Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2575: Fusion Ghost

A long and narrow canyon, with steep black stone walls on both sides of the canyon, from time to time there is a huge explosion, vaguely mixed with a burst of Sanskrit.

In the valley, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan urged Buddhist treasures to kill ghosts.

The three ghosts in the imaginary stage, spewing sound waves or spewing ghost fires, couldn't help them.

The supernatural powers of high-level ghosts are indeed not small. They are better at concealment. With the unique terrain of Tianmodongtian, Wang Changsheng is also difficult to find high-level ghosts.

There are Buddhist treasures, colored glass true pupils, and two sixth-order soul-devouring golden cicadas. The three ghosts are not opponents at all. It didn't take long for them to be defeated. , the breath is sluggish.

A dense golden light swept in, piercing the bodies of the three ghosts.

The two soul-eating golden cicadas flapped their wings gently and flew up, biting the ghost's body and eating them separately.

It didn't take long for the three ghosts in the refining stage to be swallowed up by them, and the consciousness of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan increased a bit.

The two soul-devouring golden cicadas made cheerful cicadas and flew back to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

They have been in the Tianmo Cave for more than half a month. There are surprisingly many ghosts in the Tianmo Cave. They killed more than ten ghosts in the refining stage, and hundreds of ghosts in the spirit-transforming stage.

Most of the ghosts are attached to monsters or corpses, but they have Buddhist treasures. These ghosts can't help them at all, and they all become the nourishment of the soul-eating golden cicada.

They found a lot of Yin-type elixir and fruit. The fly in the ointment is that they have not found the water of the Styx for the time being, so they can only continue to search for the water of the Styx.

They walked towards the front, followed by Soul Eater Jin Chan.

Not long after they walked out of the canyon, an endless black grassland appeared in front of them.

This is already the depths of the Heavenly Demon Cave, and there may be ghosts in the fusion stage. Fortunately, there is a fixed ghost plate and a sixth-order sky-splitting beast.

There are great restrictions on spiritual consciousness here. Wang Changsheng's spiritual consciousness can only be placed outside for 5,000 miles. No matter how far away he is, he will not be able to sense it clearly. High-level ghosts can only be found by fixing the ghost plate.

They walked forward, not very fast.

Along the way, they encountered many corpses of monsters, and no ghosts were hiding.

After they advanced for more than a hundred miles, they appeared on a high soil slope. The ground in front of them was full of potholes. There were a lot of potholes, and some skeletons could be seen.

It seems that someone fought here, leaving traces of fighting skills.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was wide open, and he carefully probed. He found some broken bones on the ground. The cuts were extremely smooth, as if they were made by flying knives or flying swords.

They continued to walk forward, and along the way, they found a lot of traces of fighting skills, and also found a lot of skeletons of monsters, which means that high-level monks have come here.

Three days later, when they walked out of the grassland, a rolling black mountain range appeared in front of them, a gust of overcast wind blew, and there was a faint scream of Devil May Cry.

Walking into the mountain range, they saw a lot of skeletons, some of which were humanoid skeletons, and there were traces of fighting on the ground.

Wang Changsheng looked at the surrounding environment, it was somewhat similar to "Guiyuan", thinking back then, he and Wang Ruyan lived and died together in "Guiyuan". Now, the two have lived together through thick and thin for more than 6,000 years. Enter the period of immortality.

A deafening roar sounded, interrupting Wang Changsheng's thoughts.

Wang Changsheng was startled and frowned.

The fixed ghost plate in his hand made a harsh shrill sound, the aura rose sharply, and the pointer turned rapidly.

"Not good, a ghost in the fusion stage!"

Wang Changsheng's face changed, and he said in a voiceless voice.

Wang Ruyan's reaction was very quick, and he released the sky-splitting beast.

The sky-splitting beast spewed out a thick silver light, hitting the void, ripples in the void, and a hole more than ten feet large appeared. Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and the sky-splitting beast flew into the hollow together, and the hole quickly healed.

The void in front of him is about mu or so in size. Wang Ruyan has tried many times, and this temporary space can last for a month.

After a while, a blood-colored escaping light and a cyan escaping light swept across the sky, heading straight for here.


An extremely miserable woman cried out, and the speed of the two escaping lights slowed down.

Evading light for a moment, a tall and thin old man in green robe and True Monarch Blood Saber appeared. Both of them were perfect.

The void fluctuated together, and a dark ghost hand appeared out of nowhere and photographed it like lightning.

The old man in green robe moved his shoulders, and a cyan long rainbow flew out, smashing the black ghost's hand, and a gloomy wind blew past, revealing a black shadow.

A young woman in a black dress with delicate facial features appeared in front of them, and a strong wave of Yin Qi emanated from the body of the young woman in the black dress, which was obviously a ghost.

The high-level monk went to the Heavenly Demon Cave to hunt for treasures. He was seriously injured and his body was severely damaged. There was no suitable living creature to take the house.

The biggest difference between ghosts and ordinary ghosts is that ghosts can think independently and have their own ideas, while ghosts rely more on instinct to act.

As soon as the young woman in the black dress appeared, a black light shot up into the sky and turned into a ferocious ghost ghost. As soon as the ghost ghost appeared, there was a miserable ghost cry.

When the old man in green robe and True Monarch Xuedao heard this, they were dizzy and their eyes were dull.

The young woman in the black dress flicked her wrist, and a black light shot out, heading straight for them.

Wu Guangdong pierced through the body of the old man in green robe, and the old man in green robe quickly turned into a mummified Even Nascent Soul could not escape, Wu Guang was about to hit True Monarch Blood Knife.

True Monarch Blood Knife's chest was bright, and a blood-colored light curtain appeared out of thin air, covering the whole body.

There was a muffled sound of "keng", and the black light was blocked by the blood-colored light curtain to reveal its true shape. It was a short sword with black light flashing, and a black ghost was engraved on the hilt.

Li Gui Xuying spewed out a dark ghost fire and landed on the blood-colored light curtain.

This time, the blood-colored light curtain shattered instantly, True Monarch Blood Knife was cut in half by the black short knife, and the corpse was turned into a sparkling ball.

"For Jiezhu!"

The young woman in the black dress frowned.

A **** light appeared more than a dozen miles away, and the True Monarch Blood Saber appeared at once.

His eyes were full of fear, and the blood on his body was shining brightly, and countless blood mists poured out, covering his whole body.

A dark ghost claw out of thin air slapped the blood mist.

With a loud noise, the blood mist was smashed by the black ghost claws, and disappeared without a trace, and the Blood Sword True Monarch also disappeared.

The young woman in the black dress frowned, put away the belongings of the blue-robed old man, turned into a black long rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan both breathed a sigh of relief. If they were facing the ghosts of the upper body, they would not be able to fall.


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