Top of the big era

Chapter 1064 Focusing on Agriculture

Zhou Buqi stayed overnight.

The next morning, Teacher Chen Yan cooked white rice porridge, fried eggs, and served with pickles, which was the simplest breakfast.

Zhou Buqi snorted and drank the porridge, only to find that Chen Yan next to him was smiling all the time, with a charming and affectionate aftertaste that couldn't be concealed between his brows and eyes.

"What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Buqi saw that she had been staring at him, feeling a little bewildered.

Chen Yan pursed her lips and said, "Happy."

Zhou Buqi asked, "What are you happy about?"

Chen Yan winked like silk, "I'm yours now."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Who said that? I agreed?"

After a whole night of rubbing hands together, Chen Yan knew this guy well, and she liked to tease people. With a hook on the corner of her mouth, Yingti hummed softly: "Master, you are teasing me again, you... you will accept it." Used it."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said: "You misunderstood, I have used it, I have to think about whether to accept it or not."

Chen Yan coquettishly said, "Master, you are necrotic!"

Zhou Buqi ignored her, it was past seven o'clock.

Hurry up and finish your breakfast, there are still important things to do today.

It's half past seven and we're going out.

Chen Yan walked to the door to see him off, knelt down to help him put on his shoes, and tidied his clothes, and said softly, "Master, I don't want to be a school teacher anymore."


"Then I resign?"

Zhou Buqi said lightly: "Let me investigate further, who knows if you will listen or not."

Chen Yan said angrily, "Master, why am I not obedient?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Okay, there is still a three-month trial period to find a job. You should clean up quickly, you won't go to work today?"

"I've been on vacation, and my waist is sore and my legs are sore. I need to go back and catch up on sleep." Chen Yan acted coquettishly, with pitiful eyes, "Master, I'll listen to you in everything, okay~"

Zhou left without looking back.

Go downstairs, the driver is already waiting there.

Once in the car, he shook his fist.


Who said that Teacher Chen Yan is cold and unreasonable, always out of place when interacting with people? nonsense! He is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, he is really obedient, more reliable than Teacher Han Yan.

Full of sincerity, full of harvest.

Oops, I feel like I'm getting more energy from a day's work.

Things are more important today.

It may involve an investment of tens of billions, and the province is highly concerned. Such a huge amount of private investment is very rare.

In private, the leaders were full of praise for Zhou Buqi.

Just put the credit on his account.

After all, from the very beginning, Ziweixing returned to Spring City to invest in the construction of a cloud computing data center and an Internet customer center industrial park.

Now, the construction of Ziweixing's customer center building has started. Ali also sent a team to negotiate, expressing his willingness to set up a customer service center with about 500 people here.

Everything is booming.

Now a group of entrepreneurial inspection teams have gone to Changbai Mountain to engage in a super big project, and Zhou Buqi is involved in it again, and there must be his face in it.

Very good!

There are people in the DPRK and China who are good at handling things, and a top entrepreneur has emerged from the Northeast. Relying on his influence and appeal in the business world, he really has a huge boost to the development of the local economy.

Zhou Buqi went to join the inspection team and held a meeting with the provincial team of the highest standard in the province.

Zhou Buqi will not contribute to the Changbai Mountain Resort project.

Only Yuanwei Group will be involved, and the production base of Yuanwei mineral water will be incorporated into the tourist attractions of the resort, so that tourists may witness the production process of Yuanwei mineral water with their own eyes.

When it comes to food safety, the common people are very concerned. This will be a very important tourist attraction.

With the good reputation of tourists, it can also open up market popularity for Yuanwei mineral water.

During the talks, Zhou Buqi listened more and talked less.

Mr. Wang of Wanda is also from the Northeast, so he speaks very politely. The giant's Shi Yuzhu was different, he was just a provincial leader, he didn't care at all, and said some harsh words over and over again.

During the investigation period, he had heard about it.

The investment environment in the Northeast is very poor.

For example, a buddy has set up a motorcycle parts factory here, and the business is doing very well, with an annual output value of more than 50 million. But the profit margin is too low, mainly because the location is too remote and the cost of transportation is too high. The purchase cost is high, and the shipping cost is also high. If it is a central province, this expenditure can be reduced.

He just wanted to transfer the parts factory to Lianghu, which would increase the net profit by at least 3 points.

As a result, he worked hard for two years without moving away. All kinds of restrictions, all kinds of non-approval, I am afraid that the factory will go away, reducing the local economic output value. In the end, some people even came to make trouble. The factory manager was terrified. In the end, the factory was abandoned and he ran away alone.

It's a chicken-and-egg fight, a lose-lose ending.

The factory is gone, and the reputation is gone.

Fortunately, this group of investigation groups are all top entrepreneurs in the country, not small people who can be slaughtered casually, and no one dares to violate the rules. Shi Yuzhu just questioned a few words, and after getting a friendly and positive reply, he gave up.

Faced with so many big businessmen, the province must not let it go. In order to develop the local economy, of course, the more investment the better!

The investment in Changbai Mountain Resort may exceed 10 billion, which is not enough.

Keep up the good work!

Then, some leaders worked hard to win over, and said earnestly: "Our province is a large agricultural province. Since last year, our province has successively invested 6.2 billion yuan to implement large-scale land reclamation projects in the three project areas of Zhenlai, Da'an, and Songyuan. ..."

The leader introduced the general situation.

It is located in the Songnen Plain, with flat terrain and rich reserve resources of arable land. It is an area with the greatest potential for agricultural development.

According to statistics, there are nearly 11 million mu of unused land in this region, accounting for more than half of the unused land in the province. Through land development and consolidation, the potential for increasing grain production is particularly huge. land resources.

There is no doubt that the transformation will be carried out by state investment.

But the question is, after the land transformation is successful, how will it work?

Lease land directly to farmers?

That would be such a waste!

This is the Great Plains. Human and animal power are still used for farming as in the thousands of years old tradition. The efficiency is low, the output is low, and the management is too complicated.

The largest agricultural country is the United States. The productivity of one farmer can surpass that of tens of thousands of farmers in the country, mainly relying on scientific and technological farming, through mechanical equipment and advanced scientific management for agricultural farming.

Most of the land in our country is mountainous, and it is difficult to carry out mechanized farming. But here is the Songnen Plain, so there are prerequisites for high-tech agriculture.

Here is the most fertile black soil.

Moreover, this is a piece of unused and undeveloped land, so there is no dispute over the right to use it with farmers, and it is all in the hands of the government.

It will be very convenient to operate.

Zhou Buqi has no interest in the Changbai Mountain Resort project.

But at this moment, he became excited.

Think this project is great!

He is a local, and he wants to contribute to the economic development of his hometown. However, he is just a businessman and cannot change the general environment. He wanted to go back to his hometown to invest, but looking around, there was really no investment direction.

Agriculture is an opportunity!

In particular, the biggest crisis in our country is the food crisis. The food grown in the country is only enough to feed 700 million people, and the rest of the food must be imported, mainly from the United States.

Once Sino-US relations deteriorate, the food crisis will be exposed.

For an entrepreneur with a sense of social responsibility, focusing on agricultural issues will be a very important direction in the future, and will rise to the height of national strategy.

At Zhou Buqi's current level, making money has little meaning. If he wants to realize a higher value of life, he must implement the great interests of the nation and the country.

The best land for cultivation in the country is, of course, the black land.

Building a domestic benchmark agricultural production base in the Songnen Plain, with a full range of mechanized farming, high efficiency, low cost, high output, and high cost return, can lead a certain direction for future domestic agricultural development.

There are several similar agricultural production bases in China.

It's all state-owned.

Efficiency and cost can be imagined, not necessarily much better than farmers holding hoes to cultivate.

If you want to really do it, you have to rely on private enterprises.

This is probably also the strategic design of the province.

The development environment in Northeast China is not good. Private capital does not come out of Shanhaiguan. The only way is for the state to give money or order state-owned enterprises to invest and develop in Northeast China. After so many years, it is not clear how well the Northeast has developed. To increase the vitality of the market economy, it is necessary to introduce more private capital or foreign capital.

If the state-owned enterprises are not doing well, this is not a domestic problem, it is the same all over the world. There is no state-owned enterprise in the world that can do well. In any industry that private enterprises can set foot in, state-owned enterprises must not be rivals of private enterprises.

Zhou Buqi became interested at once, and began to speak actively, chatted with the leader in a non-committal manner, and his eyes lit up.

The leaders of the province saw this scene and were moved in their hearts.

Sure enough, at the critical moment, you have to rely on your own people!

Others have little interest in this agricultural project, and it still depends on the strong support of my family.

The leader said happily: "Our agricultural project will be divided into three project areas: Zhenlai, Da'an, and Songyuan. There are 2.03 million mu of low- and medium-yielding fields, of which 1.5 million mu are converted from drought to water, and a total of 4.05 million mu of newly-added paddy fields will be added. The recent project implementation will be arranged according to the newly-added paddy fields of 3 million mu..."

Say something again.

It roughly means that this agricultural project with a total investment of 6.2 billion yuan will be divided into three parts.

The government pays for the transformation and reclamation of the land, and then leases it to enterprises or farmers for cultivation. Among them, the Songyuan project area will be taken over by a state-owned enterprise, the Zhenlai District will be operated by the local Agriculture Department, and the remaining Da'an project area is expected to be handed over to private enterprises for operation.

All eggs cannot be put in one basket.

This is a new land.

How to do it, no one knows.

Then divide it into three ways and do a good job, there will always be a way out.

If it is placed in an economically developed area, a courageous leader will make a decision directly, and go down the road after deciding on a path.

The Northeast is not good, there are many failures and few successes, and the leaders are also afraid.

If the decision is wrong, the loss will be too great.

Divided into three roads, there is always one way to go through.

Then let the other two roads that didn't go well, just imitate the one that went well with hindsight. Slow development is slow, at least it can ensure success.

Zhou Buqi strongly supported it, and he didn't look like a bargaining businessman at all. He said on the spot, "This idea is very good!"

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