Top of the big era

Chapter 1306 Plastic Surgery

Professional sports is first and foremost an industry, pursuing entertainment and attention, and finally championships. In China, there is a gold medal theory, and championship is regarded as the highest standard.

Like soccer girls.

Foreign women's football teams... let alone women's football teams, all male football players have to wear makeup, dye their hair, have their hair styled, have tattoos, eyebrow tattoos, ear piercings, and porcelain dentures like those of big stars.

It's different in China. None of these frills are allowed.

Female football players are not allowed to wear makeup during games.

Not only that, in order to better perform competitively, female football players have to have short hair. They all look like tomboys and have no aesthetics at all.

This kind of game, let alone how well it is played, is much worse than the women's volleyball team in terms of viewing quality.

If Manchester United is a women's football team, winning the championship is a must, and they must buy the best players in the world. The second is influence. The Premier League Women's Football League is a semi-professional league. If you want to gain attention and influence, you must give full play to the gender advantages of female sports.

This is a bit politically incorrect.

For example, some female tennis players no longer want to wear short skirts and feel that they should also wear shorts to be equal to men and women. This is not prohibited by the Tennis Association. But not long after, they took the initiative to put on short skirts.

If you don't wear short skirts to play, attention will drop, and sponsors will either lower prices or withdraw.

For your own benefit, you can only follow the development laws of the market.

If professional sports want to develop, grow and form an industry, it needs to become entertaining, entertaining and topical. With attention, championships are important. Without attention, no matter how many championships there are, they will not be valued.

From the perspective of the football industry, Real Madrid can beat Barcelona and Manchester United to become the most branded club in the world every year.

Sir Alex Ferguson is a big man in football, and it is not an exaggeration to say that his coaching level is the best in the world.

But in the operation of the club, we cannot follow his ideas and must seek reforms.

When choosing a female football player from China to play for Manchester United, the most important thing is that she has a beautiful face and a domineering figure!

In the evening, Zhou Buqi goes home and surfs the Internet.

After checking the three candidates provided by Zhu Jun, I was a little collapsed. Bi Yan and Ma Xiaoxu gave up decisively. They felt that they didn't even have any physical signs of women. Where were their breasts? Where's the butt?

Let’s look at the third candidate Han Duan... Well, it’s so-so, but at least she’s a girl and her figure is okay.

Upon further inspection, oops!

There is a news on, which selects the top ten beauties in the domestic sports world. In addition to the diving queen and the nine-ball queen, it is no surprise that Miss Han Duan is also on the list.

The female football players are all photographed without makeup and are exposed to the sun, so their image does look a little worse. A little make-up would be fine.

The next day, Zhou Buqi went to Chongming Island with Zhu Jun.

Then we talked about Han Duan.

"Well, let's go with Han Duan, your fellow Northeasterner." Zhu Jun had already guessed that this guy wanted to choose a beautiful woman. "I'll send Shenhua's sports director to run it. Make sure he doesn't run away."

"The transfer fee will be paid by Manchester United."

"Is there any transfer fee? Just pay some training fee. We are Manchester United, don't worry, we will definitely have a green light all the way."

"There is one more condition."


"Ask her what she means. It's best to straighten her out."

Zhu Jun was stunned for a moment, "What are you trying to do?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Plastic surgery."


Zhu Jun's eyes widened, a little incredulous.

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't do any major surgery, don't move the bones, just open the corners of the eyes, pad the nose a little, make double eyelids, and it's best to enlarge the breasts and buttocks."

Zhu Jun twitched the corner of his mouth, "This is a football player. It is inevitable to have bumps and bruises during the game. What if..."

"How can it be that serious?" Zhou Buqi doesn't think so. "Everyone in the Korean women's football team has had plastic surgery. Not only plastic surgery, they also wear makeup every time they play a game. The same goes for the Japanese women's football team. Is there a problem with this?"

Zhu Jun said: "It's a bit shocking."

Zhou Buqi hummed: "Call David Gill now and ask about Xiao Luo!"

"What's up with him?"

Zhu Jun has really never paid attention to this field.

Zhou Buqi said: "Look at what Ronaldinho looked like when he first moved to Manchester United, and look at what he looks like now. Look at his teeth and eyes, see if there are any changes. Also, he has pierced ears, you know? ?”

Zhu Jun nodded, "Well, I know this."

Zhou Buqi said: "The ears are so fragile, but the pierced ears do not prevent him from being the best player in the world. Moreover, this is professional men's football, the most competitive Premier League. There is no confrontation in the women's football game, and there is no such worry at all. ."

"I'm afraid she won't want to."

"If she doesn't want to, forget it, but I think she will definitely agree. There is no girl who doesn't love beauty. Especially when going abroad, who doesn't want to look the best in front of foreigners?"

"This isn't football you're playing."

"Women's football is not football in the first place." Zhou Buqi has already planned it. "Women's football matches lack influence and attention, which requires star players to drive it on their own. When the time comes, take a set of photos for Han Duan and promote them in the media. , she becomes a beautiful football player, becomes a star, and gets endorsements and sponsorships.”

Zhu Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You always have a crooked theory. Can the women's football team also make money?"

"Do you think I am doing it to make money for myself? Let alone the women's football team, I don't even expect to make money from the men's football team." Zhou Buqi snorted coldly, and then sighed, "Anyway, women's football players make too little money. Arsenal Women's Football Team They are powerful in European football, but their captain’s annual salary is only 20,000 pounds. Women’s football is not market-oriented enough, so it cannot make money. As a boss, you must always seek benefits for your employees, and the income of Manchester United’s female football players should be higher.”

In the morning, I went to Chongming Island for a walk.

Seeing the miserable children in the youth training and the requests from the coaches at the youth training base, Zhou Buqi couldn't lose face, so he could only agree to them and would personally invest 5 million yuan to help them develop the youth training. Even Xu Hebao's youth training base can't get money from the Football Association, so where did the Football Association's funds go?

Returning to the city in the afternoon, Zhou Buqi received another invitation from 51 as expected.

The news came really fast.

Zhou Buqi did not refuse. The branch sent several people to accompany him and went to 51's headquarters to investigate. It was a dark pink five-story building in Zhangjiang High-tech Park.

From a distance, it looks like a home-like hotel.

When Zhou Buqi passed by, there were already a dozen people waiting anxiously downstairs.

"Mr. Zhou!"

"Mr. Zhou is here!"

"Mr. Zhou is so young!"

"Mr. Zhou is so heroic and enviable!"

Far away, eager and expectant voices came one after another. The person who started the meeting was a man with a crew cut, Mr. Pang, the big boss of 51.

Next to Mr. Pang was a beauty... Zhou Buqi's heart trembled suddenly, Chen Sisi, Mr. Chen, this is not a good person. She was the one who took action in person and let herself fall into the trap twice.

Sure enough, before anyone else could move, Ms. Chen came over with a smile on her face.

In this winter, she was wearing very thin clothes, which could not hide her protruding figure. She walked over pretty and said sweetly: "Mr. Zhou, you are finally here."

"Oh, it's Mr. Chen, long time no see."

Zhou Buqi shook hands with her briefly and was surprised to find a ring on her ring finger, seemingly engaged. Looking at her eyes again, there were sparks of lightning flashing in her eyes, and she didn't look like she was about to get married.

It is indeed an international metropolis, keeping up with world trends.

Zhou Buqi quickly avoided her, shook hands with several other executives from 51, and after greetings, he smiled and said, "Everyone, come in, it's very cold outside."

In the five-story office building, the first floor is a leisure area and service area, and the design is quite user-friendly.

The second floor is the 51 Community Business Department. Like most Internet companies, it is an open office. At first glance, it looks like an Internet cafe. The smell is very unfriendly, and it looks like they have worked a lot of overtime, and many people have not showered for a long time.

The third floor is the administrative area, including finance, personnel, marketing, president's office, etc.

The fourth floor is the office area of ​​Rainbow Helo, an instant messaging tool. Zhou Buqi stayed here for a while and chatted with several project managers.

Here, Zhou Buqi saw a very familiar person - Xin Chuang.

Depend on!

Isn’t this a college classmate from my previous life?

In his previous life, Zhou Buqi studied at Jilin University, had several classmates, and had several relationships. He is a rich second generation, and his partners must always be beautiful women.

However, I have missed too much in this life.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

Zhou Buqi felt somewhat embarrassed and asked him: "What is your position?"

Xin Chuang was unnatural and couldn't let go. He was too nervous to meet such a big shot. "I...I make products."

"Product?" Zhou Buqi was a little funny, "Do you know technology?"

Xin Chuang's face turned red suddenly, and his tone became much weaker, "I'm an artist."

Zhou Buqi sighed secretly, feeling that he couldn't be too eager, so as not to cause panic to the other party. His expression became much calmer, and he asked again: "The design of Rainbow Helo is very similar to QQ. What do you think?"


Xin Chuang was a little embarrassed.

Mr. Pang stood aside and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Mr. Zhou is asking questions. You can say whatever you want. Be bold."

Xin Chuang said: "I think there is a trend in QQ, which is to increasingly emphasize the instrumental nature of products and weaken the emotional attributes. This is very good and is an example for us to learn from. Rainbow Helo is currently positioned as a chat tool for children, and we should work hard Change that.”


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Mr. Pang was a little flustered after hearing this, and frowned and said, "Just do your art well. If you don't understand the product, don't think nonsense."

Rainbow Helo is currently mainly used by teenagers aged 15-20. If you want to change this situation, how can you change it? Expanding to a larger age group? Doesn’t that compete with the original Helo for market share?

This guy has really low emotional intelligence. Aren't you afraid of arousing Mr. Zhou's jealousy?

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "I think what he said is quite good. To be big, a company must be able to face all kinds of people. Penguin is a great company, and I recognize their model. Now 51 is just It is a community that mainly targets young users. In the future, 51 should gradually remove these attributes and turn it into a connection tool without emotion."

Chen Sisi cleverly came over and said with a chuckle: "Mr. Zhou, are you very optimistic about 51?"

Zhou Buqi looked alert.

Chen Sisi said: "Mr. Zhou, we plan to start a new round of financing after the Spring Festival. We are looking forward to further cooperation with Ziweixing."

Zhou Buqi pretended not to understand and said with a smile: "That's a good thing. I wish you success."

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