Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2740: Each exhibition Shinto

Since Master Tianji dared to agree to Wang Changsheng's conditions, in addition to his own strength, the lion hippocampus and the golden-winged azure eagle are also a big reliance. He knew that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan must have sixth-order spirit beasts, but the lion hippocampus and the golden-winged azure light The strength of the eagle swayed there, and he was not afraid of Wang Changsheng's spirit beast at all.

Mrs. Tian Ji is not as lavish as Master Tian Ji, and there is no sixth-order spirit beast spirit merchant.

With one shot of her magic trick, the silver light on her body shines brightly, and a huge female phantom appears in the sky. The silver light on the small half of her body flickers non-stop, filled with countless silver arcs.

Her dharma has been condensed by four tenths, which is not bad for a loose cultivator.

Wang Changsheng's face became solemn, and with a flick of his wrist, a blue light, a yellow light, and a blood light flew out. It was the acyl turtle, the double-eyed mouse and the wood demon, and Wang Ruyan also released the sky-splitting beast.

They are all sixth-order low-grade, but the sky-splitting beast has mastered the space magic, and it is not afraid of the lion hippogryph and the golden-winged blue light sculpture.

The lion hippogriff made a loud roar, and countless red firelights emerged from the void, turning into huge red fireballs, suspended in the sky like stars.

Tens of thousands of red fireballs the size of water tanks swept across the void and smashed into Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

A huge alien beast phantom appeared on the top of the lion’s head, the lion’s head and the eagle’s claws, and a red light spewed out from its mouth. The red light flew high into the sky and turned into a huge red fire cloud, emitting an amazingly high temperature.

The red fire clouds rolled violently, and dense red raindrops poured down, turning into huge red fireballs, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The wings of the golden-winged blue-light sculpture were gently flapped, and the wind was blowing. Hundreds of blue-green tornadoes emerged out of thin air. Wherever they passed, the mountain peaks were smashed by the dense blue tornadoes, and the smoke was billowing.

As soon as the phantom of the giant eagle appeared high in the sky, Zhang Chuan, the phantom of the giant eagle, spurted out a azure light and went straight to Wang Changsheng.

Countless blue arcs erupted from the surface of the acid turtle, and a huge basalt phantom appeared above its head.

As soon as the Xuanwu phantom appeared, a roaring sound resounded throughout the world, and countless blue water vapors emerged from the void. These blue water vapors quickly turned into blue water arrows, facing the falling red fireball.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the dense blue water arrows penetrated the falling red fireball, the flames splashed, and the white mist filled the air.

The Xuanwu phantom spewed out a blue light and turned into a blue thundercloud that was hundreds of miles in size. Countless blue thunder snakes roamed non-stop, with a terrifying momentum.

In a deafening thunderous sound, a thick blue lightning shot out and slashed at the lion hippogryph.

The body surface of the double-eyed rat lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and its size skyrocketed, the size of a hill, and the ground turned soil into sand, forming a huge sand pit.

The wood demon took root on the ground, growing countless blood-colored thorns, like a long whip, slapping at the golden-winged blue-light sculpture.

The sky-splitting beast did not rush to take action, but looked for opportunities aside.


Master Tianji's face froze, and there was a bit of envy in his eyes.

He never imagined that Wang Changsheng's spirit beast could summon the basalt dharma, with unlimited potential.

If he knew that Wang Changsheng still had a sixth-order original dragon, he didn't know how he would feel.

Xilong is Wang Changsheng's big trump card, and he doesn't plan to release Yanlong to fight the enemy for the time being.

The rumbling sound of thunder and dew came from high in the sky, and thousands of thick silver lightning struck, a posture that was about to drown Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan summoned the dharma image, and when the dharma trick was pinched, the female phantom played it.

The melodious flute sounded, and Wang Ruyan entered the perfection of refining and emptiness, and the power of this piece of lost soul was greater.

"Qingcheng, take your clan to leave here, you can't bear it."

Wang Changsheng transmitted the sound and instructed:

Wang Qingcheng nodded and left with his clan.

One after another blue-colored sound waves swept out, facing the falling silver lightning.

The sound waves are endless, like a rushing river, smashing the blue sound waves into pieces.

Hearing the melodious sound of the flute, Master Tianji was a little uneasy. He found that Wang Qingcheng and others had left, and quickly ordered his disciples to retreat.

It was too late. The ordinary disciples of the Tianji sect were dizzy, their eyes were sluggish, and they giggled.

Master Tianji's face sank, and when he raised his right hand, a golden light flew out. It was a small clock whose golden light was indefinitely flowing. The surface of the clock was engraved with a pattern of a miniature dragon. The golden light, the body soared.

The middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao Jinjiaozhen Lingzhong, one of the four treasures of the Tianji sect, is a treasure refined by the Tianji God himself.

Tianji School used to have seven treasures of the sect. After the decline, other integrated monks came to fight the autumn wind and took away many treasures of the sect of Tianji. The same is true for this golden dragon town spirit bell. After changing hands several times, it fell into the hands of a cultivator family. Come on, after the Master Tianji entered the integration period, he went directly to the door to ask for it, and the other party could only hand in it obediently.

A dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, UU reading www. spread tens of thousands of miles.

When the disciples of the Heavenly Secret Sect heard this, they all regained consciousness.

"Get out of here immediately, avoid as far as you can."

Master Tianji ordered, and the disciples left one after another.

The Heavenly Secret Master took a deep breath, and the sky shook and twisted, and a long red sword appeared out of nowhere, and the divine consciousness took shape!

The Tianji faction has a practice called "Forging God Collection", which can increase the spiritual awareness. The spiritual awareness of the Tianji master is stronger than that of ordinary monks of the same level, and he can take some advantages when fighting the magic.

The red long sword went straight to Gan Changsheng, and his eyes appeared in front of Gan Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly, the void in front of him oscillated and twisted, and a blue long sword two feet long emerged out of nowhere and greeted him.

There are a lot of spiritual consciousness exercises in the world of immortals, and the increased spiritual consciousness is somewhat different, and the accompanying secret techniques are different.

In addition to Tianxu Yushu, the Wang family also collected three spiritual consciousness exercises, all of which are commonplace. Not to mention that the cultivation is more troublesome, and the increase in spiritual consciousness is not much.

After entering the integration period, Wang Changsheng's divine sense increased greatly, and he once again used the magical power of divine sense transformation, which greatly improved his power.

The blue long sword fell apart from the red long sword, the red long sword was shattered like paper paste, and the size of the blue long sword also shrank by half, and went straight to Madam Tianlei,

The Heavenly Secret Master is a seventh-order craft refiner, and he may have a treasure that restrains the attack of the divine sense, and the persimmon is soft to defend.

Naturally, Mrs. Tianlei would not be hard-connected, and a dazzling silver thunder light lit up on her body, turning into a silver thunder light and disappearing.


The blue long knife fluttered into the air, and there was a sound of thunder dew from high in the sky. Thousands of huge silver thunder **** fell from the sky and smashed into Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The sound of the flute became more and more rapid, and the dense sound waves swept out, blocking the silver thunderballs that came.

An ear-piercing scream of panic sounded, and the dazzling silver thunder light drowned out the figures of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

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