Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2548: The body of Jinxin Li Tianhe

The Golden Whale True Liquid is made from the inner alchemy of the seventh-order golden eye-turning sea whale as the main material, and is refined by adding hundreds of thousands of thousand-year-old elixir, and the sixth-order alchemist can refine it.

There are more than ten kilograms of golden whale and jade liquid in the storage ring of the five Wu clan of the refining stage, and there are many eggs, most of which are spiritual insects on the list of ten thousand insects.

According to the ancient books of the Wu clan, more than ten kilograms of golden whale and jade liquid are enough for a sixth-order spiritual worm to transcend four great catastrophes. The premise is that they are not dead. Insects.

The cultivation system of the Wu clan is different from that of the human clan. Some Wu clan specialize in expelling insects and beasts, and some Wu clan cultivate the physical body, but there is one thing in common.

The Wu clan picks out spirit worms, hatches from the eggs, feeds them with blood essence, and refines them into Gu worms. The natal Gu worm is the same as the natal spirit beast.

If the natal Gu worm is injured, the Wu clan will also be injured. If the natal Gu worm falls, the Wu clan will be seriously injured. If it is serious, it will fall to a large realm. Similarly, if the natal Gu worm is advanced, the Wu clan will also benefit.

If the natal Gu worm is promoted to a large realm, the Wu clan cultivator may be promoted to a small realm, with all the glory and the loss.

Unlike the natal beast, the natal Gu worm is a kind of growth treasure to a certain extent, and any cultivation technique can cultivate a natal Gu worm.

Human cultivators can only possess spiritual beasts by cultivating the beast-fighting exercises, but ordinary exercises cannot.

The natal Gu worm is equivalent to a treasure, and the power of the treasure depends on the magical power of the natal Gu worm.

For example, the Purple Thunder Mayfly ranks 50th on the Myriad Insects List. It has the blood of a true dragon with the thunder attribute, and is proficient in the thunder-type supernatural power. The purple electric mayfly gave birth to the thunder-sucking orb, and the cultivator of the Wu tribe had a very high survival rate to cross the great catastrophe.

It's a bit like enchantment, but the sequelae of enchantment are very troublesome, and the Wu clan's natal Gu worm does not have this sequela.

The Ten Thousand Insects ranked 30th on the Ten Thousand Insects List, and mastered the attack of the divine sense. If you use the divine sense to probe this insect, the divine sense will be absorbed by it, and it will be immune to the divine sense attack.

If Wang Changsheng guessed correctly, the old man in the black shirt’s life is the Ten Thousand Foot Insect, so it’s no wonder that the God-suppressing Roar is ineffective.

The world is big, and there are all kinds of wonders. In addition to treasures and special talismans, life Gu insects are made from 10,000-foot insects, which can be immune to attacks by divine consciousness.

In addition to using supernatural powers, the life-threatening worms can also be used to replace robbery.

The seven-headed blood leech, which ranks seventh on the Ten Thousand Insects List, can be used to replace the robbery once it is refined into a life-threatening worm. The seven-headed blood leech will have one less head, and it can replace the robbery seven times. Once, it takes hundreds of years of recuperation before it can be used again.

A jade slip mentioned the soul-eating golden cicada. The monks of the Wu tribe refined the soul-eating golden cicada into a life-threatening worm, which can not only improve the power of consciousness, but also prevent ghosts from taking over their homes.

The Wu clan has a special technique that can perform combined strikes. Cultivators use concentric worms to make life-like worms, but there is no cultivation method for this technique in the storage ring.

This practice has great drawbacks. Once a cultivator's life-threatening worm dies, he cannot perform the combined attack technique.

There are also nine secret arts of the witch tribe, all of which require a medium to perform. The most powerful spells use the caster as the medium to curse and kill the enemy and perish with the enemy.

The witchcraft's spells are different from treasures. Treasures can be resisted or avoided. Some spells ignore the defensive light curtain. Once inside the body, even if the Nascent Soul leaves the body, it is useless.

The cultivator fights, the body is destroyed, the Nascent Soul can be separated from the body and rebuilt. If it is hit by a special spell, the Nascent Soul will be useless if it is separated from the body.

There are several powerful spells, but the power depends on the cultivation of the caster and the strength of the medium.

In addition to these, they also got three sixth-order medicinal herbs for cultivating spirit worms, which are good for them to advance, a total of four bottles.

They checked the jade slips they obtained and gained a deeper understanding of the Wu clan.

The witch people live in tribes, and there will be battles between different tribes. Different tribes have different secret techniques. The nine secret arts of the witch tribe should come from other tribes, and they need a medium to perform these nine secret arts of the witch tribe. , kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, there is no secret technique for killing enemies from thousands of miles away. This secret technique is estimated to be the core secret technique of the Wu clan, and it is not easy to carry.

Wang Changsheng's storage ring also contains some secret exercises, not the most important exercises in the family, they are all ordinary things.

There are some things in the storage ring that Li Qinghuan wants to collect for cultivating immortals, and they are just given to Li Qinghuan to be a smooth human relationship.

"Madam, let's stay in this sea area for hundreds of years in the future! You feed the inner core of the sixth-order ethereal beast to the sky-splitting beast! I hope it can advance to the sixth-order, so that it can play a greater role."

Wang Changsheng exhorted that the mirage dragon and the sky-splitting beast both played a big role in this treasure hunt.

The double-eyed rat got out of Wang Changsheng's clothes and let out a "jiji" sound, as if asking for credit.

Wang Changsheng smiled, took out a 4,000-year-old fire cloud ginseng, and handed it to the double-eyed mouse.

Wang Ruyan nodded. In this treasure hunt, they got five boxes of Tianyin sand, which just happened to be used to condense the dharma and improve their strength. They also got two new songs, but these two songs have strict requirements on the player's cultivation. Only the cultivation of the fit period can play.

A month passed quickly.

On this day, Wang Changsheng was sitting in the stone pavilion toying with the double-eyed mouse. The double-eyed mouse was holding a pale yellow spiritual peach in its paws, biting non-stop, looking playful and cute.

Wang Changsheng gently stroked its head, and the double-eyed rat's tail swung back and forth, very happy.

A sound transmission flew in, Wang Changsheng crushed the sound transmission, and Li Qinghuan's voice sounded: "Wang Daoyou, listen to my clan, you live here, is it convenient to meet now?"

Wang Changsheng approached the Li family cultivators and asked them to speak to Li Qinghuan.

The double-eyed mouse seemed to understand something. Holding the yellow peach, UU reading drilled back into Wang Changsheng's arms.

Wang Changsheng opened the courtyard door and saw Li Qinghuan and a burly man in a golden shirt standing at the door.

The muscles of the big man in the golden shirt were bulging, his blue veins were exposed, and his whole body was full of strength.

"Daoyou Li, who is this?"

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment and asked in doubt.

"In Xia Li Tianhe, I am Qing Huan's uncle. I heard Qing Huan say that Daoyou Wang is a physical practitioner. I came here to discuss with Daoyou Wang."

The big man in the golden shirt introduced himself, his face full of fighting intent.

"Li Tianhe!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise. After arriving at the Qingli Sea Area, he checked the situation of the Li family on Jinwu Island.

Li Tianhe is a body cultivator in the late stage of cultivation. He loves to learn from others. The most amazing thing is that Li Tianhe has practiced Taoism for less than 3,000 years.

Li Tianhe never goes out alone, and every time he goes out, he is surrounded by experts to protect him, but the Li family never admits it.

Li Qinghuan was a little helpless, Li Tianhe had a golden body and was born with physical fitness.

At that time, he was still in charge of testing Li Tianhe's qualifications. Even though Li Tianhe was higher than Li Qinghuan, Li Tianhe was younger than Li Qinghuan.


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