Top of the big era

Chapter 1555 Struggle for Power

After such exchanges, the context gradually became clear.

The difference between Dr. Wang Jian and Kurian is that the foreigner did not understand the national conditions. After fully understanding the excellence and efforts of Ziweiyun's team, he proposed new technology research and development ideas based on his own understanding.

He asked the domestic Ziweiyun team to shift the focus of research and development from utility model patents to invention patents. This is of course right.

However, his preconceived thinking was wrong.

In Europe, the United States, South Korea, Japan, and even India, capabilities and innovation are basically linked. The stronger the ability, the more innovative one can be. But it is different in China. The domestic elites are very capable, but they have never received training in innovative thinking. Even since they were young, they have been stifled by teachers, parents and the whole society. They cannot ask questions and must be obedient.

The essence of innovation is actually asking questions. Invention patents are to first raise a problem and then provide a relatively rudimentary solution.

This solution may not be very clever, but the key is that the new question raised is the most important.

Just like crossing a river, the traditional idea is to take a boat and ferry across.

But one person raised a new question, why do we have to take a boat? Can we build a bridge? The problem was raised and a very simple solution was given - a wooden bridge.

Then it worked.

However, the domestic education system cultivates children's problem-solving ability from an early age, rather than the ability to ask questions. It is wrong for children to ask this and that, it is unacceptable to question authority, and it is unethical to challenge teachers and parents. Children's imagination is often cultivated in the process of constant questioning.

For example, in the classic "Lord of the Rings" series of novels, how do you imagine such a shocking fantasy world?

This is not only the conception of the author Tolkien, but also the question of his children.

Tolkien would tell his children stories about Middle-earth every night before going to bed, telling the legends of Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Eldron.

During this process, children are always full of curiosity about that world, and then they will ask all kinds of innocent, childish, amazing, and bizarre questions.

Then, in the process of Tolkien answering these questions, the framework of Middle-earth was basically formed.

Another example is when Zhou Buqi was about to acquire DreamWorks in Hollywood, he told Jeffrey Katzenberg about Spielberg.

No matter what time it is, even in the process of filming, this great director must set aside time for him to have dinner with his family every night.

At dinner, Spielberg would tell the beginning of a story, and then the children at the dinner table would continue the story using their imaginations and complete the story. There will be many temporary accidents and many new problems in this process. Let's work together to figure out how to solve these problems and tell the complete "dinner story".

From an early age, children's imaginations are trained and developed.

It's different in China. In China, it's a question-and-answer tactic. You just have to solve problems over and over again, and then you just need to get high scores in the exam. The ability to solve problems is very strong, but the ability to ask questions is almost non-existent.

The point of an invention patent is to ask questions.

The focus of utility model patents is to solve problems. Based on the problems raised by the invention patent, a new solution is provided that is better, more in line with the market, and more conducive to promoting commercialization. The original plan in the invention patent was a wooden bridge, and the new plan is a stone arch bridge, which is a further market-oriented upgrade.

Kurian didn't understand the special domestic environment. Seeing that Dr. Wang Jian's team was so capable, he subconsciously thought that their ability to invent and innovate was also very strong.

Of course Wang Jian disagrees.

But how to explain this?

You can't expose your family scandal to a foreigner, right?

He can only find various reasons, saying that his team is not suitable for research on invention patents now and should focus on the research on utility model patents.

Because the domestic cloud computing market is different from that abroad.

The foreign cloud computing industry is still in a state of endless debate, and the direction of development is still unclear. However, the domestic cloud computing market environment has basically taken shape under the leadership of Ziweiyun, and the development of commercialization and marketization is far ahead of foreign countries.

Now that we have started to engage in the market, the most beneficial thing for market development is of course utility model patents. What is directly linked to business is not the underlying technology, but the application layer technology.

Whoever does well in application layer technology can make a lot of money.

This argument sounds reasonable at first glance, and it seems to be true!

Ziweiyun has already launched market-oriented business expansion in China!

However, it is impossible to fool an industry leader like Kurian.

It is right that only by doing well in application layer technology can you make a lot of money. This is direct-to-consumer, and user experience is the most important. But this is a C-side business.

Although cloud computing will also be open to individual users and has the nature of C-side business, how much can individual users pay? If Ziweiyun wants to become bigger and stronger, it must start with enterprises and institutions to do a good job in B-side business!

Once it is a B-side business, the underlying technology is very important, and strong patent barriers can be used to combat competitors.

WeChat and Alipay will never be stuck because they are for individuals and are C-side businesses. WeChat and Alipay do not need to develop the underlying technology at all, it is enough to do the application layer well.

Databases and engineering software will be stuck because they are for enterprise-level users, B-side users. In this field, the underlying technology is crucial. If it is not solved well, it will be restricted by others.

For another example, it is easy to make mobile phones, but difficult to make chips. Because mobile phones are sold to individuals, the C-side; chips are sold to manufacturers, the B-side.

For another example, it is easy to make a car, but difficult to make an engine. Because the car is sold to individuals, it is a C-end business, and the basic configuration and appearance are good. The engine is sold to a manufacturer, and it is a B-end business, so it is stuck.

If Ziweiyun wants to stand on top of the world, it must have strong competitiveness in the B-side market. It needs to have strong underlying technology reserves and a large number of invention patents about cloud computing to protect itself and contain competitors. . If we only focus on utility model patents at the application layer, they will at most be flashy and targeted at C-end users such as college students and individual developers, and it will be difficult to make big money from them.

Oracle is the world's largest B-side technology company, and Kurian was once the senior vice president of Oracle, in charge of R\u0026D and product lines. He has more than 35,000 developers around the world under him, and his annual development funds are more than 100,000. amounted to US$4 billion.

Although Kurian’s technical understanding of the cloud computing industry is not as good as Dr. Wang Jian’s, his business understanding of the B-side industry is definitely the strongest within Ziwei.

Therefore, even if Kurian took the initiative to show his kindness and came to the country to visit Dr. Wang Jian, who single-handedly brought Zi Weiyun out, and showed a lot of respect, he would not back down even half a step on this issue.

Invention patents are the foundation of Ziweiyun’s future and must not be lost!

But Wang Jian can't retreat, he can't retreat.

What is he supposed to do when there is something he simply can't do?

Shen Xiangyang had a headache about this, "Kurian seems to be incomprehensible. From what he looks like, I'm afraid...I'm afraid that if we don't accept his conditions and focus Ziweiyun's research and development on invention patents, he may give up. "

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's possible, he only joined for 3 months, and he might have stopped his losses in time."

Shen Xiangyang sighed, "The problem now is that neither side is willing to retreat. Kurian doesn't retreat because it is related to Zi Weiyun's future development potential. Wang Jian doesn't retreat because he has no way to retreat. "

Fortunately, Zhou Buqi now has sufficient management experience and immediately found a breakthrough in this contradiction. "The fundamental reason is the dignity of scientists."


Shen Xiangyang still doesn't understand.

"Let's go and meet them." Zhou Buqi stood up, walked out of the staff cafeteria, and walked towards the Cloud Computing Building. He said as he walked, "Zi Weiyun is the pride of Dr. Wang Jian. He can accept his own shortcomings. But he will never admit that his team is too weak in front of outsiders. These are soldiers who have fought bloody battles with him."

In the final analysis, Dr. Wang Jian’s scientist attributes are too strong.

Real managers are ruthless and decisive.

If you should give it up, give it up. There is no mercy at all.

Shen Xiangyang understood what he meant and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid this won't work. Wang Jian's team can't make achievements in invention patents. This is not his and his team's problem. Even if he lays off the team, Even though we have recruited a group of new people, it is still impossible to make a bigger breakthrough in invention patents according to Kurian’s requirements.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Of course we can't lay off employees. The best people in the country are all here with us. Who will be hired if they are laid off?"

Shen Xiangyang looked serious, "Yes."

Zhou Buqi said: "Dr. Wang Jian actually can't swallow this breath. Ziweiyun was developed by him and his team. But because he has to deny himself in terms of invention patents and utility model patents, it is indeed a bit difficult."

Shen Xiangyang reiterated: "It's really impossible."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "This is not a question of whether it can be done. This is a question of who is the host and who is the guest. Zi Weiyun's core strategy, who will it listen to in the future? Is it the domestic team or the foreign team? Is it the question of who will listen to it in the future? Wang Jian’s advice, or Kurian’s advice? In the final analysis, whoever can lead the team to develop invention patents that are related to Ziweiyun’s core competitiveness in the future will have the right to speak!”


Shen Xiangyang's complexion changed slightly, and he suddenly realized.

The difference between Dr. Wang Jian and Dr. Kurian is not a dispute over technical lines at all, but a battle for power!

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