Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3091: The storm is coming

It was Duan Tongtian, Duan Tongtian's face was slightly pale, and he looked like he had consumed a lot of mana.

Li Tianhe saw Duan Tongtian, his face tightened, and he looked into the distance.

"Ms. Li is dead?"

Wang Qingshan frowned and asked.

Duan Tongtian shook his right hand, and a miniature Nascent Soul flew out. It was Li Yunyao's Nascent Soul, holding a cyan storage bracelet in his hand.

"Tiansheng was killed, and my physical body was also destroyed. This time, it was thanks to Fellow Daoist Wang."

Mini Yuanying said gratefully, she didn't know Duan Tongtian, and thought he was Wang Qingshan's friend or clan member.

Li Tianhe breathed a sigh of relief, and put away Li Yunyao's Nascent Soul.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, don't thank you for your kindness. Let the belongings of these two people belong to Fellow Daoist Wang! After leaving the Wanling Market, our Li family will definitely have a big thank you."

Li Tianhe took a deep breath, clasped his hands together, and said gratefully.

He is grateful to Wang Qingshan and Duan Tongtian, but also afraid of their strength.

If Wang Qingshan and Duan Tongtian knew that Li Tianhe had obtained a seventh-order lightning-absorbing bead, it was hard to guarantee that they would not be killed. The heart of defense is indispensable, and Li Tianhe had to guard against it.

"Li Daoyou, you're being polite. Your nephew Li Qinghuan saved Yingjie and Hongxue. We should help. Alright, let's get out of here first! This is not a place to talk."

Wang Qingshan put away Wutian and Sangli's belongings and urged.

When they came to the bamboo forest, Wang Qingfeng and the others had already wiped out the barbarian cultivators who were refining virtual reality, and they left this place and disappeared into the bamboo forest.


A ray of purple light flew out from the entrance of Wanlingxu, it was Shang Li, her left arm disappeared, and her breath was exhausted.

They originally wanted to follow the Green Carp Clan to find the Zuohua Cave of the Hundred Puppet True Monarch, but they would not stand idly by when the monks of the Han family were capturing the seventh-order nine-colored insects.

All the accompanying clansmen were killed, and Shang Li was also seriously injured. Fortunately, the seventh-order nine-colored insect was caught. As long as this nine-colored insect is sent back to the clan, the Wu clan can cultivate more fit monks. If you are lucky, Maybe there will be another Mahayana monk.

The reason why Mahayana monks are rare is that besides the long growth cycle of spiritual things and the small number of factors, the eighty-nine thunder calamity is also a very important reason.

As long as the seventh-order nine-colored insect is handed in, it is a great achievement. If there is a panacea to impact the Mahayana, she has the priority to choose.

Thinking of this, Shang Li's mood became agitated, seeking wealth and wealth, this trip to Wanling Market was not in vain.

At this moment, there was a wave of ripples somewhere in the void, and a hole several feet in size appeared, and a deafening roar sounded, and at the same time, a powerful suction emerged out of thin air, and Shang Li's body moved toward him uncontrollably. Fly through the hole.

"Space supernatural powers..."

Shang Li's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed.

A ray of blue light flew out of the black hole and covered Shang Li.

Shang Li wanted to avoid it, but the nearby void seemed to be imprisoned, and she was fixed in this void.

The blue light was a cyan net bag that covered Shang Li's body, quickly shrank, and pulled her into the black hole. There was a shrill woman's scream, and the black hole healed quickly.

Half a quarter of an hour later, there was a wave of ripples in the void, and a black hole about Zhang Xu appeared. A tall young man in a white shirt with handsome features flew out of the black hole, followed by a huge yellow spirit butterfly. .

On the chest of the young man in the white shirt was a jade lock that shone with white light, and a Tai Chi pattern was engraved on the jade lock.

A spirit butterfly with a tiger head and body, yellow wings and black-spotted tiger stripes, a tiger swallowtail butterfly, proficient in space magic, ranked fifteenth on the list of ten thousand insects.

This tiger phoenix butterfly is a seventh-rank low-grade, and the young man in white shirt has the cultivation level of the early stage of fusion.

At the beginning of the fusion, there was a tiger swallowtail butterfly of the seventh rank, and the youth in white shirt had an extraordinary background.

"This trip was not in vain, and there was an unexpected harvest, and I can return to Qianyuan Continent."

The young man in white shirt said to himself, put away the tiger swallowtail butterfly, turned into a white rainbow, and left this place.

Half a month later, Wang Qingshan and others flew out of Wanling Market.

"Finally leave this ghost place."

Wang Tuntian breathed a sigh of relief. In Wanlingxu, his nerves were tense, and he didn't dare to slack off for a moment.

"Wang Daoyou, please come to our Li family as a guest, let us show our friendship as a landlord, and repay your kindness by the way."

Li Tianhe said sincerely.

Wang Qingshan did not refuse, and agreed.

If nothing else happens, it will take more than a thousand years for the Han family's cross-ling treasure ship to go to the Xuanling Continent, that is to say, they will stay in the Qingli sea area for more than a thousand years.

Li Tianhe breathed a sigh of relief, made a gesture of please, and led the way himself.

The group of them left this place and disappeared into the sky.


Wanlingxu, a hidden underground cave.

Long Tianyan sat cross-legged on the ground, his face was pale, his body surface was **** and his breath was sluggish.

They met the seventh-rank top-rank Fengleishi, they were not opponents at all, and each ran for his life. If it wasn't for his physical strength, Long Tianyan would have died, mainly because there were many restrictions, and when they fought, Long Tianyan was bound.

As a result, their plans were also disrupted, and there was no way to stop Shang Li.

Long Tianyan took out a blood-red pill, swallowed it, and used his energy to heal his injuries.


Half a month later, two rays of light flew out from the Wanling Market, it was Han Yiqing and Han Xuemei, their eyes were gloomy.

They waited at the exit for a long time, and the restriction was about to return to normal, but they still couldn't wait for Shangli, so they had to give up.

This is not surprising. There are many restrictions in Wanlingxu, and there are seventh-order monsters. It is impossible to go all out. Shang Li should have left Wanlingxu.

"Let's go, report it and grab our things. I'll see if the Wu clan will become the target of public criticism."

Han Yiqing ordered, with a murderous look on his face.

A nine-color worm of mid-level seventh rank was obtained by the Wu Clan, and the news spread that the Wu Clan would become the target of public criticism and besieged by all major forces.

They turned into two rays of light and left this place.

Three days later, Qing Chi flew out from Wanling Market with a pale face.

His companion died at the hands of the seventh-level top-rank Fengleishi, but fortunately he survived.

This trip to the treasure hunt suffered heavy losses and little gains. The seventh-order nine-colored insect was either in the hands of the human race or the witch race. He wanted to return to the clan and report the news.

Qing Chi turned into a huge blue carp, dived into the bottom of the sea, and disappeared.

A day later, Long Tianyan flew out from Wanling Market with gloomy eyes.

The prohibition of Wanlingxu has returned to normal, and the treasure hunt is even more difficult. He can only come back after more than ten thousand years. He has to rush back to Tianlong Island and report the news of the seventh-order nine-color insect.

It is not a good thing for Nine Dragon Palace whether it is human race or witch race to get the seventh-order nine-colored insect.

Long Tianyan turned into a red dragon, dived into the bottom of the sea, and disappeared.

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