Top of the big era

Chapter 134 Solid Milk Tea

"What did you say?"

Fang Qiwen was shocked.

He thought Zhou Buqi was over for the final exam, so he came over to relax, and brought his sister over to play.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Buqi uttered bold words, saying that he wanted to help his factory tide over the difficulties.

What is even more surprising is that the plan he proposed is so incredible.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Brother Fang, haven't you watched TV lately? Haven't you read newspapers?"

Fang Qiwen sighed, and said bitterly: "How can I be in the mood, the account can't be collected, the capital chain is broken, and the bank doesn't provide accommodation... Hey, why is it so difficult to start a business?"

Zhou Buqi knew the difficulties of starting a business, and said calmly: "Even if the accounts are collected and the bank loan is repaid, Brother Fang, do you think your Lejia Beverage Company can get more money? Will it continue to operate? Is there still room for development?"

Fang Qiwen twitched the corner of his mouth, a little speechless.

Yes, even if the debt is recovered, so what?

In the past year, it has lost more than 700,000 yuan, which is not counting the tax arrears of more than 300,000 yuan.

If there is no reform, it will really be a dead end.

However, the plan proposed by Zhou Buqi is too... too ridiculous, right?

He actually wants to transform his beverage company into producing milk tea.

The solid version of Yuanwei milk tea!

In order to open up the milk tea market outside the campus.

Isn't that ridiculous?

Milk tea is imported from Baodao, and it has always been freshly brewed. I have never heard of the term solid milk tea.

After consumers buy it back, they can drink it with hot water?

How can this be called a drink?

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips and glanced at Zhou Buqi. Seeing that he had no intention of explaining, she smiled and said, "Mr. Fang, I think this proposal is very good. Coffee and tea can be brewed and drunk, as well as oatmeal and milk powder." Brew it and drink it, why not milk tea?"

"This is too risky!"

Fang Qiwen kept shaking his head with a complicated expression.

The atmosphere in the office was the same as in the factory, dignified and depressing.

Xue Baoshan said: "When I came here, classmate Zhou told me, I think it makes sense, the competition in the juice drink market is too fierce, not only there are 20 or 30 national brands vying for the market, but also foreign beverage giants. It is really difficult to develop in this market. On the contrary, solid milk tea is a new thing, which is an untapped market.”

Fang Qiwen was silent for a long time before lighting a cigarette.

Under the lingering smoke, he let out a long sigh and said slowly: "I have invested more than 2.3 million in this factory, and even used my house and car as a loan. If we want to transform into milk tea production, we need to introduce new equipment and rebuild the factory. Training the staff... Anyway, it's just too complicated."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Brother Fang, you are in the industry, so I won't say much, you must know more than me. I'm still saying what I just said, Brother Fang, you probably haven't paid attention to my affairs recently Bar?"

"Your business?" Fang Qiwen opened his eyes, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "One is Xiaonei, and the other is Yuanwei milk tea shop. You can find out after investigating."


Fang Qiwen made a long sound and looked at him suspiciously.

Not sure what this means.

Is this related to the transformation of Lejia Beverage Factory to produce solid milk tea?

Xue Baoshan's beautiful eyes flashed brightly, and she said with a smile: "Brother Fang, the Xiaonei website is very popular now, and it's all on TV stations. It must not be long before it will become the most popular website on university campuses across the country. Yuanwei milk tea shop also It has developed very well, and there are already 13 branches. In the next semester, milk tea chain stores will open in colleges and universities in the capital, and then enter the Jinmen market. Within three years, they will spread to colleges and universities across the country.”

Fang Qiwen, who was smoking, froze for a moment. He was keenly aware of something, "Yuanwei milk tea shop... Your milk tea shop is developing so well?"

"With the promotion of Xiaoneiwang, the future will only be better. We are college students, so we must firmly lock in the market of university campuses. As for off-campus... Zhou students mean to use solid milk tea to make up for it."

Sister Bao is really outstanding, and she is also very talented as a secretary. She has a deep understanding of Zhou Buqi's thinking.

Fang Qiwen stubbed out the cigarette butt, tapped his thighs and knees lightly with his fingers, deep in thought.

This is a major strategic overhaul, a matter of life and death.

He couldn't make a decision without patting his thigh.

"While the average person is fighting on an overcrowded bus to feel good about buying himself a little space, some people are already racing away on an unclaimed bus. It's a matter of philosophy."

Zhou Buqi got up and planned to leave, leaving the last sentence, "Brother Fang, the market is fair. But when it comes to creativity, business is not equal."


on the way back.

Xue Baoshan was very strange, she tilted her head and asked, "Student Zhou, why don't you speak?"

"say what?"

"Talk about your strategy, your knowledge of the solid milk tea market, aren't you pretty good at it? Why were you so silent in Fang Zong's office just now? You didn't say five words in total."

Zhou Buqi shook his head lightly, "One moment and another moment."

"What do you mean?" Xue Baoshan blinked her eyes, expressing her difficulty in understanding.

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "I'm helping him, not begging him, there's no need to be so active. And he is an expert in the fast-moving beverage industry, so there is no need to tell him some things."

"Oh..." Xue Baoshan seemed to understand, "Are you catching him?"

Zhou Buqi said: "He is not a beauty, why should I catch him? I want to catch a beauty like Sister Diaobao."

Xue Baoshan didn't seem to hear, she thought to herself and said, "It seems that you have a plan in mind. Classmate Zhou, you want to be the boss of Fang Zong, so you are keeping your identity, right?"

Zhou Buqi was silent for a while, and said: "His beverage factory must not be able to continue to operate. We can all see that he must have realized it a long time ago. There are only two ways in front of him, one is to sell the factory , After repaying the money and repaying the loan, return to the beverage giant company as an executive and work for others."

"The other is to cooperate with you to carry out drastic strategic reforms and launch solid milk tea?" Xue Baoshan smiled.

"That's right!"

"just in case……"

"No chance!"

"What if he chooses the direction of launching solid milk tea, but doesn't cooperate with us? Let's work hard, isn't it a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Brother Fang is a smart person, he won't do it. When he checks my actions in the past few months, he will definitely make the right choice."

After a pause, he snorted again proudly, "I've given him advice and helped him meet three empty sisters, and he can turn against me? Humph! Isn't he afraid that he will only be able to date five girls in the future?"

"Fifth Sister? Who is it?" Xue Baoshan's big beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, changed the subject, and asked, "By the way, your school is going to be on holiday too, right? What date are you leaving?"

Xue Baoshan was a little silent, a little bleak.

"What's wrong?"

"Student Zhou, I have to go home. I will leave as soon as the holiday is over, and go back to spend time with my mother."

Zhou Buqi comforted her, and said with a smile: "It should be, the milk tea shop can be closed, and there are enough people on Xiaonei. It doesn't matter, you can go home and see your parents."

"Not mom and dad, only mom!"

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