Top of Qinglian

Chapter 865: Retreat

Half a year later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan returned to Silver Snake Island, and Fairy Ziyue and Wang Qingshan both returned.

Seeing Wang Qingshan's safe return, Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Wang Qingshan would fall into the Zhenxian Pagoda.

After a few simple greetings, Fairy Ziyue talked about the business: "Senior Brother Wang, I got a bottle of fourth-order spiritual water, you should use it."

She flipped her jade hand over, and a white porcelain vase appeared in her hand.

Wang Changsheng took the porcelain bottle and uncorked it. A piercing chill surged out. The temperature in the room dropped suddenly. Wang Changsheng felt like he was in an ice cellar.

He quickly corked the bottle and thanked him: "Thank you, Junior Sister Tian, ​​I'll give you this 3,000-year-old Biling Wood. You have a high level of refining, and you can use it to refine a flying magic weapon!"

Wang Changsheng took out a piece of blue-green spirit wood and handed it to Fairy Ziyue. This piece of blue-green spirit wood was obtained from the Zhuanghua Cave Mansion of the barbarians in the Yuan Ying period. Wang Changsheng kept half of it and gave half to Fairy Ziyue, which was used to refine a flying piece. Magic is no problem.

Everything they got in Zhenxian Tower is suitable for them. They have a family, not a single person.

Fairy Ziyue was not polite, she accepted Bilingmu, chatted a few words, and then left.

She plans to retreat to the Nascent Soul stage. All matters concerning Yunhaizong will be handed over to Wang Qingqing. Fairy Ziyue will focus on the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Ninth Uncle, I got a drop of heavy water, you should use it."

Wang Qingshan took out a black gourd weighing ten thousand catties and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng nodded in relief. From this point of view, Wang Qingshan knew how to be grateful.

"Qingshan, we got a set of second-order flying sword magic weapon. With your current cultivation level, it is difficult to drive it. It will be better when you advance to the seventh layer of dandan."

Wang Ruyan took out the second-order flying sword and pushed it in front of Wang Qingshan.

"A complete set of second-order flying swords!"

Wang Qingshan's eyes swept away, and his eyes became hot. With this set of magic weapons, he learned from Zhou Yunxiao and grasped it a lot. The trouble is that his consciousness can't keep up.

"Thank you nine uncles and nine aunts. By the way, I met Zhou Yunxiao of the Dayan Dynasty and made an appointment with him to discuss with him ten years later."

Wang Qingshan briefly talked about his encounter with Zhou Yunxiao. It's not a secret either.

Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment and said, "Qingshan, wait a moment, I'll go get something."

He got up and left, and came back not long after, with a cyan jade box in his hand, which contained a true soul fruit.

During the trip to Zhenhaizong Ruins, Wang Changsheng got five True Soul Fruits. He and Wang Ruyan ate one, and there were three more. Originally, they planned to keep alchemy. Yunxiao learned from each other, his consciousness may not be able to drive a set of second-order flying swords, and he should be able to drive after taking a True Soul Fruit.

"Qingshan, take this True Soul Fruit and take it. If you advance to the seventh level of Pill Formation, you should be able to drive that second-order flying sword."

"True soul fruit! Thank you Ninth Uncle."

Wang Qingshan's eyes flashed with surprise, and he said excitedly.

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly and said, "My family, what are you polite, since you want to learn from each other, then practice hard! Try to improve your cultivation to the seventh level of pill formation."

"Qingshan, victory or defeat is important, but your own safety is more important. We don't know when we will leave the customs. You have to be careful."

Wang Ruyan said bitterly that they didn't know how long they would be in retreat.

Wang Qingshan agreed repeatedly, chatted a few words, and left.

Nangong Miao gave two copies of the Infant Spiritual Artifact. He obtained the Tianyue Golden Lotus before, plus a good fortune pill. There are quite a few lotus seeds in the Tianyue Golden Lotus. Wang Ruyan has two baby-carrying spiritual items, plus a Lingbao Jade Buddha Pendant, Wang Changsheng's confidence in creating a baby is relatively high, but unfortunately, the Jade Buddha Pendant can only be used by one person.

They have so many baby spirits in their hands, they don't plan to run around, they can cultivate with peace of mind.

Wang Changsheng took out the communication disk and instructed Wang Qiuhong to practice retreat with Wang Ruyan.


Donghuang, Xuanshui Palace.

In the Shenshui Temple, Chen Tianhe sat on the main seat, Wang Rongmiao stood aside, looking nervous, he stood in a silver magic circle, the silver magic circle runes flickered, this is a spirit detection circle, a special lie detection matrix, Unless there is a specific treasure, the Spirit Detecting Array can test out lies.

In the secret realm, Wang Ruyan gave Wang Rongmiao a batch of Fire Crow's corpses. Wang Rongmiao sold the Fire Crow's corpse and obtained a large sum of spirit stones to buy immortal cultivation resources. He has now cultivated to the ninth floor of the Foundation Establishment, and can reach the stage of forming the pill.

Wang Rongmiao used the Xuanshui decree to worship the Xuanshui Palace. When he first entered the foundation, he did not have a strong sense of belonging to the Xuanshui Palace.

To be honest, Chen Tianhe would not have planned to help Wang Rongmiao to form pills if it hadn't been for the fall of Xuanshui Palace's four Pills and a large number of elite disciples.

In terms of cultivation, Wang Rongmiao is qualified, and in terms of contribution, he has worked hard to do tasks over the years, and in terms of character, he has no faults to pick out. The biggest problem is his origin.

According to the sect’s regulations, anyone who holds a Xuanshui decree can worship the Xuanshui Palace. It is precisely because of this rule that when the Xuanshui Palace encounters a crisis several times, there are high-level monks who are willing to help, and Chen Tianhe will not violate it. This rule, but he can't ignore it, after all, Wang Rongmiao joined the Xuanshui Palace halfway.

He sent someone to investigate Wang Rongmiao. Wang Rongmiao was withdrawn by nature and did not have many friends. He was an ascetic and a maniac.

"Nephew Wang, you are not a native of our Xi Kingdom, and you joined our Xuanshui Palace I have to ask, you are not a spy from another sect! Or you have done something shameful. , take refuge in our Xuanshui Palace."

Chen Tianhe asked in a deep voice.

"Returning to Master Chen's words, the disciple is not a spy, nor has he done any shameful things."

Wang Rongmiao said neither humble nor arrogant.

There is no abnormality in the spirit detection circle, which means that Wang Rongmiao is not lying.

"After forming the elixir, you will stay in our Xuanshui Palace for the rest of your life?"

Wang Rongmiao looked hesitant and didn't know how to answer this question. The Xuanshui Palace was the largest faction in the Xi Kingdom, but he met Wang Ruyan in the secret realm and learned that the family's development in the South China Sea was not bad. Wang Ruyan and other ancestors were alive. Wang Rongmiao did not dare and would not leave the family.

"Forget it, this old man understands, you go to the Shuwu Palace, get a sum of resources for cultivating immortals, and leave the Xuanshui Palace! Let's get together and leave."

Chen Tianhe waved his hand and instructed, he could see it, Wang Rongmiao planned to use the power of Xuanshui Palace to advance to the stage of forming pills, and after forming pills, he might leave Xuanshui Palace, so there was no need for Xuanshui Palace. Cultivate Wang Rongmiao.

Wang Rongmiao let out a long sigh, knelt down, kowtowed three times at Chen Tianhe, and turned to leave.

An hour later, Wang Rongmiao flew out of the gate of Xuanshui Palace and disappeared into the sky.


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