Top of the big era

Chapter 1531 The game needs to be partitioned

The cooperation between Ziweiyun and Taobao is a joint military exercise.

The results have come out, very successful!

Especially in terms of high concurrency processing, it is the best in the world, even better than Amazon. The concurrent volume of Amazon’s promotional activities is far less than that of Taobao, but the failure rate is much higher than that of Taobao.

This is a major advantage of Ziweiyun!

This kind of technical route selection is not based on Zhou Buqi's guidance, but is based on the trends pursued by the domestic environment.

The United States has a total population of just over 300 million, and the number of domestic Internet users has reached 400 million.

In a few years, the number of Internet users in all developed countries in the world combined will be smaller than that in China. Moreover, developed countries are distributed around the world, and there are time differences, geographical and cultural differences. It is impossible for Internet users in developed countries to conduct the same online behavior on a large scale at the same time period.

But it is different in China. For example, buying tickets during the Spring Festival, the Double Eleven Shopping Festival, or scanning QR codes, there are often large groups of people doing one thing on the Internet at the same time.

If coordination technology is insufficient, it can easily lead to network paralysis.

Just like the traffic in the capital, if there are just a little more cars on the road, it will easily cause traffic congestion and traffic jams throughout the city, and various policies to limit traffic numbers and traffic will also be introduced.

It's difficult to solve, but it's not impossible.

It depends on whether you really work hard to tackle the problem and work hard to find a solution.

As early as a few years ago, Ziweixing used a self-made distributed database and relied on a small number of servers to cope with the high concurrency tasks of on-campus group buying.

Cloud data centers are now popping up in China, and Ziwei Cloud’s total server scale has reached 100,000. It is not too difficult to handle the “Double Eleven” shopping festival, which is not very popular on Taobao.

Miao Renfeng admires such technical strength and hopes to apply this technical ability to handle high concurrency to Alipay. In fact, he just wants to obtain corresponding technical support.

"This matter still has to be decided by the technical committee. You know, I am a technical layman, and it is not easy to handle such professional matters. After all, Ziweixing's ability to handle high-concurrency tasks is ranked first in the world, and the R\u0026D team does not easy."

Zhou Buqi is a bit embarrassed.

If it's a general technical project, that's it. Alibaba is still a shareholder of Ziweixing, so the authorization is authorized. But this is one of the few technologies that Ziweixing currently has that can loudly shout "No. 1 in the world" and it is the embodiment of Ziweiyun's competitiveness.

Miao Renfeng had already guessed it and said with a smile: "I think Zi Weiyun can cooperate with game manufacturers."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How to say?"

Miao Renfeng said: "I used to play online games all the time, but online games are divided into zones. There are not only China Unicom and Telecom zones, but also one, two, three, four and five. There are a lot of different zones. .A very important reason is that if there are too many players in a zone, the server will have to handle too many concurrent tasks, and the computing power and load will not be enough. Ziweiyun can solve this problem!"

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up and he felt he had a good chance.

That makes sense!

The high concurrency technology of game companies is not enough, so that they cannot bear too many concurrent tasks in one system, so they can only cut them apart and each system can take on a part.

This results in the isolation of players between different systems.

A game partition may only have a capacity of 5,000 people, which is good when it is full, and players will not feel the degradation in experience caused by too few players.

But as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer people on the old server, and the playability becomes worse and worse.

What if the entire game was not partitioned and all players were together?

The number of players will always be guaranteed, and no matter which map you switch to, there will be enough players there, greatly increasing the playability.

Technical aspects are not an obstacle at all for Zi Weiyun.

For example, Changyou's flagship game "Dragon Babu" claims to have 80 million registered users, but the maximum number of people online was only 800,000. In other words, the server only needs to carry the concurrent data calculation volume of 800,000 players in one system at the same time.

Zhou Buqi thought this idea was very good. After the banquet ended and he went home, he called Zhang Chaoyang to communicate.

If this matter is facilitated, it can be regarded as a big business.

It not only added customers to Ziweiyun, but also found a more competitive breakthrough point for Changyou's games.

Boss Zhou himself can be regarded as carrying out epoch-making reforms in the game industry.

When I returned home smelling of alcohol, I found Aunt Xue and Shi Jinglin watching a TV series in the living room. It was "Snail House" which was very popular this year but was banned in a few years.

Zhou Buqi took off his coat and sat next to Shi Jinglin. She pushed him in disgust, "You smell like alcohol, get up!" He moved his buttocks and sat next to Aunt Xue. She just turned pale. He glanced at me and said angrily: "Don't drink so much, it won't do any good."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "I didn't drink much, just a glass of white wine, less than two taels. There were a few ladies at the scene, and everyone mainly drank red wine."

Aunt Xue suggested: "Go take a bath first."


Because Shi Jinglin was by his side, Zhou Buqi couldn't act too exaggeratedly. He didn't dare to make a sound, but his mouth movements were very clear, and he even teased her with winks.

Aunt Xue glared at him fiercely, stretched out her hand and pinched his waist without any politeness, and then continued to watch TV like a normal person.

Zhou Buqi laughed, then took out his cell phone and called Lao Zhang, telling him about Zi Weiyun's ability to handle high concurrency and the suggestion that online games should no longer be partitioned.

Zhang Chaoyang is directly involved in the management of the game business, so he understands the industry better. He said speechlessly: "It can't be so simple!"

Zhou Buqi was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Online games need to be partitioned, and high concurrency processing capabilities are really not the main reason. With the number of players in online games, there is not much concurrency. The main reason is cost. The cost of increasing the number of servers is far lower. due to the cost of significantly expanding the server capacity.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Isn't it still a technical problem? The level of distribution is not enough. Whether the servers are connected in parallel or in series, the scale and computing power are the same. If the level is enough, increasing the number of servers is equivalent to expansion. "

Zhang Chaoyang said angrily: "It's easy to say, how many people in the world can do it?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Ziweiyun is fine. If you put Changyou's games on Ziweiyun, server limitations will no longer be an obstacle. Technical issues are not a problem!"

"It's not a technical reason."

"That is?"

"The business model is the fundamental reason."

Zhang Chaoyang actually didn't want to talk more about this topic, because he knew that this guy was a bit idealistic, and he was afraid that if he explained the details of the game industry clearly, he would encounter this guy's resentment.

Zhou Buqi crossed his legs and watched the free love between the male protagonist Secretary Song and Haizao on TV. He felt it was really sweet. He said casually: "Then let's talk about it."

Zhang Chaoyang explained: "The revenue generation of games like "Dragon Babu" mainly relies on stimulating players' desire to compare and letting them spend money to buy props. And the best way to stimulate the desire to compare is to play rankings. Just like you It’s like that novel website, which wants to create a bunch of rankings to stimulate readers’ consumption through the ranking of novels.”

Zhou Buqi reacted quickly and came to his senses right away.

Yes, hit the charts!

If there is only one server in the whole region, then the competition will be too fierce. If you don't spend millions, you won't have a chance to be on the list. This requirement is too high!

There are very few people who can spend millions on a game, and most of them rely on the support of the middle class who spend tens of thousands of dollars.

If there is only one district, and the people on the list are all super rich, then the middle class will lose the motivation to compete. Is this a waste of time?

Others spent 100,000, and I spent 50,000, so I can still compare. Others spent 1 million, and I spent 50,000. There is no comparison at all!

On the contrary, the desire to compare cannot be stimulated.

Players have less sense of accomplishment, less motivation to spend money, and the game's playability is gone.

If 30 or 50 partitions are opened, it will be easy to handle.

If there are super rich people in a certain division, it doesn't matter. Middle-class players can go to other divisions where there are no super rich people to dominate and achieve their own success and glory in the virtual world.

In other words, it is like unifying all partitions, which not only increases operating expenses and makes management more difficult, but also reduces game revenue.

Definitely thankless.

Zhang Chaoyang further said: "More divisions will allow players to have multiple stages of competition. If they can't beat this stage or don't want to play, then there are other stages to choose from. New areas are constantly emerging, and high-paying players have new competition." Ranking stage. Players who want to change to a new environment and start over can also enjoy some bonuses from the opening of new areas, and are even willing to increase some payment limits."

Zhou Buqi said: "This is really not the Internet at all."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "For game companies, zoning games is a controllable and mature operating model, both in terms of technology and profitability. Even if it causes trouble for players, so what? No one cares, the game industry This is not the Internet industry, this is the software industry.”

Zhou Buqi snorted: "That's not necessarily the case!"

Zhang Chaoyang said worriedly: "Don't think of any fancy tricks. Your method of subverting the anti-virus software industry will not work for game software. This is a creative industry."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Where are you thinking? What I focus on is the future."


"I have been studying virtual reality technology recently. This life, reality, is actually a game. Thirty years from now, when the software and hardware technologies of virtual reality have passed the test, the whole world may enter a unified virtual game. In the world. This is unprecedented high concurrency, and it will completely subvert your traditional game industry."

"What a mess..."

"Forget it, you don't understand technology, so it's useless to tell you! Goodbye!"

Zhou Buqi despised Lao Zhang for being a technical novice. He hung up the phone and couldn't help but want to curse.

This Miao Renfeng!

As expected, he is Lao Ma's proud disciple. He has really learned 70% to 80% of the skill in this trick.

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