Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2571: Wang Changsheng exits customs

Qingli Sea Area, Tianwu Islands.

Golden Crow Island.

In a certain secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, his whole body was covered by a cloud of blue rays of light, and his eyes were tightly closed.

A huge human-shaped phantom appeared in the void above his head, his right fist flashed with blue light, and his head and chest shone with black light.

After a while, the blue glow on Wang Changsheng's body dissipated, and he opened his eyes, revealing a gleam of light.

He let out a sigh of relief, and his face showed joy.

After more than 400 years of hard practice, his mana has improved a lot, and the effect of the source of true spirit is indeed very good. If it is not for refining the source of true spirit, he is probably still in the middle stage of refining.

If they can find some true spirit sources, Qingshan and the others will cultivate faster. Unfortunately, true spirit sources are hard to come by. If you want to get true spirit sources, you must have a true spirit that is seriously injured and died.

If you die under the great catastrophe, there will be no scum left.

Wang Changsheng lowered his head and looked towards his dantian, and he could see a silver talisman. The surface of the talisman was covered with mysterious runes.

Counting the time, the large beast tide in the Qingli Sea area should have passed.

After more than 400 years of cultivation, the death talisman can be used for robbery.

Wang Changsheng got up and walked out. Wang Ruyan had already left the customs and was feeding the sky-splitting beast.

The Crackling Beast took two inner pills of sixth-order phantom beasts, and three 3,000-year-old Yulin grasses, which were still top-grade fifth-order. Fortunately, Wang Ruyan also had a sixth-order phantom beast's inner pill.

It is still the fifth-rank top grade, but the torn temporary space can last longer, and the temporary space is larger.

"Ma'am, why hasn't it entered the sixth order?"

Wang Changsheng wondered.

"And then take the inner pill of a sixth-order phantom beast and some elixir. It should be fine. After all, it has spatial supernatural powers. Let's find a remote place and let it hit the sixth-order!"

Wang Ruyan suggested that there are integrated cultivators on the island, and if the integrated cultivator discovers the sky-splitting beast, it might cause trouble.

Wang Changsheng nodded: "Alright, the beast tide has passed!"

"It's a long time ago. There were many seventh-order monsters in this sea area, and many immortal cultivators were killed and injured. Master Miaode used his great supernatural powers to kill a seventh-order blue wind falcon and a seventh-order Dungeness crab in public. Great powers."

"One person killed two seventh-order monsters?"

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised, Master Miao De is so powerful? But think about it, dare to follow the seventh-order mirage in the sea for hundreds of years.

"It is absolutely true that the large-scale beast tide in the Qingli sea area is once every ten thousand years, and the scale is relatively large. There are many seventh-order monsters leading the team. I heard that two of the integrated monks died, and the vitality of hundreds of forces was severely damaged. When the beast tide was at its most ferocious, Master De entered the herd alone, found a boy among the dead, took him as a disciple, and took him with him."

Wang Ruyan continued.

Regardless of whether Miao De was interested in the boy's aptitude, or had a compassionate heart, and dared to enter the herd alone, ordinary cultivators would not dare to do so.

"Monk Yuanxiao isn't with Master Miaodeok?"

Wang Changsheng asked nervously. He was worried that Monk Yuanxiao told Master Miaode the origin of the true spirit.

The heart of guarding against others is indispensable, and Wang Changsheng must guard against it.

"I didn't see it, let's stay away from him! Master Miao De is not the integrated monk we met before."

Wang Ruyan shook her head and said that Master Miao De's strength was so powerful that they were terrified.

"By the way, it seems that something happened to the Nine Dragons Palace. The barbarians and the Wu clan joined forces to deal with the Nine Dragons Palace and seized a lot of territory belonging to the Nine Dragons Palace. If it wasn't for the Mahayana monks of the Qingli clan speaking out, the Nine Dragons Palace would suffer even more."

Wang Ruyan remembered something and added.

Rumor has it that the Mahayana monk of the Qingli clan fell in love with the Mahayana monk of the Nine Dragons Palace, but the senior management of the two clans disagreed, so they had to separate.

Wang Changsheng didn't care about this. Now that the large beast tide has passed, they can leave the market and wait for the sky-splitting beast to advance to the sixth rank, and then go to Tianmodongtian to find the water of the Styx.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng put Wang Xiao into the spirit beast bracelet, and left the residence with Wang Ruyan.

Li Qinghuan had already retreated and practiced. They greeted the Li family cultivator and left Golden Crow Island.


At the southeast corner of the Tianwu Islands, a black light flew from a distance with a very fast speed.

It didn't take long for a black light to appear over a deserted island with a radius of thousands of miles. It was a giant owl with a black body. The left wing was bleeding profusely, a lot of feathers fell off, and the breath was sluggish.

This is a black wind owl of the sixth-rank middle grade.

The sea surface tumbled violently, setting off a huge wave that was thousands of feet high, like a blue water mountain, smashing towards Hei Feng Xiao.

Hei Feng Xiao flapped his wings, and a dark tornado swept out.

A huge explosion sounded, the blue water mountain was torn apart, and the sea water splashed everywhere.

Some of the sea water lit up with a dazzling blue light, and Wang Changsheng appeared, his right fist wrapped in the blue light smashed into Hei Feng Xiao's head.

Hei Feng Xiao was about to avoid him when a cheerful flute sounded, and his reaction was delayed.

Wang Changsheng's fist hit Hei Feng Xiao's head, and Hei Feng Xiao's head exploded instantly, turning into a fog of blood.

A miniature Heifeng Xiao flew out of the body, and before it flew far, a golden light flew out from Wang Changsheng's spirit beast bracelet, which was the soul-eating golden cicada.

Countless slender golden lights burst out from its body, pierced through the miniature Heifeng Xiao, rolled it into its mouth, and swallowed it.

It made a cheerful cicada sound, turned into a golden light, and flew back into the spirit beast bracelet.

Wang Ruyan flew from the distant and stopped over the island.

"It's remote enough, so let's go here!"

Wang Changsheng looked at the deserted island. The vegetation on the island was sparse, and many traces of destruction could be seen, probably left by monsters.

With a flick of Wang Changsheng's sleeves, thousands of blue formation flags flew out, and when the magic trick was pinched, thousands of blue formation flags lit up, turned into thousands of blue lights, and disappeared into the ground.

They flew to a peak in the center of the island, Wang Changsheng took out a blue-light flashing formation plate, and punched several magic tricks.

A large amount of white mist gushed out from the ground, covering the entire island.

A gust of wind blew, the fog cleared, and the island disappeared.

Wang Changsheng released Wang Xiao and threw Hei Feng Xiao's demon pill to him, and asked him to refine it.

"Thank you master for the reward."

Wang Xiao thanked him, turned into a golden light, and flew into a cave.

Wang Ruyan released the void-splitting beast and fed it a sixth-order phantom spirit beast's inner core, plus ten 5,000-year-old phantom grass.

After the sky-splitting beast took it, it immediately became drowsy, and it didn't take long for it to pass out.

Wang Ruyan placed the sky-splitting beast and went into different caves with Wang Changsheng to meditate and practice.


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