Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3042: Learn about the situation (gone today)

The streets are full of people and traffic.

In addition to the human race, Wang Mengbin saw many alien races with strange shapes, such as the multi-handed race with six hands, the double-headed race with two heads, and the Wa race with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake.

These races have a good relationship with the human race and are allies of the human race.

There are hundreds of clans in the Qianyuan Continent. If the human race did not have strong allies, they would have been wiped out long ago.

The body-refining multi-handed tribe can take advantage of melee combat. The double-headed tribe has two heads, and their intelligence is relatively high, and they have researched many strange things.

Before the Ye family became a family of true spirits, there were more races in the Qianyuan Continent, but after many wars, some races have disappeared in the long river of history, the survival of the fittest.

The ability of the human race to stand on the Qianyuan Continent has something to do with the reproductive ability of the human race. Some races have relatively strong individual strength, but their reproductive ability is very poor. The number of tribesmen is small, and the resources that can be occupied are limited. Rejuvenate.

"Junior Liu Liang, do the seniors need a guide? A hundred spirit stones a day."

A tall and thin man in green shirt came over, judging by his aura, it was only in the foundation building period.

Every time the Ye family's cross-ling treasure ship arrives in the Qianyuan Continent, many human monks will follow them. These monks are not familiar with the place, so they often look for guides to understand the situation in the Qianyuan Continent.

Wang Mengbin nodded, and Wang Zongyun took out a middle-grade spirit stone, threw it to the man in the green shirt, and ordered, "Tell us about the situation of Liuli Island and the situation of the human race."

"Yes, senior."

Liu Liang agreed to come down, and while leading the way, introduced the situation of the human race.

Liuli Island is the largest square city under the jurisdiction of the human race. Before this, this sea area was occupied by the puffer clan. The puffer clan is very hostile to the human race, and there are many masters.

More than 20,000 years ago, the patriarch of the Puffer Clan died in a cataclysmic catastrophe. In order to fight for power and profit, the human race united with other races and wiped out the Puffer Clan.

The human race in Qianyuan Continent currently has no Mahayana monks. There are eighteen relatively powerful forces. The strongest is Qiankun Palace, which has more than ten combined monks. The weakest is the Zhang family, with two combined monks.

The human race has formed an alliance with more than twenty races to fight against other races.

The human race is mainly active in the southeast of the Qianyuan Continent, occupying a territory of more than ten trillion miles. The sea area controls more than 30,000 islands, and there are nine Dafang cities.

The five of Wang Mengbin nodded secretly. It seems that the human race in the Qianyuan Continent is not as good as the human race in the Xuanling Continent. The Wang family controls more than 10,000 islands.

In addition to the Tianyue Clan, there are seven other races in the Qianyuan Continent with Mahayana monks. The most powerful is the Guqiong Clan, which has two Mahayana monks, and the other six races have only one Mahayana monk. Among them, the Cangyuan Clan is a newly rising race.

If the Xiaozu can have a Mahayana monk, they will naturally stand out and have a greater right to speak.

Many Mahayana monks from the Ye family came to the Qianyuan Continent one after another, and competed with the Guqiong clan and other seven Mahayana clans. They won more than they lost, which greatly frightened those alien races.

"I heard that there is a Qianyuan Cave in the Qianyuan Continent, which contains countless rare treasures."

Wang Yingjie asked casually.

"The rumor is so, the younger generation has never seen it, but out of ten foreign monks who came to the Qianyuan Continent, nine of them will inquire about the Qianyuan Cave. I heard that the Cangyuan clan got a chance in the Qianyuan Cave, and that's why the Mahayana monks appeared."

Liu Liang said slowly.

"There are many dangerous places in the Qianyuan Continent. Apart from the Qianyuan Cave, there are twelve other dangerous places. This is the case of the twelve dangerous places. The cultivation base of the younger generation is too low, and the information collected may not be accurate. Inquire about the news for a while and get to know better before going, Liuli Island has a stronghold in Qiyue Tower, the junior doesn’t know exactly where it is.”

He took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Mengbin with both hands.

He could tell that Wang Mengbin was the leader.

Wang Mengbin swept his consciousness, nodded in satisfaction, and asked, "How did you think of sorting out these materials?"

"The junior thought that foreign monks would be interested, so he collected some information and made statistics. Many things are just hearsay. It is best to buy information from Qiyuelou."

Liu Liang explained.

"There are five shops on the island with a relatively wide range of business, namely Qiankun Building, Yuyang Pavilion, Liuli Palace, Tianyi Building and Jiuyuan Palace. In addition to the daily required resources for cultivating immortals, even monks also sell them at reasonable prices. Just do it."

Liu Liang continued.

"Cultivators also sell?"

Wang Yingjie was a little surprised.

Liu Liangliang nodded: "Well, human races and other monks of other races sell them. Most of them are cauldrons, and there are also servants. As long as they can afford the price, even the spirit body can buy them."

"No way! Even the spirit body can buy it?"

Wang Mengbin was a little surprised.

"This happened more than 10,000 years ago. I heard that a person with a spiritual body appeared in a small family. He never wanted to leak the news and attract covetousness. The person with a spiritual body was captured. The Great Elder Qiankun Zhenjun of Qiankun Palace personally Take the shot, kill the thief, and the spirit body also died in the aftermath of the fight, so it's not clear what the truth is."

Liu Liang explained patiently.

"Is there any big business alliance in Qianyuan Continent? The one with stronger strength."

Liu Hongxue asked.

Liu Liang nodded: "Yes, Nine Yuan Merchant Alliance, I heard that the business of Nine Yuan Merchant Alliance spread all over the Xuanyang world, and even did business across borders. The juniors don't know exactly how, but the Nine Yuan Merchant Alliance is in the Qianyuan Continent. It has great influence, second only to the Tianyue Merchant Alliance of the Tianyue Clan."

"More than 5,000 years ago, in an auction held by the Nine Yuan Merchant Alliance, several top-grade Tongtian Lingbao and eighth-order formations were brought out."

Liu Liang introduced while leading the way.

After more than an hour, they came to a huge Jinshi Square. Five buildings are located on the Jinshi Square. They are Qiankun Building, Yuyang Pavilion, Liuli Palace, Tianyi Building and Jiuyuan Palace. A large number of monks come and go , very lively.

"This is your reward, you can go."

Wang Zongyun took out two middle-grade spirit stones and threw them to Liu Liang.

Thanks a lot, Liu Liang accepted the Lingshi and left.

"Let's split up and meet here later."

Wang Mengbin pointed to the five shops and said.

The four of Wang Yingjie each walked into a shop.

When Wang Mengbin walked into the Qiankun Building, he was greeted by a spacious and bright hall with a lot of materials on the shelves.

Most of the monks in the hall were alchemy monks. Wang Mengbin let out a little breath, and a tall and thin old man in silver shirt walked over quickly.

"Welcome seniors to visit our shop, what can I do for seniors?"

The old man in the silver shirt said enthusiastically.

"I'll talk to your shopkeeper about something, lead the way!"

Wang Mengbin ordered.

The old man in the silver shirt responded and hurriedly led the way.

When they came to the eighth floor, a graceful woman in a pink dress came down from the ninth floor with a big man in a golden shirt. The big man in the golden shirt had six hands and was much taller than the human race. He was obviously a multi-handed man.

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