenling Corner.

Hearing this, the black-shirted old man frowned and felt slightly uncomfortable. A dazzling black light lit up on his chest, and a thick black light appeared out of nowhere, protecting his body.

The silk of the soul passed through the black light directly and submerged into the body of the black-robed old man.

The black-shirted old man let out an extremely painful scream, and he felt that his soul was about to be torn apart.

With a flash of golden light, a golden cauldron appeared above his head out of thin air, and various sounds sounded, tsunami, wind and snow, fire, thunder and so on.

Tianyin Ding, the middle grade Tongtian Lingbao, this is the strongest treasure in Xiao Nianzhi's hands.

Tianyin Ding spewed out a golden glow, covering the black-shirted old man and taking it into Tianyin Ding.

A large number of young men and women are engraved on the wall of the tripod, and they are holding various musical instruments.

Xiao Sheng, flute, pipa and other musical sounds rang out, and dense sound waves swept in. The black-shirted old man was furious and hurriedly cast spells to resist.

Tens of thousands of purple electric mayflies released dense lightning, slashing at Wang Changsheng and the three.

A golden sound wave swept out, crushing the falling lightning, and a golden hurricane rose into the sky and went straight to the Purple Electric Mayfly, but before the golden hurricane was close to the Purple Electric Mayfly, it was defeated by the dense lightning. .

The three of Wang Changsheng disappeared, and they used the escape technique to escape.

Tianyinding shook violently, and small cracks appeared.

The Zidian Mayfly attacked the Tianyin Ding, and within half a quarter of an hour, with a loud noise, the Tianyin Ding was torn apart and burst open, and the black-robed old man appeared with gloomy eyes.

"Soul attack!"

The black-shirted old man said softly, UU reading www. uukanshu. com looks murderous.

He never imagined that a virtual cultivator would actually master such a strange technique of attacking his soul, and his soul would be injured, and it would be even more difficult for him to advance in the future.

He will kill Wang Changsheng and the three, but this place has a great influence on his spiritual consciousness. His spiritual consciousness is wide open, and he cannot find the breath of Wang Changsheng and the three.

His eyes turned to the ground, his brows furrowed.

The body of the subordinate disappeared, apparently taken away by the other party.

With a flick of his sleeve, a golden light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet, which was a huge celestial moth.

Tianmu Moth flapped its wings and flew towards the place where Wang Changsheng and the three stayed, then flapped its wings and flew towards the distance.

The black-shirted old man swung his knife to a certain void, the void tore apart, and a black hole more than a hundred feet large appeared. A large piece of minced meat flew out from the black hole. This was Huang Tianxing's body.

The storage ring was also destroyed by the space storm, and all the treasures were also destroyed.

This is the terrifying aspect of space treasures, but the black phoenix blade is mainly to break through the space, and can't travel freely between spaces, otherwise Wang Changsheng and the three will not be able to escape at all.

The old man in the black shirt chased after the Tianmu Moth, and the black giant scorpion followed. It didn't take long for one person and one insect to disappear into the sky.


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