Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3527: Meet "Wang Mingren" again

Chapter 3544 Meeting "Wang Mingren" Again

Three days later, in a secluded manor, Wang Qingcheng, Liu Hongxue and Wang Mengbin were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, talking about something.

"Meng Bin, Hongxue, this is my father, mother and seventh brother's experience of comprehending the spiritual realm. I hope it will be helpful to you. There is also the reflection crystal that dad made. He personally narrated his process of comprehending the spiritual realm."

Wang Qingcheng took out six jade slips of different colors and two cyan reflection crystals, and distributed them to Wang Mengbin and Liu Hongxue.

Wang Mengbin and Liu Hongxue thanked them and accepted them.

Wang Qingcheng took out a topographic map. There were many text marks on the map, among which were the words Canghai and Qinglian Island.

This is a topographic map made by Wang Mengbin. In the future, the tribe can go to the sea according to this map.

"I'm going to take a trip to the sea. Parents are retreating to understand the spiritual realm. You take care of the family."

Wang Qingcheng said in a deep voice.

Wang Ruyan refined three universe-suppressing magic talismans, Wang Yidao used up one, and two more. Wang Yibing has already cultivated to the perfect body and is currently in retreat for the Mahayana period.

Wang Qingcheng wants to travel to Canghai to send a piece of Qiankun town magic talisman to Canghai. In addition, he also needs to station manpower on Manatee Island. At least, the Wang family can send some members of the clan to Tianyang Sand Sea, one is to collect resources for cultivating immortals, and the other is to facilitate contact with the clansmen in Canghai.

Qinglian Island is too far away from the sea. Even if there is a cross-spirited treasure ship, it will take hundreds of years to get there. Without a cross-sea thunder boat, it is impossible to get in, and it is not convenient to communicate.

Set up a large-scale communication array on Manatee Island. If the clansman encounters trouble in Tianyang Sand Sea, the clansman in Canghai can go to help.

"Old Ancestor Qingcheng, let me take a trip myself! I just came out of the sea."

Liu Hongxue volunteered.

"No, the war is not over yet. You have to be busy refining alchemy. I will just go there myself. I also want to go to Qianling Continent, hoping to collect some rare resources for cultivating immortals."

Wang Qingcheng politely refused, the family belongs to everyone, and everyone should contribute to the family.

No one knows how long the war will last, and with the cross-ling treasure ship in hand, it is convenient to collect resources for cultivating immortals.

Wang Changsheng didn't want to expose the Qinglian, so he just used treasures to cover up the words on the sails.

"Why don't I take a trip! I'm more familiar with Canghai, so I'll take a trip to Qianling Continent by the way."

Wang Mengbin suggested.

"You have a lot of things to do in advanced Mahayana, so don't argue with me, I will go."

Wang Qingcheng insisted on his own opinion.

Wang Mengbin and Liu Hongxue didn't argue any more, they agreed.

After chatting for a while, Wang Qingcheng left.

In a bluestone square, Wang Shenfeng and hundreds of clansmen lined up and stood neatly. Wang Shenfeng has entered the fusion stage.

Wang Qingcheng raised his right hand, and a blue light flew out, turning into a giant blue ship more than three hundred feet long.

Wang Qingcheng shook his left hand, and a pale yellow jade pendant flew out and landed on the sail. The yellow jade pendant shone with a dazzling yellow light and covered the sail.

Not long after, the yellow light dissipated, and the word Qinglian and the blue lotus flower disappeared. Even if a Mahayana monk encountered it, he might not be able to see through it.

Wang Qingcheng flew to the deck and ordered: "Board the ship."

"Yes, Patriarch Qingcheng."

Wang Shenfeng and others agreed to come down with one voice, and boarded the ship one after another.

After they all boarded the Qinglian, Wang Qingcheng pinched the magic formula, and the Qinglian lit up with a dazzling blue light, turned into a blue rainbow and flew through the sky, disappearing into the sky.


Qianling Continent, Qinglin Valley.

The streets are full of people and horses and horses.

In a secluded courtyard with green tiles, Wang Yixin, Wang Ruyi and Long Qingfeng were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, Wang Ruyi was holding a golden animal skin in his hand.

The golden animal skin is about Zhang Xu, two feet wide.

This is the hide of an eighth-order golden glass beast, which they obtained in exchange for a thunderbolt talisman and a body repairer.

The golden glass beast is a dry beast, which can be used to refine the Qiankun Zhenmo Talisman.

"Great, if this animal skin can be sent back to the clan, the ancestors must be very happy."

Wang Ruyi said with a smile.

Wang Yixin nodded and said, "I'll use a large communication array to notify the family later and ask them to send someone over."

Due to the impact of the war, the Ice Lion is temporarily not in the Qianling Continent, and the immortal cultivation resources they collected cannot be sent back to Qinglian Island for the time being.

"What are you talking about! So happy."

A familiar male voice sounded.

Wang Xiangrong came out from the attic, his aura was much stronger than before, and he had entered the Dzogchen of Fusion.

Thousands of years ago, he advanced to the late stage of combined body, and now he has finally advanced to the great perfection of combined body.

"We collected an eighth-order golden glass beast's hide, and our ancestors have been looking for it."

Wang Ruyi shook the animal skin in her hand and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Wang Xiangrong beamed with joy.

"Old ancestor, the Qin family held a Mahayana celebration and invited our Wang family to celebrate. Do you want to go?"

Wang Yixin thought of something and asked.

The Qin family is an immortal cultivating family supported by the Ye family. Mahayana monks appeared and invited many guests. The Wang family also received the invitation.

In the past ten thousand years, there have been a lot more Mahayana monks in Xuanyang Realm. I don't know if the big forces intend to cultivate them.

Wang Xiangrong nodded and said: "Let me lead the team for a run! Maybe I can collect a piece of eighth-order golden glass beast skin."

After chatting for a while, the three of Wang Yixin left and went to their respective jobs. Wang Xiangrong walked out of the residence and started wandering on the street.

It was noon, the sun was shining brightly, and there were many pedestrians on the street.

I met a lot of acquaintances on the road, and they made friends with Wang Xiangrong one after another.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I haven't seen you for a while, your cultivation has improved a lot, congratulations!"

A pleasant female voice sounded.

Wang Xiangrong looked along the source of the voice and saw a plump young woman in a purple skirt walking towards him, followed by a young man in a white Confucian shirt.

When Wang Xiangrong saw the young man in white shirt, his pupils shrank.

The young man in white shirt looks exactly like Wang As Wang Changsheng's clone, Wang Xiangrong has seen Wang Mingren's portrait and knows that Wang Mingren is Wang Changsheng's uncle.

There is Wang Mingren in the underworld, the God of Galaxy in the fragments of the fairyland is exactly the same as Wang Mingren, and now there is another monk who is exactly the same as Wang Mingren, this is definitely not a coincidence.

"Mrs. Lin, long time no see, who is this fellow Taoist?"

Wang Xiangrong asked politely.

The young woman in the purple skirt is Lin Xin, a disciple of Fairy Furong, who is the number one casual cultivator in Xuanyang Realm and is very powerful.

"I met Xu Bin, Daoyou Wang, at the Haoran Palace in the Lower White Deer Realm."

The young man in white shirt cupped his fists and said in a gentle voice.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Xu from Haoran Palace, sorry for your disrespect."

Wang Xiangrong said politely.

There are several interfaces between Bailu Realm and Xuanyang Realm. Haoran Palace has a certain influence in Bailu Realm, and there are many Mahayana monks sitting in it.

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