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Vol 3 Chapter 3074: Han's plan

A certain piece of blue sea, the sea water is blue, look carefully, there are a lot of blue sea snakes swimming in the sea.

A huge treasure ship is sailing fast on the sea, very fast.

Wang Xiangrong, Wang Tuntian, Wang Huanyu and other dozens of passengers stood on the deck, looking at the sea in the distance.

\"Fellow Daoist Han, according to our current speed, how long will it take to reach the Star Islands?" Wang Xiangrong asked, he is currently in the mid-stage of Void Refinement.

Wang Changsheng refined the essence of the true spirit, so the cultivation speed is so fast. Wang Xiangrong did not refine the essence of the true spirit, so the cultivation speed is not fast, and he has already passed through three great catastrophes.

A blue-robed young man with thin body and handsome facial features stood aside, his eyes were piercing. Han Changxiang, in the early stage of refining the void, is a descendant of Han Xuemei.\"If there is no accident, it will take less than half a month to reach the Tianxing Islands .\"

Han Changxiang said with a smile.

He only knew that Wang Xiangrong was a monk of the Wang family, but he didn't know the specific identity of Wang Xiangrong.

Wang Xiangrong nodded, counting the time, Wang Qingfeng was about to refine the treasure. After chatting for a while, Wang Xiangrong left the deck and walked towards the cabin.

He came to the door of a cabin, the door opened, and Wang Qingfeng came out with a happy expression on his face. \"How is it? Did you come out after training?\"Wang Xiangrong asked.

Wang Qingfeng invited Wang Xiangrong in, closed the door, flipped his right hand, and took out a nine-color gourd with a flash of spiritual light.

The Nine Flames Gourd, a mid-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, has been refined by the refiners in the clan to the semi-finished product. What Wang Qingfeng has to do is to refine the Nine Flames Jade into a semi-finished product, and become a real mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, which greatly shortens the time.

If it wasn't for the help of the clansmen, it would have saved a lot of effort, and Wang Qingfeng wouldn't have been able to refine the Nine Flames Gourd so quickly.

Wang Changsheng has a Vermilion Bird bottle, which is also a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao. It is not a problem to collect seventh-level ice flames, but that treasure is on Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng practiced in seclusion, and it was impossible to keep all the treasures in the family treasury, so he naturally carried them with him.

The clansmen can get the Nine Flames Jade to refine the treasures and collect the seventh-level ice flames, and they don't need to alarm Wang Changsheng. If they can't get the Nine Flames Jade, they will alarm Wang Changsheng.

The Magic Moon Mirror is the treasure of the clan. It is usually stored in the clan treasury and can be taken with you at any time. This Nine Flame Gourd is the public property of the clan after it is refined. The clan members can apply to use it if necessary Nine Flames Gourd.

\"Great, with this treasure, it will be much easier to collect seventh-level ice flames.\" Wang Xiangrong said happily.

After chatting for a few words, Wang Xiangrong left and returned to his cabin to meditate and adjust his breath.

Half a month later, the cross-ling treasure ship docked near Qixing Island, and Han Changxiang sent someone to notify Wang Qingshan and others to disembark.

Seven people from Wang Qingshan entered Seven Star Island, took the teleportation array, and left Seven Star Island...

In a certain area of ​​the sea, a vast island looks down from a high altitude, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, just like a huge gourd floating on the sea, this is the ancestral land of the Han family.

In the southwest corner of the island, there is a peak with a narrow top and a wide bottom, which looks like a huge gourd from a distance.

Calabash Peak, one of the important places of the Han family.

There is a majestic palace on the top of the mountain, with three golden characters "Gourd Palace" written on the plaque.

In the main hall, a beautiful woman in a green dress with gorgeous facial features sat on the main seat with a solemn expression, Han Xueyao and dozens of elders of the clan sat on both sides.

The beautiful woman in the green skirt is called Han Yiqing, and she is in the late stage of fusion.

The Han family currently has 12 body-fit monks, and they seem to be infinitely beautiful. Only the Han family knows the pressure behind them. The more body-fit monks there are, the greater the demand for materials for crossing the catastrophe.

Within two thousand years, three elders of the Fusion stage clan will go through the fifth catastrophe, it is very difficult to pass this level, and Han Yiqing will also go through the fourth catastrophe.

The ancestors of the Han family saved Zhenjun Wanhai and helped Zhenjun Wanhai a lot. After Zhenjun Wanhai entered the Mahayana stage, he sheltered the Han family from the wind and rain, so the Han family could develop so fast.

The Han family spent a lot of money and time to refine the cross-spirit treasure ship, but the combat power of the Han family's cross-spirit treasure ship is not as good as the Ye family's Ice Lion, as can be seen from the routes of the two cross-spirit treasure ships.

The Ice Lion is running around in the Xuanyang Realm, and the Han family's trans-spirited treasure ship travels between the Qingli Sea and the Xuanling Continent. In addition to the combat power of the trans-spirited treasure ship, it is also related to the influence of Zhenjun Wanhai and the Ye family.

To put it bluntly, the Han family is doing things for Zhenjun Wanhai, and Zhenjun Wanhai's influence is limited to Qingli Sea Region and Xuanling Continent.

\"Wan Lingxu is about to open, I will personally lead the team, hoping to catch the seventh-order nine-color insect, and at worst, I will get some nine-light magic mud.\"

Han Yiqing said in a low voice.

The Han family found a seventh-order nine-colored insect in Wanlingxu. It was more than ten thousand years ago. After so many years, it is not known whether the nine-colored insect is alive or not.

The Han family plans to dispatch five fit monks to the Wanling Market to hunt for treasure.

\"We have made sufficient preparations. As long as the nine-colored insect is still alive, we will definitely be able to catch it back if we find its location.\"

Han Xuemei was full of confidence.

She has survived four great catastrophes, and the fifth catastrophe will come within two thousand years. Without high-level materials or treasures, she cannot survive the fifth catastrophe.

\"Hope! Yilong, you stay behind the family, hoping to catch that nine-colored insect.\" Han Yiqing ordered. Han Yilong agreed, with a serious face.

······Tianwu Islands, Golden Crow Island.

In a secluded courtyard with green tiles, Wang Yonghao is reporting to Cui Yao.

Since Wang Qingfeng gave the order, Cui Yao mobilized everyone to secretly pay attention to the news about Wanling Market, or the map of Wanling Market.

After more than 200 years of hard work, she has indeed collected a lot of information about Wanlingxu, and there are some maps. It is difficult to verify the authenticity. You need to enter Wanlingxu to know.

Cui Yao took out a light blue communication plate and entered a formula, Wang Qingfeng's voice sounded: \"We are back, we are outside.\"

\"Great, Patriarch Qingfeng, wait a moment, I'll go out right away.\"

Cui Yao put away the communication tray, walked quickly towards the courtyard gate, opened the courtyard gate, saw Wang Qingshan's seven people, and quickly invited them in.

\"Tell me about the situation in Wanlingxu.\"Wang Qingshan walked to the bamboo pavilion and sat down, and ordered.

Cui Yao did not dare to be negligent, reported the truth, and took out several jade slips and several maps, and handed them to Wang Qingshan and others for inspection.

\"In ten years, Wanlingxu will usher in a period of weakness. At that time, you will be able to enter Wanlingxu to hunt for treasures. However, every time Wanlingxu is opened, foreign races will also send people in to hunt for treasures, including the Manchu, Wu, and Qing carp tribes. The most troublesome They are witches, and spells kill people invisible, and they are hard to guard against.\"

Cui Yao's expression is solemn. This place is far away from Wanling Market, and it will take a lot of time to rush there.

Wang Qingshan nodded and asked many questions, Cui Yao told the truth.

\"You are doing very well, we plan to go to Wanlingxu to hunt for treasure, you stay in Fangshi! Pay attention to the news from all sides.\"

Wang Qingshan exhorted a few words, and left with Wang Qingfeng and others.

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