Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2555: Supernatural power to destroy demons, Hunyuan fruit

Along the way, he encountered quite a few fifth-order monsters, and without Wang Yingjie's hands, the giant ape puppet beasts killed them.

The giant ape puppet beast is worthy of being a sixth-order puppet beast.

More than an hour later, the giant ape puppet beast appeared at the foot of a peak. The top of the mountain was shrouded in a thick blue fog, and the situation on the top of the mountain could not be seen clearly.

There is half a stone tablet at the foot of the mountain, and the word "peak" can be vaguely seen.

Wang Yingjie's consciousness penetrated into the top of the mountain, and a strange force emerged out of nowhere, directly absorbing his consciousness. He quickly cut off his consciousness and broke out in a cold sweat.

What a ban! If he doesn't cut off the consciousness, the consciousness will be sucked dry.

A sharp crane roar came from the sky, an amazing heat wave fell from the sky, the sky darkened, and a huge red fireball smashed into Wang Yingjie.

The giant ape puppet beast spewed out a golden sound wave and faced the red fireball. The red fireball burst open, and the flames scattered all over the sky, landing on the ground, and the fire soared.

A giant crane with a huge body swooped down from the sky. This is a sixth-rank middle-grade red-flavored crane.

Chi Yanhe flapped his wings lightly, the wind burst, and a red tornado swept out. Before he could get close to Wang Yingjie, he was shattered by the golden sound wave.

A sharp and ear-piercing crane roar sounded, and a huge red giant crane phantom appeared high in the sky.

Wang Yingjie was not afraid at all, and urged the Dharma image, and a five-colored giant phantom appeared high in the sky.

The giant crane phantom spewed out a thick red flame, hitting the giant phantom's body. Five-color auras lit up on the giant phantom's body, and the flames dissipated.

The void fluctuated together, and a huge red bird claw emerged out of nowhere and shot at the giant phantom.

The giant phantom moved his arms and smashed the red bird's claws into pieces.

"It's me."

Wang Yingjie smashed his right hand towards the void, the void vibrated and distorted, countless five-color auras emerged, and instantly condensed, a huge five-color boxing figure appeared out of nowhere, and charged towards Chi Yanhe aggressively.

Chi Yanhe was about to avoid him when a loud shout from a man resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the **** roared.

Wang Yingjie also practiced the "Taixu Forging God Art", but he could only practice it to the fourth level, and he needed jade soul crystals to continue to practice the Taixu Forging God Art.

Hearing this sound, Chi Yanhe's body trembled for a while, and he made an extremely painful crane cry.

The five-color boxing shadow smashed on the giant crane phantom, and the giant crane phantom made a shrill sound and was torn apart.

Most monsters or spirit beasts are unable to condense the dharma appearance, Wang Xiao turned into a human form, and only by using the materials to condense it can be found that the silver sheath worm found the crystal of silver ganglia by chance, and condensed the dharma appearance by eating.

There are very few examples like the silver scabbard. Most monsters can't condense the law, but only have the law. Some monsters have a special cultivation method, which can be condensed and discovered by swallowing the immortal cultivator. For example Golden pupil blood toad.

This has led to many monsters eager to transform into a human form, and it is easy to use materials to condense their physical appearance and enhance their own strength.

Chi Yanhe possesses the Dharma, but cannot condense the Dharma. In this way, it is against Wang Yingjie and does not take advantage of it.

The dharma was broken, and Chi Yanhe cried out in pain.

Countless golden silk threads shot up, and instantly arrived in front of it, hitting as many as possible on its body, and there was a muffled sound. The golden silk threads wrapped around its body and pulled it to the ground.

The other end of the golden thread was on the left hand of the giant ape puppet beast, and the right fist smashed at the Chi Yanhe.

The Scarlet Flame Crane had a pair of wings, opened its mouth, and spewed out a red flame, which burned off most of the golden threads. With a pair of wings, its sharp claws cut off the remaining golden threads, turning into a red flame and disappearing.

A red flame lit up in the void above Wang Yingjie's head, and the red flame crane appeared. It opened its mouth and spewed out a red flame, hitting the blue glow, drowning Wang Yingjie's figure, and at the same time reaching down with both claws.

A dazzling blue light lit up, and the flame went out. Wang Yingjie was safe and sound, with a small blue umbrella floating above his head.

Chi Yanhe wanted to resort to other means, but Wang Yingjie's eyes lit up, the eyeballs turned golden, and there was a burst of golden light in the eyeballs.

Chi Yanhe's eyes were dull, and he fell into an illusion.

Wang Yingjie's tactic was pinched, the giant phantom punched out, and the red flame crane fell from the sky, hitting the ground heavily, creating a big hole.

Before it could stand up, countless yellow earth ropes drilled out of the ground, tying it into a zongzi.

The giant ape puppet beast descended from the sky, and stepped on it with a huge golden foot.

A crimson flame erupted from the surface of Chi Yanhe's body, burning the yellow soil rope, but soon, dense cyan vines emerged from the ground, entangling its body.

There was a loud rumbling sound, the ground shook and the mountains shook, Chi Yanhe's head was crushed by the giant feet of the giant ape and puppet beast, and the spirit was taken away by Wang Yingjie as soon as it left the body.

Wang Yingjie put away the body of Chi Yanhe, and controlled the giant ape puppet to walk up the mountain without touching any restrictions.

He stopped in front of the cyan mist, took out a bear puppet, attached a wisp of distraction to the bear puppet, and controlled the bear puppet to walk into the cyan mist.

Behind the cyan fog is a cyan stone staircase, and on the top of the mountain there is a manor that covers an extremely wide area.

A five-color light curtain covers the entire manor, and there are seven five-color lotus patterns on the surface of the five-color light curtain.

"The seven lotus locks are forbidden!"

Wang Yingjie suddenly realized that this kind of restriction has a strong defensive power and has the ability to repair itself.

The bear puppet walked around without touching any restraints, attacking the Seven Lotus Chains, but the Qilian Chains remained motionless.

Wang Yingjie pondered for a while, and walked into the azure mist with the giant ape puppet without touching any restrictions.

Wang Yingjie urges the law to break the ban, while controlling the giant ape puppet to attack the ban.

More than two hours later, with a loud noise, the restraint was broken and disappeared.

After a period of time, the ban will be automatically restored, which is the unique feature of Qilian Chain Spirit Ban.

The bear puppet walked in front, and Wang Yingjie followed behind.

The manor is a spiritual medicine garden. You can see many spiritual fields. Along the way, the spiritual fields are bare.

Half an hour later, Wang Yingjie stopped and looked at a spiritual field covered by a khaki light curtain with fiery eyes.

Inside the light curtain is a fruit tree more than 20 feet high. Hundreds of fruits glowing with five-color aura are hanging on the tree. The surface of the fruit has five different colors of spiritual patterns.

"Hunyuan fruit!"

Wang Yingjie took a deep breath and looked excited.

Hunyuan fruit tree blooms for five thousand years, bears fruit in five thousand years, and matures in another five thousand years. Wuling root monks can improve mana by taking Hunyuan fruit. Ordinary monks can also improve mana by taking Hunyuan fruit, but the effect is not as good. The Five Spiritual Root monks.

It's like a kind of lightning-type spirit fruit, which makes it more effective for cultivators to take it, while the effect of ordinary cultivators is worse.


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