Top of the big era

Chapter 1243 This doesn't work, doesn't that work?

Shi Jinglin went abroad this time mainly for a few things.

First, meet Zhou Buqi, a stinky man.

Although this man is a scumbag and an asshole, but I still miss him after a long time.

Second, to help Yang Mi realize her idea of ​​being a buyer's store.

She originally wanted to find a few designers to open an offline physical buyer's store, but she turned it into an online platform, and it was a global online platform.

Thirdly, it is the key point to come abroad to investigate the milk tea market.

The results of the survey were not optimistic.

Tea is not popular in the United States, but coffee is popular.

Drinking tea is popular here in the UK. Coincidentally, the British don't like to drink pure tea. They like to add some milk, honey, fruit juice and other seasonings to the tea.

It is in line with the positioning of domestic milk tea!

But a survey was conducted in Manchester and London and the feedback was disappointing.

This is a developed country, it is really different from China.

Domestic milk tea mainly consists of pearls, taro balls, essence, saccharin, fruit juice, etc., which taste good, but they are all additives, which are not pure enough in taste and not healthy enough.

The milk tea in the UK is all "high-end ingredients" such as "pure milk + single pack of tea foam + freshly squeezed juice + honey". If this is done in China, the cost will be too high. Hard to afford.

Chinese people drink milk tea, mainly go to the milk tea shop to buy it. Because ordinary people do not have many equipment and materials for making milk tea at home. In the UK, they have a whole set of equipment and do it themselves, just like homemade coffee. Even Starbucks has been deflated and unpopular in the UK.

From this point of view, it is basically impossible for Yuanwei Group to expand its overseas business.

After going abroad for so many days, Shi Jinglin wanted to go back to China after she had done everything she needed to do. Zhou Buqi's plane is still in use, and it happened that he had a meeting with the British sports minister on this day, and communicated his development philosophy for Manchester United. Then I asked him for help, contacted an aircraft leasing company, rented a private jet, and sent Shi Jinglin, Yang Mi, Jiang Bingjie and Li Xinwan back to China.

On this side, Zhou Buqi sent them back to China, and on the other side, they received a notification from Goldman Sachs.

Sure enough, they found a new major investment client!

Another local tyrant in the Middle East!

The Kuwait Sovereign Fund is in charge of more than $180 billion in assets.

Kuwait is a small and weak country, deeply tied to the United States. Now that the US economic crisis is so severe, they are the first Middle Eastern sovereign wealth fund that has reached a comprehensive investment agreement with the US.

The operating rules are jointly formulated by the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and other parties.

Goldman Sachs directly gave the other party's asset list and investment direction.

Stocks: asset allocation target of 65%-75%

Bonds: asset allocation target is 12%-18%

Real estate: asset allocation target is 2%-8%

Alternative asset investment: asset allocation target is 4%-6%

Cash: asset allocation target is 2%-6%

In other words, according to the agreement, it is enough to keep 2%-6% of the cash in the account of the Kuwaiti sovereign fund. But in fact, they keep more than $63 billion in cash on their books, accounting for as much as 35%.

This also means that they will spend 50 billion US dollars in the next few months.

According to the agreement, the US$50 billion will be divided according to the investment region, 55% of which can be invested in the US market, 30% can be invested in the European market, 8% can be invested in the Asian market, and some emerging markets.

However, this is a general convention.

Right now is a special situation, and you can invest more in the US market, reaching a ratio of 70%-80%. On the surface, Kuwait's money can choose how to invest, but in fact this is semi-forced. Kuwait is surrounded by powerful enemies, and the stability of the regime has to be protected by American soldiers. Once the US military withdraws, there will inevitably be chaos in the surrounding area.

In this complex international background, even if Zhou Buqi is the richest man in the world, he is still as small as a pawn. He can only follow the trend.

He has long understood this truth.

There has never been an era of entrepreneurs, only entrepreneurs under the era, at best, stand on top of the great era, rather than creating the great era.

A businessman is just a businessman.

Economics is always a continuation of politics.

Zhou Buqi regards himself as just a businessman, at most he wants to buy the Manchester United club, just like what the British sports minister said during the meeting.

For him, Manchester United is not a business, but honor, status and social influence. This is a global effect that no amount of money can buy.

Zhou Buqi took Xue Baoshan, two little secretaries Sun Guanran and Feng Muer, and people from Goldman Sachs to Paris, France, and met the Minister of the Interior of Kuwait and the chief executive of the Kuwait Investment Authority in a five-star hotel on the Champs Elysees Avenue. Controller Nawaf.

There was a little hiccup.

They want the investment to be no less than $5 billion.

But now Neptune Capital's quota is only 20%, which is 2 billion US dollars.

This is easy to fix.

Are you afraid of less money, or more money?

Either communicate with the Abu Dhabi consortium and ask them to reduce their investment share. Or join forces with Goldman Sachs again to change the fundraising amount of Neptune Capital, for $15 billion.

Now the United States wants money so badly, as long as it follows the procedures, it will definitely give the green light all the way.

Besides that, Nawaf also said something interesting.

"We will use part of the funds to invest in the Asian market."

"Of course, the economic development in Asia has been very strong in the past few years, and there are many excellent investment targets." Zhou Buqi then added, "Hong Kong Island is a financial center. I heard that Prada will go public on Hong Kong Island soon."

Nawaf shook his head, "No, I'm not referring to Hong Kong Island."

"That is……"

"I want to invest in your home country."

"Good thing!"

Zhou Buqi was very happy.

If there are local tyrants in the Middle East who are willing to invest in the mainland, they should of course be welcomed with both hands. The world situation under the financial tsunami is that many big countries are robbing money, and they all want to grab hot money into their own countries.

The United States is the most powerful and grabs the most, followed by the European Union.

Not to mention the domestic market in Asia, even developed regions such as South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore can't get much.

When he first started doing private equity, the domestic side handed him a message, suggesting that he could return to China to invest. The mainland is inconvenient, so go to Hong Kong Island to invest.

But it's a little too difficult.

Zhou Buqi was able to raise funds so smoothly this time because the Federal Reserve and Wall Street were working behind the scenes, hoping to use his hands to attract funds from the Middle East to enter the US market.

If he got the money through the hands of the old beauty, and then changed hands and returned to China to invest, it would be a turn of the face and denial, and he would not be able to mix in the United States in the future. Ziweixing would definitely be sanctioned for many high-sounding reasons. Zhou Buqi has been a human being in two lifetimes, and such things that can be learned from others cannot be done.

If the Kuwait Investment Authority is willing to invest in large domestic A-shares, it will really help him a lot.

As a middleman, he can also explain to the leader.

Nawaf said: "Investing in A-shares has very strict policy restrictions, and our funds cannot enter."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said grandly: "No problem, leave it to me! Mr. Nawaf, can you disclose how much money you will invest in the A-share market?"

"$4 billion to $6 billion."

"Yes, I'll help you get in touch. As long as your investment rules comply with the laws and regulations of our country, there will be no problem."

Zhou Buqi's willingness to matchmaking can be regarded as an additional help to the domestic economic development.

Although the big domestic A-shares are leeks, there are still many excellent investment targets, such as traditional cultural projects such as Moutai and Wuliangye.

It's a pity that Chinese people don't realize it at all.

Many domestic investors in high-quality blue-chip stocks do not recognize them, and their bargaining chips have been taken away by foreign capital. In many cases, foreign capital is leading the long-term and stable growth of stock prices.

However, not all foreign capital can enter the market.

Strict approval by the authorities is required.

For example, the hedge funds of some capital predators on Wall Street will never want to come to the big A-shares to make troubles and ruin the great situation of the big A-shares.

There are not so many restrictions on the money of local tyrants in the Middle East.

The purpose of their investment is to make money.

Just to make money, of course the country should welcome foreigners to come to the country to make a lot of money. Only when foreigners make a lot of money in the country can they attract more foreigners to invest in the country.

And investment is the most important part of the troika that stimulates economic development.

Just like Zhou Buqi went to the United States to do private equity, he will make a lot of money, and the United States will not only not mind, but will be very happy and welcome.

Social wealth is a reservoir.

As long as the domestic wealth is stored in the domestic reservoir, the authorities can use various means to distribute the wealth in the reservoir. The most typical method is taxation. Europe and the United States also have a social donation culture, and China also has a common prosperity policy of getting rich first and then getting rich later.

The last thing countries want to see is to pump water from their own cisterns and pour it into other countries' cisterns, turning it into the social wealth of other countries.

The Kuwait Investment Authority is willing to pump water into large A-shares, which will have a strong role in promoting the development of the domestic financial market.

In the current world environment, it is not easy to win some of the funds of the local tyrants in the Middle East to enter the domestic market.

However, Zhou Buqi is also very cautious about this.

Just spread it among small circles, and let the leaders and industry colleagues know the great contribution made by his boss Zhou. There is no need to spread it to the outside world to let the ordinary people know, they don't understand at all.

If they knew that Boss Zhou was helping foreigners to invest in the domestic market to make a lot of money, while he was still poor, they might transfer the conflict and label him in various ways.

For dinner, Zhou Buqi bit the bullet and accompanied the local tyrant from Kuwait to another feast.

very distressed.

This group of people has too many taboos, this is not acceptable, and that is not acceptable.

After dinner, the local tyrants in the Middle East will return home.

This is somewhat surprising.

How wonderful is the colorful world in Paris, why don't you stay here at night? Want to fly back home? Even Zhou Buqi has been booked. In the evening, I will accompany Xue Baoshan, Sun Wanran, and Feng Muer to go to the Opera Garnier on the Champs Elysees to listen to the opera.

It was only later that I discovered the trickiness.

In a block near the Champs-Elysees Avenue, there are many famous venues in the red light district. The famous "Mrs. Claude" venue is there, and there are hundreds of world-class beauties under his hands. Over the past few decades, it has served many celebrities, artists, businessmen, film and television stars, sports stars, and even Kennedy.

The local tyrants in the Middle East called more than a dozen high-priced girls from there, and brought them back to China overnight.

This is their tradition.

Every Friday, someone will be sent to pick up the girl.

Depend on!

Zhou Buqi was speechless after hearing this.

Didn't it mean that you have many taboos, and you can't do this or that? How can there be nothing impossible in this kind of thing?

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