Top of the big era

Chapter 1030 International Agency

Suddenly, Zhou Buqi felt that there were many happy events.

First of all, it was Ning Yaxian's younger sister who came over, and she felt that she could relive her old dreams, and the two sisters could look forward to it.

Secondly, the messy matter at home was finally resolved.

Air tickets to go abroad have already been bought.

The uncle, father and son will go abroad to Canada on the 20th of this month, which will free Zhou Buqi from the complicated family environment. Although it was a little later than the scheduled time, it was finally resolved.

What is especially surprising is "The Voice".

Jieyu Media has already negotiated with Endermol, a Dutch TV template operation company, and handed over all the global copyrights of "The Voice" except China and Japan to the other party's agent.

The contract is signed for 3 years, the agency fee is 10 million US dollars, and the copyright income is divided into 50%.

When Zhou Buqi heard about such a contract, he really wanted to applaud Xu Baihui, so he took his secretary to Jieyu Media.

This agency contract is afraid of comparison!

Recently, Zhou Buqi has been deeply involved in the game industry, so he has a lot of information. The agency contract between "World of Warcraft" and Ninetowns is a 4-year contract, with an agency fee of 50 million US dollars, plus 22% profit dividends.

This is just profit sharing.

After the Ninetowns make money through "World of Warcraft", the operating costs and income tax are deducted, and the remaining profits are shared.

"The Voice" is different, it is directly a share of the income.

In other words, if Endemol sold the copyright of "The Voice" and earned 100 yuan, it would give 50 yuan to Jieyu Media. All operating expenses are borne by Endemol.

This contract is very sincere!

After going to Jieyu Media, I realized that this was not the case at all.

Xu Baihui was still dissatisfied with the contract, and said unhappily: "Those foreigners are too good at lowering the price, so I just paid an agency fee of 10 million US dollars. I don't even want to cooperate with them."

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied, "10 million US dollars, isn't it low?"

Xu Baihui rolled his eyes at him, "What do you know? The pre-orders have all been signed out. It's NBC in the US and BBC in the UK!"


Zhou Buqi was surprised.

Xu Baihui explained: "There are four major TV networks in the United States, NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX. The most popular music program in the United States is FOX's "American Idol". It’s amazing, it’s the largest TV network in the United States, and there are many long-lasting programs. Only NBC is a little lacking in this aspect, and they have been looking for ideas all over the world for several years.”

"So you fell in love with The Voice?"

"It was recommended by the Dutch."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Isn't that enough? He has resources and channels, we have a brand and a production team, and we just cooperate. Um... and British TV stations?"

Xu Baihui said softly: "The logic in the UK is similar. "British Idol" is a music program produced by British Independent Television. It is very popular. The BBC can't sit still and wants to find a competitive music program to grab the market."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's a good thing, Britain and the United States are the leaders of music trends in the world. "The Voice" is in our hands. " and "The Voice of Great Britain", when the time comes, driven by the United Kingdom and the United States, more countries around the world will purchase the production copyright of "The Voice."

Xu Baihui said unconvinced: "The Dutch are too good at bullying people. I can guarantee that the two contracts between NBC and BBC, the three-year copyright, are enough to deduct the agency fee of 10 million US dollars and 50% of the share." After that, it made Endemol a lot of money."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Don't be so stingy when doing business, if you don't leave enough room for others' interests, why should they help you promote "The Voice" to the global market? You have to thank them. Before a brand is formed, no matter how good an idea is, it cannot match the channel, and the channel is king.”

Xu Baihui let out a muffled "hmm".

Zhou Buqi knew what she was thinking, and he just wanted to coax her, but he didn't do it, and he told her the truth seriously, "When "World of Warcraft" first came, the contract offered was so favorable. Now The agency contract is about to expire, and the brand awareness has started, so it has the right to bargain. The next agency contract must be a sky-high price. It is still a world-class game giant Blizzard, and it has to be obedient when entering an unfamiliar market. "

Xu Baihui gritted her teeth and rolled her eyes.

Zhou Buqi pretended not to see, and continued: "The contract was signed beautifully, and it's only 3 years. Once the 3-year agency period is over, "The Voice of America" ​​and "The Voice of Britain" will also be aired at that time. , as long as the social effect is triggered and recognized by the market, we will have the right to bargain and sign a better agency contract. At that time, just give them 25% of the distribution share..."

Xu Baihui was angry and funny, "25%? Boss Zhou, do you understand?"

Zhou Buqi was a little strange, "What's the matter? Isn't it right? This is the overseas film distribution market, right? The distributor will take 25% of the total box office as their income."

He has dealt with Hollywood and has a little understanding of the specific operating model. The film industry system there is very mature and has a complete set of rules.

All contract negotiations follow the rules, and don't cheat anyone.

In general, the producer invests in making a film, and then hands it over to the distributor.

The issuer invests in publicity and marketing, and then hands it over to theaters.

The theater chain is responsible for building movie theaters, improving infrastructure, and providing movie fans with places to watch movies.

However, Hollywood giants have their own distribution companies all over the world, and their own production companies distribute them themselves. When marketing, the production cost and distribution cost are often included in the film cost.

Xu Baihui said: "Movies are divided among the producers, distributors and theaters. The theaters get 50%, the remaining 50% of the box office, and the producers and distributors each take 25%. Calculated, the producers and the theaters will get 50% of the box office. The distributor also gets a 50-50 split. Whether it’s a movie or a TV series, the producer and distributor are often in the same proportion. The producer produces ideas, and the distributor provides marketing and publicity. Well, except for domestic business.”

"Except for domestic business? What do you mean?"

"Just like our movie, if it is released in China, we definitely can't give 25%. The distribution company dares to charge such a high price, so we find a relationship to release it by ourselves. Anyway, in China, we don't lack contacts and resources. We do it ourselves. That’s enough. Only in foreign markets, where we are not familiar with, the local distribution companies have the right to speak and get 25%.”

"Oh, that's it..." Zhou Buqi is not in this industry after all, and smiled, "So, the contract you signed with Endemol is in line with the market rules, and the 50/50 split is quite remarkable!"

Xu Baihui was very proud, and pretended to be very unhappy, "The share ratio is okay, but the agency fee is too low. I thought I could get 50 million US dollars..."

Zhou Buqi praised: "This is already very good, praise! about I give you a house, a large flat or a luxury villa, you choose it yourself, and I will buy it for you!"

Xu Baihui's beautiful eyes lit up, "Is the golden house hiding the beauty?"

Zhou Buqi twitched the corners of his mouth, "Well, I'm picking up Sister Bao home, so I'm leaving first."

Xu Baihui stomped her feet angrily, "I still want to talk to you about the Japanese business."

Zhou Buqi waved his hands without looking back, "You can deal with it yourself! You are fully responsible!"


The Voice is definitely big business.

The price of purchasing copyright in the domestic market is often much lower than the international market price, which is about 25%-30%. People don't dare to set a high price. If the price is too high, the domestic discussion will not be discussed directly. There will be a wave of imitation in the backhand.

But even so, later generations of domestic companies will have to pay a sky-high price of 60 million US dollars for five years to purchase the copyright of "The Voice". Well-known international TV networks such as NBC and BBC often adopt the model of "production fee + profit sharing" for procurement, and the copyright expenditure of tens of millions of dollars in a single quarter is not a problem.

Don't be afraid that the agency fee is too low now.

As long as "The Voice" can be put into operation, there will be a gold mine in the future.

Zhou Buqi is full of pride.

I feel that with the expansion of my business and the improvement of my status, I feel that the difficulty of doing business has been directly downgraded, and it is no longer like the bitter haha ​​when I first started my business.

With a wave of your hand, you can create a new market.

This feels really heroic!

When he went to the company the next day, he stared at the picture on the wall in the office, "How can a person not be stabbed if he is floating in the rivers and lakes?" He muttered in his heart for a long time, and then he took his secretary upstairs.

That's right, good news came from upstairs too.

In the past few years, although Lao Zhang was optimistic about Zhou Buqi's future prospects, he still had his own pride in his heart, thinking that the young man was still young and needed to grow up.

As a result, he missed the other party's instructions again and again, which is quite regrettable.

The biggest failure is today's headlines.

It is said that Zhou Buqi approached Lao Zhang and wanted to do it together, but Lao Zhang felt that this model was too ridiculous, and the portal model of Sohu was better.

The current result is that the combined traffic of the three major portals is not as good as Toutiao.

This time, Zhou Buqi came to take the initiative to cooperate again, and Zhang Chaoyang couldn't miss anything.

Sohu's game business is just getting started.

Although "Tian Long Ba Bu" has done well, it still has a big gap with other major game giants. At this time, the traffic of Ziwei Star will play a key role.

Zhang Chaoyang has long wanted to cooperate with Ziweixing in games, and it can be said that they hit it off right now.

After going upstairs, Zhou Buqi saw that Lao Zhang handed over a list. There are 7 chess and card game companies in the capital area, all of which are national platforms. Except for Lianzhong, the scale is relatively small, and many of them are new companies.

"Don't join the crowd."

Zhou Buqi immediately vetoed it.

Lianzhong is different from companies such as Ali and Penguin. Although their major shareholders are foreign capital, the control rights are all in the hands of local people, and they are still local companies.

Lianzhong has gone too far, the control has fallen into the hands of the Koreans, and the old employees have left one after another. Domestic chess and card game platforms are flourishing, and many people started their businesses from Lianzhong.

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