Top of the big era

Chapter 1480 Android Patch

Zhou Buqi actually doesn’t pay much attention to the mobile phone industry. From a higher level, in the current market, whether it is Samsung, LG, Aster, or HTC, as long as smartphones are selling well, it will help promote the arrival of the mobile Internet era. , which is beneficial to Ziweixing, who entered the market first.

Now the world's largest technology giant that is deeply involved in the field of mobile Internet is Ziweixing.

The more smartphones are sold, the more mobile Internet users there are.

At a time when everyone was generally not entering the market, these early mobile Internet users all rushed into the embrace of Ziweixing's product ecology.

But Zhou Shaoning is different. The mobile phone business is everything to him.

He took it very seriously.

Zhou Buqi felt that he was under a lot of pressure, so he invited him to visit the Getty Center and said in a relaxed tone, "How are mobile phone sales?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "The orders in Europe exceed 5 million units, and the orders in the United States are also 3 million units. Mainly because the market response of the Aster generation exceeded expectations, which gave operators confidence."


"Yes, our internal expectation is that the annual sales of Aster2 may reach 16 million-18 million units, making it the second-largest smartphone after iPhone 3gs."

“What are Apple’s expected sales?”

"It's shocking." Zhou Shaoning is also full of respect for his competitors. "When iPhone 3gs was launched in June, 1 million units were sold in 3 days. Some organizations predict that the annual sales may reach 30 million units. According to Google According to predictions, the total sales of Android-based mobile phones may only be 25 million to 30 million units in the next year."

The expected total sales of Android phones is 30 million units, and Aster2 accounts for more than half.

Such a report card is gratifying enough.

iOS and Android systems alone may add 60 million mobile Internet users in the next year, which is a huge pool. These smartphone consumers are all potential users of Ziweixing!

At least the Helo mobile phone product should be promoted to everyone!

Zhou Buqi said happily: "This is great! What pressure do you have? Didn't you say that LG's mobile phones are relatively low-end and low-priced? Aster2 focuses on the high-end market and can still occupy more than half of the market share of the Android system. It has already Very good."

Zhou Shaoning was helpless, "This past year, it was 100%."

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Buqi felt that this man was a bit possessed.

Zhou Shaoning sighed, "Samsung and LG's Android phones are selling very well. I heard that they have sold 3.5 million units in South Korea. HTC has also entered the US market and received a large order with its low price advantage. According to internal feedback from Google , and many mobile phone manufacturers are entering the Android camp."

"Not surprisingly."

Zhou Buqi had expected it.

Android has not yet dominated the world, so Google is relatively low-key and allows mobile phones in the Android camp to be "half-hearted". For example, Samsung's mobile phones, in addition to Android Samsung, also include Microsoft Samsung and Symbian Samsung, which are deployed in multiple mobile operating systems at the same time.

Why are Nokia and Motorola, both old mobile phone giants, falling rapidly in the smartphone era, while Samsung is getting stronger and stronger?

This is related to Samsung's operating philosophy - lower your profile and go with the flow.

Nokia considers itself to be the No. 1 player in the world's mobile phone industry. It is unwilling to use other companies' systems, so it cooperates with others to create the Symbian system, intending to destroy Apple and Google.

Later I found out that I couldn't beat it.

Nokia is still not convinced, and has cooperated with Microsoft, planning to join forces to regain dominance in the mobile phone market!

Then, it failed again.

It has never recovered since then.

Samsung is different. It is very self-aware. It knows that its Internet level is poor and that self-developed operating systems are tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg against the Silicon Valley giants. Therefore, it has adopted an omni-channel strategy to put its eggs in different baskets.

Samsung cooperates with all mainstream smartphone systems on the market.

Samsung has launched corresponding models for various mobile phone systems. In the end, Android won. Samsung has cut off all other operating system business lines and only retained the Android business line.

By casting a wide net, Samsung has firmly captured the opportunities of the times, and relied on the mobile phone technology accumulated over the past few years to stand on the top of the times.

This is also due to Google’s early connivance with mobile phone manufacturers.

When Android becomes bigger and stronger and dominates the world, Google will be more confident. All mobile phone manufacturers in the Android camp are required to ban the launch of mobile phones with other operating systems, otherwise they will be kicked out of the Android camp.

The bundled relationship between mobile phone manufacturers and Android is getting stronger and stronger.

This was all within Zhou Buqi's plan.

The Getty Museum is the cultural center of Los Angeles, with free admission and many tourists. However, Zhou Buqi had a special status and was accompanied by a special staff member. He went to a special room and had the opportunity to appreciate the treasure of the museum - Van Gogh's "Irises" up close.

To be honest, Zhou Buqi doesn't really understand the artistry of oil painting.

But even so, he can still feel a certain sense of historical travel from the thick ink and colorful ink.

Art is the most timeless.

No wonder that after Mr. Getty became famous, he donated all his wealth to build such a magnificent museum to repay the world.

Zhou Shaoning was not in the mood to appreciate the tranquility of the artistic atmosphere. He was very anxious and whispered: "Now everyone inside Google is full of confidence. They believe that Android has the opportunity to dominate smartphones just like Windows dominates computers."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said, "I think so too."

The staff accompanied them not far away to protect the artwork. Although the two spoke in Chinese, their voices were very low when communicating.

Zhou Shaoning said: "I heard that Google is going to further strategically design the Android system."


"Android is open source and free. How can a product that Google spent so much money to make be given away for free?"

“Making money through free products is nothing more than attracting traffic.”

Zhou Buqi had thought of it a long time ago and was not surprised.

In his previous life, he mainly lived in China, but Google was banned in China, so he was not very familiar with Google products. But it doesn’t matter, the products are different, but the logic of the products is the same.

Just like WeiDian Antivirus, WeiDian Security Guard, WeiDian Input Method, and WeiDian Browser, these are all free products.

Is Ziweixing a free service?

Of course not. Behind this lies the logic of building a brand for free, growing the user base for free, and attracting traffic for free. For example, Microdian Browser, although this product is free, when users use Microdian Browser, they will introduce traffic to their own navigation websites, which will generate advertising revenue. The navigation website then directs traffic to its own search platform, which will generate another amount of advertising revenue.

Google wants to make money through free Android, and the method is nothing more than to introduce Android traffic into its own profitable products, such as Google Search, Google Store, Google Mail, Google Maps, and YouTube.

The transition from PC Internet to mobile Internet is difficult.

Search engines around the world have encountered crises in their transformation, whether it is Baidu in China, Yahoo in Japan, or Naver in South Korea.

But Google's transformation has been very successful, relying on Android.

Zhou Shaoning didn't understand, so he was very nervous, "Open source products cannot be bundled. Google intends to split the Android system into two parts. Android itself continues to be an open source system, and the other part is... well, a bit like a patch for the Android system, and is bundled with its own of some products.”

"In normal operation, we are a commercial company and have invested tens of billions of dollars in Android, so we have to make money."

"But it will cause harm to us!"


"The news in the country has been spreading. Google may be blocked and give up its mainland business." Zhou Shaoning looked worried.

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, as if he had clarified the development of the domestic mobile Internet in an instant, "Blocking Google will have any impact on the Android system?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Yes! Google is going to split Android into two parts. The Android part of the main body is an open source system. Even if Google is banned in China, domestic mobile phones can still use Android. But the split Android patch may It will no longer be usable. It will seriously affect the performance and stability of the Android system."

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized.

Based on his knowledge of Silicon Valley giants in this life, Google's technical level is number one in the world, much better than Apple!

But contradictions arise.

Google’s technology is so good, why is the Android system developed by Google not as good as Apple’s iOS system?

Stuttering, crashing, instability, and instability.

Is it all to blame on open source and closedness?

Turns out that's the reason.

There is no matching original patch created by Google for Android in China!

This "patch" that was separated from Android by Google was integrated into the Google GMS service, bundling Google services such as the Google Store and Google Mail.

In order to ensure that the Android system is smooth and stable, mobile phone manufacturers must apply patches, that is, they must provide Google GMS services. Providing GMS services is equivalent to attracting traffic to Google's products.

However, Google has been blocked in China, resulting in the inability to use Google GMS in the country, resulting in the domestic Android system being only a emasculated version of Android.

In order to solve this problem, domestic mobile phone manufacturers must develop their own patches to make up for the shortcomings of the Android system. However, the technology is not up to par, which has led to many problems and criticisms of domestic Android phones.

For example, for the same model of mobile phone, the foreign version has 4g memory, while the domestic version has 8g memory.

Consumers who don't know the inside story will think that mobile phone manufacturers are very conscientious and have extra preferential treatment for domestic consumers. In fact, Google GMS cannot be used in China, which leads to the inability to solve the defects of the Android system. Mobile phone manufacturers can only "do not have enough technology and make up the hardware." Overseas, 4G memory is used very smoothly, but in China, 8G memory is required to barely achieve the same effect.

This is just the hardware field. If you make up for higher configurations, you will make less money at most.

Technical shortcomings in the software field are even more serious.

Foreign Android systems are protected by GMS. Eavesdropping, monitoring, and stealing user privacy will be severely punished. Any app that dares to violate the rules will be directly removed from the Google Store.

There is no Google Store in China. All mobile phone manufacturers build their own mobile phone stores. In order to prevent bad money from driving out good money and ensure the market share of their own stores, they must condone the existence of various apps that harm the interests of users.

This is really a very serious problem!

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